Chapter 1 Traveling Through Three Days
"Miss Xiaoqing, we are back."

A childish voice brought Meng Qing back from his contemplation.

Looking towards the location of the sound, a group of ragged children kept trotting over from outside the door.

The leader was a little girl who looked seven or eight years old.

As soon as he saw her, his eyes lit up, and he jumped on her suddenly, and began to act like a baby.

"Miss Xiaoqing, we need a few extra pennies today." As he spoke, he did not forget to lift the small cloth bag that had been carefully placed from his arms to Meng Qing's eyes.

Two big characters were written on the small face, "Praise me".

Naturally, Meng Qing would not be stingy with her praise, "Our Dahua is awesome. There are new gains every time."

She blushed a little after boasting about this little girl named Dahua, and said coyly, "Not really, it's because everyone is amazing, and we wanted to get it together."

Meng Qing touched the heads of several people one by one, and said with a smile: "Everyone is great, so hurry up and wash up now, and prepare to eat."

"Okay, let's eat and eat."

"I'm starving."

When Meng Qing said that dinner was coming, the children were very excited, but they all obediently went to wash their hands, and the only water tank was full of people for a while.

Of course, Dahua still has a sense of being a leader, but there was no fight.

Meng Qing was in a daze.

This is the third day since she came to this world, and also the third day after she was rescued from the street by Dahua and the others.

According to Dahua and the others, she was unconscious on the street at that time, her forehead was burning hot, and she survived because of ginger water fed for a long time by a kind doctor.

Almost thought she wouldn't make it through.

At this time, getting sick is a terrible thing, and a small wind and cold will kill people.

Meng Qing didn't expect that she just stayed up late and worked overtime normally, and turned into a little girl who looked less than ten years old.

And from the only memory, Meng Qing analyzed that this was a dynasty called Dagan, who was originally from the north, and there was a drought there, and the relief food from the court has never come down.

Under the leadership of their parents, the whole family embarked on a journey of escape.

It's a pity that the little girl was unlucky. On the way, her parents passed away one after another, and she survived alone. With the obsession to find a place to settle down, she came to this place called Xiaotao Town.

It's a pity that after arriving, the body reached its limit and passed out directly on the street.

If it wasn't for Dahua and the other little beggars wandering around the town who rescued her and brought her back, I'm afraid she would die quietly on the street in the end, and then be randomly thrown to a mass burial outside the city... The fate of being buried.

Although the original little girl still didn't make it through, she was replaced by Meng Qing, a social animal from modern society.

But when it comes, be safe.

Three days was enough to change Meng Qing's mentality from being completely unacceptable to being at ease now.

After all, you have come, and you can die and go back.

She is very rare life, why can't she think about dying if she can live.

As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die.

Thinking of this, Meng Qing touched her chest, where there were some very important things for the little girl.

Of course there is no money, the main thing is the little girl's household registration and directions.

This is something that can prove that she is a good citizen. Even if she has no common sense, Meng Qing knows that in the ancient times with inconvenient transportation, the importance of household registration is equivalent to a modern ID card.

It's just that Meng Qing had been sick and dizzy before, so naturally she couldn't go to the Yamen to change her household registration.

And there are these children in Dahua.

From her conversation with Dahua after she woke up.

Meng Qing knew that Dahua and his group of beggars were the most vulnerable group of beggars in Xiaotao Town, and they were basically children.

Among them, Dahua is actually the biggest one, her actual age is ten years old, but she is small in stature, she looks only seven or eight years old.

Most of the others were about seven or eight years old, both boys and girls, and more girls. Including Meng Qing, there were twelve people in total.

Originally, boys should be able to bully girls, but Dahua is very powerful, and Meng Qing was lucky to have seen Dahua go berserk once.

It scared Meng Qing a little bit, the fight was very fierce.

It's completely different from the way she acted like a baby to her just now, full of contrast.

Thinking about it, it was Dahua's strength that allowed her to survive in Xiaotao Town with these children.

But after Meng Qing came, Meng Qing became the oldest one, 12 years old, and Meng Qing was already an adult, so her demeanor was inevitably calmer.

Although they only got along for a short time, Dahua and the others inevitably became a little dependent on Meng Qing.

Logically speaking, little beggars are very wary of outsiders, but when Meng Qing came into contact with them, she was a little sick, and the natural threat plummeted in their eyes.

In addition, the leader is Da Hua, Da Hua is a good boy with a kind heart.

That's why Meng Qing was able to live in harmony with them.

I have to say that Meng Qing was a bit lucky.

Speaking of luck.

Meng Qing concentrated her mind and focused her eyes on the young adult Dahua.

A piece of information appeared in the mind.

Big Flower: Leadership
Attitude: Friendly

Loyalty: 60
This is Meng Qing's golden finger, or her talent.

When she concentrates on a person, basic information will appear in her mind.

Although the content is quite abridged.

The leadership at the top should refer to Dahua's talent. As for why it is this talent, she doesn't know.

The attitudes are divided into friendly, neutral, and there should be hostility. This is guessed by Meng Qing, because she only found the first two among the people led by Dahua.

The hostile ones have not been discovered yet, and the loyalty seems to appear only when the attitude is friendly, and the neutral attitude will not show loyalty.

It was this discovery, or the emergence of talent, that gave Meng Qing a little confidence in her future life.

At least you don't have to worry about backstabs from people around you. This is still very important. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable and safety comes first.

And the discovery of the first talent is worthy of surprise.

This will allow her to know people better.

After Meng Qing's efforts, the talents of the 12 people have been checked.

Three of them are talented in carpentry, two in embroidery, two in business, two in reading, one in planting, and one in architecture.

What Meng Qing didn't expect was that the talents of this group of children were quite good, and they could be regarded as promising.

Meng Qing also deeply knows that good talents also need to be cultivated the day after tomorrow. These children are just beggars now, who would or would like to train them.

If it wasn't for Meng Qing who could see their talents, I'm afraid the final result would be nothing but oblivion.

 I hope you like the new book, no CP, strong female

(End of this chapter)

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