How to Feed Your Dragon

Chapter 225 Monster 3

Chapter 225 Monster Three (Part Two)

Hearing S09's voice, S03 even hid from S02's side, looking terrified.

However, the children present were not the kind of innocent children, they were also thinking about the possibility that S03 just mentioned.

Finally, S02 caught S09 out from behind her, with fierce eyes.

"Sleep schedules are hardwired in your genes."

"On average fifteen hours, you are about to fall asleep. From the beginning to now, you have slept four times in total, and the total time has passed sixty hours, right?"

S09 lowered his head and did not speak.

S06, who has always been venomous, said sarcastically: "Tsk, this is the time, and you still have to act like this. Do you really think that you are young and everyone will let you?"

S02 glanced at S06 with a disapproving look, then continued to look at S09: "Answer my question S09, have you betrayed us!"

S09 was taken aback by S02's sudden raised voice. He was trembling, but he still didn't speak, but his deer eyes were filled with tears again, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Looking at the "forced questioning" look in front of him, Jiang Tang felt a little surprised.

Was their life like this before?

Why don't you remember these things?
Especially S06 and S08, because these two are girls, the relationship with them is even worse.

Logically speaking, it should be gentler to treat such a fragile existence as S09. Why is S06 so hostile to S09?

S08 tugged on S06's sleeve, shook his head cautiously, and signaled her not to add fuel to the flames.

Then they looked at Jiang Tang together, as if thinking of something, they closed their mouths and eyes.

It looks like I won't be upset if I can't see it.

It's a bit self-deceiving and cute.

Jiang Tang suddenly hooked the corners of his lips unconsciously, but the arc was very small, and these children happened to miss it.

S09 finally couldn't bear to tell the truth under this huge pressure.

While wiping his tears, he said extremely aggrieved: "I was just injured, so I slept a lot, it wasn't on purpose."

The implication is to blame these companions for taking him as a time record.

After hearing S03's words, S09 turned his head to one side, snorted coldly, and didn't speak again.

S06 clenched his fist even more, looking like he wanted to punch someone.

Only S02 just frowned without making unnecessary movements.

Jiang Tang knows that S02 is kind, but he is not a stupid person.

No one present was a fool, so they all understood what S09 meant.

S08 replied angrily: "But you didn't say that you are not in good health and need to rest."

"You didn't immediately object when we proposed to use your rest time as a time record."

"S09 Is it too much for you to say something like this now?"

S09 pursed his lips, and his innocent face showed an extremely aggrieved look.

The corners of his eyes are red, making one unable to help but want to dedicate all good things to him.

But none of the humans present had this idea.

S06 couldn't help echoing S08's words: "That's right, it's really irresponsible for you to say this now!"

S03 pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, also with a look of reproach.

As for the fact that S07 and S04 did not join it, they are just farther away from the position of S09, which seems ashamed to be close to him.

The originally quiet cave suddenly became noisy.

Jiang Tang also knew that these children would never express their thoughts like this.

It is only because they are all trapped here now, and they are a little bit at a loss in their hearts, that the dark side of their hearts is magnified.

In normal times, most of them just watched with cold eyes, and then figured out a way to get out of here.

Suddenly, S09, who had been silent since S02 shirked responsibility, spoke up, interrupting their chatter.

"Okay, is it time to blame each other?"

"We have so much time to prove that the time law of S09 is wrong, but instead of looking at the corpses of those monsters, we have our own problems."

"Since everything has come to this point, don't make the same mistakes again and again."

Facing the disgusted eyes of other children, S09 silently lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

It's just that when he looked at Jiang Tang in the dark, the maliciousness in his eyes was extremely strong, as if he wanted to kill Jiang Tang.

Jiang Tang sensed S09's gaze, turned his head to look at S09, and met his gaze that he didn't look back.

That thick malice was really hard for Jiang Tang to ignore.

But when did he offend this petty human being?

Jiang Tang couldn't recall it, but he didn't take it to heart either.

This kind of mind can't make a big deal.

The sky is getting darker, and a new batch of monsters is swarming.

Jiang Tang noticed that the looks of these monsters were somewhat familiar, with the shadow of a low-level Zerg.

It's just a pity that they still haven't grown wings this time.

There are two small drums behind him, and there is an evolutionary trend of wings.

Jiang Tang watched them fall down the hillside again, and the little bumps on his body began to wear away.

Then the skin began to break, and green blood flowed out.

Little by little it got closer to the Zerg look.

Even so, the wings in the bulge still haven't grown.

It's just that those bulges are vibrating constantly, as if they are about to break free.

Suddenly, a two-meter-long bug that looked like a magnified wasp crawled up.

It scanned the humans present with its compound eyes, then locked on to Jiang Tang, and rushed forward.

Just as Jiang Tang was about to be thrown down, at this critical moment, S02 rushed out from the side and was bitten by the mutated bee.

Soon the bee wailed in pain, and finally turned into a plume of dark green smoke and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The humans present looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what this meant.

Only S02 frowned, covering his wound, hanging his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jiang Tang stepped forward and pushed S02's hand away, only to find that the place that should have been a wound was as clean as new without any trace.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you might almost think it was a bizarre dream.

Just after S02 was bitten, the hillside suddenly began to tremble violently.

Where they were impenetrable, they suddenly became dangerous.

All the children started to wobble, subconsciously grabbing the closest thing to them.

But all to no avail.

Suddenly the sky, which had been dark all the time, rained heavily.

When the raindrops fell on them, a feeling of dizziness came to the brain.

They tried their best to resist this force.

But all to no avail.

They eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Only Jiang Tang, just before falling asleep, heard the voices of the researchers.

Their voices are incomparably cold, like the most sophisticated machines, without any extra emotion.

"Found the 'matrix', you can stop."

(End of this chapter)

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