How to Feed Your Dragon

Chapter 198 Zerg Minion

Jiang Tang looked at Wu Nan's frightened look, and continued to say without pretending: "This time Hope Star has harvested a lot of beans, and I'm going to launch a series of bean products."

"No matter how you look at it, such a smelly and smelly food is very suitable."

Wu Nan's entire bionic person was numb.

He suspected that there was something wrong with the bionic holster he was using, otherwise how could he hear such cruel words.

Before Jiang Tang could finish her sentence, she continued, "Besides, the five senses of beastmen are stronger than ours, so it's perfect for you to be the manager of this fragrant and smelly shop."

Wu Nan pointed to herself, wanting to cry but not crying: "I don't need to care about it?"

"Tangtang, how could you do this!"

"You are biased!"

Jiang Tang touched his nose, his eyes were erratic.

Ah, at times like this, people I knew before were used to trick me.

Wu Nan saw that the matter had developed to the present, and knew that there could be no other solution.

He could only bite the bullet and agree.

No way, and now he has no better way.

After all, now he wants a diploma but doesn't have a diploma, he wants a clean background, and he doesn't have a clean background. Even if he is a mascot, the imperial officials are worried that he has some bad ideas.

He can only work here with Jiang Tang.

Jiang Tang also knew that this shop was a bit too much, so he waved to Wu Nan, let him approach him, and whispered to him in a low voice: "I'll give you a good share, and the basic salary will increase the share."

This time, Wu Nan didn't hesitate at all, and made up her mind all at once: "It's a deal!"

Jiang Tang looked at Wu Nan whose face changed instantly, and immediately understood the truth of what everyone said.

There is no difficult job in the world. If it is difficult, it must be that there are not enough jobs.

After discussing the salary issue with Wu Nan, Jiang Tang ran to the military base non-stop to see the natural plants that he had visited this time.

The number of natural plants this time is the most over the years.

Not only can it meet the needs of the military, but there are even many that can flow into the market.

But it's a pity that even with so many natural plants, they still can't meet the needs of the imperial orcs.

Looking at the happy and sad imperial officers, Wei Ye frowned, and said in a harsh tone, "Why are you so pessimistic? Aren't we slowly getting better now?"

After finishing speaking, he clicked on the smart brain and popped the information on the smart brain to the center of the conference room.

A small planet appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

If Jiang Tang were here, he would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this planet is Yunna's hometown, Dolphin Star.

The other orc officers also sat up straight and became serious.

Wei Ye pointed at the planet, and slightly opened his thin lips: "The owner of this planet is willing to cooperate with us in planting natural plants."

"I have been to their planet, analyzed the soil information of their planet, and confirmed that they can be planted."

It was good news, but they didn't smile right away.

It's very simple, because such a small planet, even if it is planted, can't grow too much, and it can meet the needs of two galaxies at most.

Gu Chen pondered for a moment, then asked, "Is there any difference between the soil of the Dolphin Star and the soil of our planets?"

Wei Ye glanced at Gu Chen appreciatively, and then replied: "Their planet may be because other plants have been planted before. According to them, they will turn some plants into nutrients every time, nourish the soil, and maintain the soil balance."

Gu Chen continued to suggest very politely: "So we can also use this method to improve the soil of other planets."

Other officers in the military department think this proposal is a bit whimsical: "Natural plants are very precious. If the nobles of those planets are asked to bury the natural plants, they may be obedient and ignorant."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene dropped to zero in an instant.

"Heh." Wei Ye, who was sitting at the top suddenly, sneered.

He looked coldly at the officer who said this, and his tone was not very good: "This is the first time I heard this assumption in a meeting."

This officer had just been promoted, because the empire also lost several high-ranking officers during the battle of Phoenix Star.

Obviously, this officer is an aristocrat, so he can say that the military department wants to make concessions for the aristocrats.

This was the thunder that stepped on Wei Ye.

Almost all the old officers looked at this officer sympathetically, then shook their heads.

Wei Ye's voice suddenly increased, and he slapped the table fiercely, and the extremely hard table cracked mottled lines instantly.

The orc officers raised their arms quickly and did not press down on the table. Only the officer who just came didn't react and continued to press down on the table.

With a "click", the table shattered.

The officer was stunned by what he saw.

No orc said that the marshal is actually so cruel!

Don't everyone say that the marshal is gentle and elegant? !

What about the liar!
The other orc officers seemed to have heard the roar in the orc officer's heart, and turned their heads silently, as if they had nothing to do with themselves and hung high.

It is true that the marshal has a gentle personality.

But he was a marshal first, and character second.

At this moment, Wei Ye didn't step forward to put forward such a hypothetical mental retardation, he had restrained his temper.

Wei Ye's voice sounded, and in this quiet conference room, it seemed particularly oppressive: "I will say it for the last time."

"The military department of the empire is an important occupation for all official positions, hereditary titles and other social status."

"All private planets, even if there are planet owners, must obey the orders of the military department."

"The military department resists all disasters with its own body, sets an example, does not harm the interests of citizens, and will have the highest social status."

"Don't bring bureaucratic vices here, or..."

Wei Ye's eyes suddenly turned into black vertical pupils, and the tail behind him slapped the ground violently, making the orcs present tremble uncontrollably.

This kind of fear from the blood, like a death scythe, was held high above every orc's head.

Wei Ye's voice also seemed to have killing intent, and every word was like a knife, engraving thick characters in their hearts.

"Otherwise, I'll break your tails and tell you to go to Junk Star to dig energy stones."

For the rest of the time, no one knew how the meeting was spent.

All the orc officers stood, as if they were being punished.

At first glance, it's kind of funny.

After the meeting ended, everyone filed out, only Gu Chen, Xiong Qi, Feng Sheng and Feng Yi were left here.

Their faces were ugly. Compared with the strangeness in the meeting just now, their faces are now as black as ink.

Wei Ye sat on the main seat, and the dragon horns on his head popped out uncontrollably.

He stared at the newly promoted officer who had just spoken, his tone a little dangerous.

"These Zerg have reached out to the military."

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