I got rich in the 90s picking up trash

Chapter 71 Signed the Contract

Chapter 71 Signed the Contract

One hundred thousand
For only one hundred thousand, Sun Bin sold her parents.

Although this figure was a lot in [-], it was a huge sum of money, but it was too cheap for a person's conscience.

As soon as Ding Shuyuan thought of Sun Bin's almost inaudible answer, he wanted to explode in anger.

But for Sun Bin, this is definitely a huge temptation. With the [-] yuan, their family can buy a house in the city and live in a big city.

He also hesitated, but in the end it was the family's vision of a happy life that overcame his conscience.

However, their happiness is based on the suffering of others. Ding Shuyuan cannot forgive her family members for being wronged.

If she hadn't had supernatural powers and forced Sun Bin to confess, they might not have known anything in the end.

It was already late when they went home, and they planned to start looking for someone tomorrow.

"Why doesn't your dad turn on the light? It's dark." Li Jinxia found the door was still locked when she reached the door. She suddenly felt bad: "It's so late, why hasn't your dad come back? Where did he go?"

Ding Shuyuan also felt bad. At this time, those units should have been closed long ago. Where can her father go?

But she didn't dare to speak out her worries, and she even found a reason for her father's late return: "Maybe Dad is asking for relationships."

Ding Zhenyang frowned: "Who can Dad find, someone we know..." He probably doesn't have this ability.

Ding Shuyuan stabbed Ding Zhenyang, Ding Zhenyang understood in seconds, and shut up.

At this time, a black figure hurried over with a familiar voice.

"Shu Yuan."

"Brother Cai?" Ding Shuyuan was surprised: "Why are you here? What's the matter?"

He was still wearing a police uniform, did he just get off work?

Ding Shuyuan guessed wildly, Cai Juncheng said in a deep voice: "Shuyuan, uncle is locked up."

"What?" The family of three was shocked, and surrounded Cai Juncheng: "Why are you locked up, why do they arrest people?"

Ding Shuyuan forcibly calmed down: "My father's charges have not been determined yet, who asked them to arrest him."

The cold wind was biting, but it couldn't compare to the coolness in her heart.

The action of the person behind is too fast, which also shows his determination to destroy her family. Who exactly has a deep hatred with the family.

Parents are the most honest people. They work diligently in running the waste factory and have never offended anyone. So is she the one behind it?

Who is it?
Several names flashed through Ding Shuyuan's mind, but he couldn't be sure.

It might be Su Qing, or Gu Yan who wanted her to leave Yuan Xizhou, or it might be Du Xin's family.

Du Xin couldn't blame her for going in, but she did play a role in it.

With the energy of the Du family, if you want to know, it may be a little troublesome, but you may also find the news.

Du Xin is to blame for it, but in the eyes of some people who are not right, they may not think so, and there is a certain chance that she will be asked to pay for it.

The last possibility is that her abilities were discovered.

The government can know her existence, and the ghosts and ghosts in the dark may also find her, and the possibility of using some means to get her to join is not small.

But who did it, she still has no idea.

Seeing Ding Shuyuan's cold face, Cai Juncheng felt that it was scary, as if he was almost out of breath like the most coercive person he had ever seen.

"I've inquired about it. It's an order from the Bureau of Forestry. The case will be closed and it will enter the city very quickly. It may not be long before the verdict is likely. If the charges are not cleared as soon as possible, Uncle Ding will not be able to get out."

When Cai Juncheng saw Ding Jintian being brought in, he suddenly remembered who he was, and went to find out what was going on, and the news shocked his whole family.

how is this possible.

It is impossible for Uncle Ding to resell the funeral objects, and it is said that the antiques sold by Uncle Ding are not consistent with the evidence provided, there must be something hidden in it.

As soon as he understood the cause and effect of the matter, he came to Ding Shuyuan non-stop, wondering if he could help.

With such a big incident, the Ding family must be panicked to death.

Li Jinxia was confused, and grabbed Cai Juncheng's hand: "Juncheng, your uncle didn't resell the funeral objects, he was wronged, how could they lock him up."

"I know, I know, don't worry, auntie, we will definitely pay uncle justice." Cai Juncheng grabbed Ding Zhenyang who was about to rush out: "Why are you going?"

This expression looked like he was looking for trouble, but it was useless for him to go as a high school student, maybe he would be arrested for assaulting the police.

"I'm going to get my dad out, why should they shut him down?" Ding Zhenyang's eyes were red.

After living for more than ten years, he has never experienced such a big event. The shock he received made him think of nothing else, only remembering to take his father home.

His father is right, no one can lock him up.

"Okay, it's useless for you to go, just wait for me." Ding Shuyuan kicked his younger brother's leg, and the rampant man subconsciously stopped.

"Sister, what should we do, we can't let them lock up Dad."

"Of course I know." Ding Shuyuan handed the portrait to Cai Juncheng: "This is the person who bought Sun Bin, Brother Cai, please help me find it."

"The person who bought Sun Bin?" Caiyun City did not expect Ding Shuyuan to find such an important clue by moving so fast.

Ding Shuyuan: "Yes, it's best to look for witnesses who saw this person in contact with Sun Bin that day."

"Okay, but do you have any suspects?"

"Not sure." Ding Shuyuan shook his head, and after thinking about it, he still told Su Qing, Gu Yan, Father Du and Cai Juncheng: "If you don't have any clues, you can start with these three people."


Cai Juncheng was about to leave, Ding Shuyuan called him: "Can we go and see my dad?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Cai Juncheng said: "Except for seeing Uncle Ding at the door, I won't be able to go in to see Uncle Ding later."

His words made Ding Shuyuan's family of three feel heavy.

They went to the Public Security Bureau early the next morning. Although Cai Juncheng said that he would not see Ding Jintian, they still had a little hope.

But the result was not satisfactory, and they were also told to return the stolen money, a total of 200 million.

"Fart, those broken antiques only sold for a total of 10,000+." Li Jinxia wanted to yell, but it became 200 million in a blink of an eye, because she wanted to kill them.

But the trouble was fruitless. They walked out of the police station and had to find another way.

Ding Shuyuan inquired about the supposed buyer, and went to him to see if he could find out anything.

It is said that this person did not know about it, and only after being pointed out by a friend did he know that what he bought was a funeral object or that it had just been unearthed, so he took the initiative to report the case.

In addition, Sun Bin couldn't see the boss committing a crime, so he also reported Ding Jintian, resulting in the current situation.

Sun Bin was bought by someone, and so was the buyer. She wanted to see if she could get something out of him, but unfortunately the other party refused to meet, and she couldn't find anyone.

At four or five o'clock in the day, the snowflakes were falling, and Ding Shuyuan stood on the road, feeling that he had nowhere to go and didn't know where to go.

Maybe she should go to the city to find Father Du, maybe she can find some clues from him.

Ding Shuyuan skipped the occupied taxi and waited for the empty one, but saw the taxi stopped in front of her.

Ding Shuyuan was overjoyed, and immediately went over to get into the car, only to see that the person coming out of it was Yuan Xizhou.

"Why are you here?" She was suddenly excited with a cold face.

Yuan Xizhou smiled, but before he could speak, Ding Shuyuan's cell phone rang.

is her client.

"You wait first." Ding Shuyuan answered the phone, and her face that had just shown her face became gloomy again: "Mr. Su, we signed the contract."

(End of this chapter)

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