Chapter 56 Detected

Thick leaves, jasper-like color, enchanting green onions.

The faint fragrance of herbs permeates the air, even Ding Shuyuan, who doesn't understand herbs, knows that when the herbs grow, their medicinal effects must be excellent.

And all of this happened in less than half a day.

Ding Shuyuan was like a child who had never seen the world, touching this and that for a while, muttering to them.

"You must grow well and continue to maintain this momentum. Everything depends on you."

There is hope for my younger brother's leg, and the possibility of a cure continues to rise.

"It's time to eat." Li Jinxia didn't see her daughter, and raised her voice, "Yuan Yuan, come out and eat."

In order to treat their son's legs, they have had bone soup every now and then.

When Ding Shuyuan came out, he couldn't hide the happy expression on his face.

"What's the good thing about you? You look so happy." Li Jinxia wondered.

Because of the son's legs, although the daughter is not gloomy, she is not as happy as she is now, and she can't help being curious.

Ding Zhenyang was suspicious: "Did you go in and make a call just now?"

Call that kid Yuan Xizhou?

He didn't even have time to feel sad about his leg, so he got angry just thinking about it.

His sister didn't even let him into the room, just to call Yuan Xizhou.

Huh, I can't think about it, he's about to explode.

"What's the call?" Ding Shuyuan was puzzled, but she was happy and wanted to share it with everyone, but she couldn't guarantee anything now, so she had to hold back for the time being.

"I'll let you guys know when it's confirmed in two days."

"It's so mysterious, why can't you tell us?" Ding Jintian was not so curious, seeing his daughter's expression, he felt a little more relaxed.

Only Ding Zhenyang pulled his face beside him, and glanced sideways at Ding Shuyuan from time to time.

"Eat well, don't make trouble."

Ding Shuyuan picked up chopsticks and spare ribs for his younger brother, he hummed and stopped making noise.

While the Ding family was eating with Le Rongrong, there was a man near the coffee shop who seemed to be looking for something.

"Where did you go?" The man was the one who captured Ito Hideyoshi last time.

He was shopping nearby with his mother, and found a wave of supernatural powers, so he immediately started searching.

It's a pity that the power fluctuates only for a few seconds, and when he looks for it, he can't find the other party's trace.

I don't know if that person is an enemy or a friend.

The first team and the three teams are all on missions, and the second team is on vacation. Except for him and the other three in Beijing, the rest are in other provinces.

He asked his teammates just now, and they were not in the third ring, so that meant that the supernatural person just now was not any supernatural person he knew.

It's okay if it's a new supernatural user, he must find them as soon as possible and gather them into the team to prevent them from being bought by forces with malicious intentions.

If it is an enemy, then he has to find out and pull out this cancerous tumor.

But unfortunately, he didn't find anyone.

With a sullen face, the man reported the matter to the head team.

In Haishi, a man with glasses who was being laughed at by his friends received the news, his face remained unchanged, his pupils vibrated.

"Fuck you, it's great to have children, superficial." The man with glasses adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and said for a while: "It's almost done, I have to go back to Beijing today."

The friend was surprised: "Huh? Are you going back now? Are you afraid that your aunt will force you to go on a blind date?"

The man with glasses squinted at him: "Who's scared?"

That handsome and handsome friend snorted coldly: "You just have to be stubborn."

Ding Shuyuan didn't sleep well that night, always thinking about the situation of the herbal medicine, and had to get up and stare at it from time to time.

It was finally morning, but the herbs were still not ripe.

But she also understands that herbs, unlike strawberries and melons, take longer to grow.

"I'm not going." The younger brother's irritable voice came from outside.

"If I say no, I won't go. Why waste time when there is no result."

Ding Shuyuan opened the door and went out to have a look. It turned out that her parents wanted to take her younger brother to Zhu Qianqian's grandfather.

Zhu Qianqian said yesterday that in order to get a good treatment effect, she also needs to cooperate with acupuncture. In terms of acupuncture and moxibustion, her grandfather is better than her, so let them go to Grandpa Zhu today.

Grandpa Zhu is an old Chinese doctor, and he is superb in acupuncture and moxibustion.

"What's the fuss, brat? It's for your own good to let you go. You don't appreciate it. Get dressed and let me go out." Ding Shuyuan didn't like him at all.

They are all worried about him, he is not obedient.

Mutated herbal medicine is a hope, but there is no definite answer yet, and no one can guarantee that it will be realized, so before then, what should be done is still to be done.

Ding Shuyuan acted while talking, and dressed him rudely.

Ding Zhenyang bared his teeth, but he didn't dare to stretch out his claws.

Li Jinxia sighed: "Just listen to his sister, it's useless for us to talk."

Ding Jintian gritted his teeth: "Wait for him to recover."

The old father planned to settle accounts after autumn.

Because he was afraid that they would not find a place, Ding Shuyuan took them out.

Grandpa Zhu's medical clinic is located in an alley, and the room is full of medicinal fragrance, which makes people's spirits shake.

His acupuncture technique is even more amazing. The soft long needle brush is inserted into the acupuncture point, a bit like a dart. What's more, the needle can vibrate.

Grandpa Zhu struggled a bit after doing the acupuncture one by one, as if he had spent a lot of energy, which shows that acupuncture is not easy.

"If you came to me when the accident happened, there might be hope, but now there is not much hope."

Grandpa Zhu also said that it was impossible to cure, Ding Zhenyang became gloomy again, Ding Jintian and Li Jinxia were disappointed again.

Ding Shuyuan eagerly wanted to test the herbs in the room, and when the acupuncture was over, she couldn't wait to go back.

After nearly [-] hours of growth, several herbs have matured and are as perfect as fakes.

If it weren't for the scent of medicine in the air, Ding Shuyuan might have suspected that he had made a beautiful decoration.

Ding Shuyuan carefully dug out the herbs and put them into the boxes prepared in advance.

"Where are you going at this time?" Ding Jintian, who was instructing his son, raised his head and asked his daughter who was about to leave in a hurry.

"I have something to do, I'll be back soon." Ding Shuyuan waved at them without looking back.

"I'm in a hurry, I don't know, I thought I was going to see my boyfriend." Li Jinxia shook her head.

Ding Zhenyang, who had been pretending not to hear, sat up straight. He didn't really want to see Yuan Xizhou, did he?
You just went on a business trip yesterday, and you're back so soon?

Ding Jintian laughed: "Yuan Yuan is still so young, where is the boyfriend, stop talking nonsense."

Ding Zhenyang sneered: "Dad, you are so simple."

"?" Ding Jintian's eyebrows could pinch mosquitoes to death: "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting." Ding Zhenyang kept his mouth shut and promised his sister, how could he say it.

"..." Ding Jintian, who was still caring for his son before, was a little itchy, what should he do if he wanted to beat his son.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Jinxia hurriedly said: "I seem to smell something that Yuan Yuan is carrying has a fragrance, and it smells good, do you know what it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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