Chapter 40 Variation
No one can answer Ding Shuyuan's doubts, she can only explore slowly.

21 days before the third trip through the black hole, Ding Shuyuan once again asked his grandparents to help him keep an eye on the farm, and ran to the island by himself.

The experts have already left, and now there is only myself here, and no one will come here.

Stepping into the gradually familiar black hole, she will no longer be too nervous and afraid, but just ready for emergencies.

This time the foothold is in the hills.

She didn't choose the last world on purpose, she just wanted to be in the hills.

And when Ding Shuyuan stood on the high place of the hill, looking at the gentle plain in the distance.

There is a towering tree in the middle of the plain, so familiar, so this is the world I traveled to last time?

The energy fluctuations are similar, but there are many similar worlds. Is it one? The only thing I can do is to see if I can find the machete she threw here last time.

Although she has a bad sense of direction, fortunately she remembers that the place she left last time is near the only tree.

She just needs to go in the direction of the big tree.

Ding Shuyuan moved forward cautiously with another machete, in case another earth dragon suddenly appeared.

But this time it was probably luck, and there were no terrifying earth dragons, so she was safe for the time being.

She wanted to come here with a more lethal cold weapon, but it took time to customize it, and she had to wait a while before she could get it.

When he was about to reach the big tree, Ding Shuyuan saw the rusty and severely corroded machete.

Although the machete was no longer presentable, it could still be seen that it came from the same place as the one in her hand.

"Huh, so I came to one place." Ding Shuyuan pursed her lips and looked around: "What's so different about this world that you sent me here specially?"

If there is any difference here, that is, the creatures are different, and the energy fluctuations are somewhat similar, which is stronger than the world she is in now. Could it be that she was asked to come here to practice?
Once every 20 days, there is no way to practice well. This is lazier than fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Except for seafood, the species here can't grow in Blue Star, so it seems useless.

Space is also a useless space, and the danger is really dangerous, but running for your life is okay.

It can only be used once after the cooldown period.

Thinking about it always feels too tasteless.

Since the 'tomato' seedlings and 'Xiao Guoguang' seeds raised in the farm didn't produce fruit, she felt that she didn't need to waste effort on other plants.

Otherwise, even if she took it back with great effort, it would be in vain if she couldn't support her in the end.

But she couldn't do nothing for these four hours, so she might as well look for other things to see if there was any use, otherwise she would have come here in vain.

If there is really nothing to gain, she will not come if she can't come in the future, after all, danger still exists.

Probably because she is engaged in agriculture, so her focus is more on the ground. If plants are not good, it depends on the soil.

These weeds are growing amazingly. The soil should be a good thing. Bringing it back may also make the crops on the farm grow better.

The stone is still a stone, I can't see any difference, but when I knock it hard, the inside is also ordinary.

But with the mentality of giving it a try, Ding Shuyuan finally took a piece with him.

What if it is a rare ore?

Walking around, she unknowingly came to a valley and dense forest. The soil here is dark and soft, and it looks more fertile than black soil.

Ability gushes out from the palm, analyzing the composition of the soil.

Ding Shuyuan was shocked by the feedback.

This is an extremely perfect piece of land for rapid growth of any crop.

It also contains some ingredients that she doesn't know, but one can tell from the growth of the plants on it.

The plants here are stronger than the surrounding plants. A single weed can grow up to three or four meters. The towering trees are really towering trees, and the whole area is full of them.

The vibrant woods exude an aura, and staying here is more comfortable than staying in other places.

Naturally, Ding Shuyuan would not let go of such soil.

For the rest of the time, she was digging for five hours, which was four hours beyond the cooling time for the return journey.

If it weren't for the fear of not going back, grandparents might be worried, and Ding Shuyuan probably wanted to dig them all back.

Thinking of a black hole in my mind, a black hole appeared in front of me.

Ding Shuyuan used his abilities to control the hill-like soil, and brought them into the black hole together.

She appeared on the island, found an empty cave to put the soil in, and took only a small part home.

She wanted to get to the farm in one step, but unfortunately, her grandparents were on the farm, and if she was not careful, she would have to overturn the car.

The place at home is too small, only the island is the most suitable.

When they got home, the old man and the old lady really talked about her, saying that she would never come back for dinner, and no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to starve her body to death.

"I brought food, I'm really not hungry." Ding Shuyuan explained.

But there is a kind of hunger that the parents feel that you are hungry, so it is useless for her to explain it, so she has to obediently eat some more.

After eating, she took the soil to plant 'tomatoes' and 'Xiao Guoguang'.

She got out all the original soil and replaced it with new soil.

In addition to these two alien products, she also prepared other seeds, including strawberries, watermelons, melons and so on.

She also wants to eat big strawberries, watermelon, melon and so on.

Cherries and apples are also very good, but unfortunately they are all trees, which are too big for her to grow in the house, and there will be no fruit in a short time.

Don't think about it in the orchard, who knows what mutations will appear at that time, and it will be troublesome if someone finds out.

Holding the sweet dream of being able to eat strawberries the size of a basketball, Ding Shuyuan went to sleep after dealing with these.

Upon waking up, Ding Shuyuan was directly stunned. He yawned halfway and couldn't continue. The whole figure was like a sculpture.

After 1 minute, her motionless body came back to life. She rubbed her eyes and secretly pinched herself: "Is this the devil? Otherwise, how could I see such a picture."

Last night, a small clump of strawberry seedlings grew to the extent that a person could not hug it. The height even reached the thigh.

A single strawberry is as big as a fist, the delicate color looks unreal, and the rich strawberry fragrance is captivating.

Ding Shuyuan's throat rolled, wishing that the hungry wolf would pounce on him.

But at least he kept his rationality and carefully picked a strawberry.

She really wanted to eat it, but the composition of the mutated strawberry was uncertain, so she didn't dare to eat it, but she didn't dare to test it.

Such a big strawberry, anyone who looks at it will find it tricky.

Ding Shuyuan, who was hesitant, finally called Yuan Xizhou: "I have something here that I want to test the ingredients, but I don't want others to notice. What do you think I should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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