Although the current house is not as clean as it was when they lived in it, it still has the taste of home. There are children’s graffiti on the walls, the coffee table is messy, there are fruits, toys and books, colorful clothes are hung on the balcony, and the kitchen stove There are oil stains that haven't been cleaned...

It's all traces left by life, he and Ji Ruyu have never had a relationship, so they broke up.

"Mr. Yan, please sit down."

Jiang Hanyan made a cup of tea and served candy and snacks.

"Thank you!"

Yan Baili sat down, looking preoccupied, didn't drink tea, he considered his sentence before saying: "Ji Ruyu is getting married, the wedding date was set yesterday, March [-]th."

"Congratulations, I have to have a wedding wine." Jiang Hanyan said with a smile.

Yan Baili scratched his hair and said anxiously: "It's not a happy event, I'm not talking nonsense, Miss Jiang, that's why I came to you. I think Ji Ruyu's man is not right, he will harm Ruyu."

"Mr. Yan, tell me slowly, what does Ji Ruyu's fiance do?" Jiang Hanyan moved the teacup over.

Yan Baili finished his drink in one breath, calmed down, and slowed down his speech: "It's the owner of the gym, not a native of Shanghai, and his hometown is in other provinces. I don't know exactly where. Ji Ruyu is fascinated by this kid. My words I can't listen at all, Miss Jiang, I want you to persuade her."

"Mr. Yan, with all due respect, are you so angry because you have no love for Ji Ruyu?" Jiang Hanyan said bluntly.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with that fiancé, who opened a gym in Shanghai, he is obviously a successful person, and Ji Ruyu is a good match, even if he is a foreigner, it is fine, and Ji Ruyu is not a silly and sweet girl, so he is not so easy to be deceived.

Yan Baili became anxious again and wanted to drink water, but the teacup was empty, so Lu Chen refilled him.

"I admit that I do still have feelings for Ruyu. We were too impulsive when we divorced. I regretted it afterwards, but Ruyu refused to give me a chance. Even if she doesn't remarry me, we are still friends. I don't want She was deceived, that Lin Desheng was really not a good person, he was married before, his ex-wife was also a native of Shanghai, and she was a strong woman who started a company, but two years ago, she had a mental problem and was killed in a car accident. Lin Desheng inherited All property, opened the current gym."

Yan Baili told about Lin Desheng's situation, and he asked a friend to investigate. Based on his intuition, the death of his ex-wife was very suspicious.

"Lin Desheng said to the outside world that his ex-wife had mental problems because of an accidental miscarriage, but how can a strong woman who can start a company from scratch be so fragile, and the accidental miscarriage is indeed a big blow, but I think his ex-wife will definitely survive. It is impossible to get mentally ill, let alone go crazy enough to crash into a car and seek death, nine out of ten are deliberate murders!"

Yan Baili's expression was very serious. After analyzing for a long time, he felt that the chance of killing his wife for money was the greatest, so he was worried about Ji Ruyu's safety.

Ji Ruyu also has a lot of property under her name, three houses in the center of Shanghai, and some deposits. Although it is not as good as that of her ex-wife, it is still a lot, enough to attract scumbags.

"There is another thing. Lin Desheng is addicted to gambling. He basically lost all the property left by his ex-wife. The gym is not well managed and he is heavily in debt. He has harmful motives."

Yan Baili expressed his suspicion in one breath, which sounds quite credible, but this is just his one-sided statement and cannot be easily concluded.

"Did you talk to Miss Ji about this?" Jiang Hanyan asked.

"Of course I said it. She didn't believe me. She even called me a poor character and deliberately framed and slandered Lin Desheng. Now she has been confused by that bastard. She can't listen to a word of honesty, only Lin Desheng."

Yan Baili complained angrily. He wanted to help the tigress with good intentions, but instead scolded him for his poor character. He also said that he was jealous of Lin Desheng. Hmph, he is an imposing professor of the Academy of Fine Arts, so why should he be jealous of a gambler who didn't graduate from junior high school?

Jiang Hanyan frowned. If Lin Desheng was really addicted to gambling, his character would definitely be bad, but now what Yan Baili said is not completely credible. He has no love for Ji Ruyu, so naturally he doesn't like Lin Desheng, and his views will be biased.

"Which is Lin Desheng's gym?"

"Near Ji Ruyu's company, it's called Jinshili."

Jiang Hanyan thought for a while, and said, "I'll go and see Lin Desheng in person, we won't get married until March [-]th, it's still early, don't worry too much."

"I can't help it. That idiot Ji Ruyu and this bastard might have gotten the certificate. Lin Desheng coaxed Ji Ruyu to get the certificate every day, and said he was going to Thailand for a honeymoon trip. I was afraid that Ji Ruyu would be stupid enough to agree. If Lin Desheng coaxed her to go to Thailand, Let's destroy the corpse..."

Yan Baili was so anxious that he couldn't speak coherently. He always had nightmares these days, dreaming that Ji Ruyu was lying in front of him dripping with blood, and stretched out his bloody hand to ask him to save her.

He was often woken up in the middle of the night by fright, so that he didn't sleep well for several days, so he had to come to Jiang Hanyan for help.

The corner of Jiang Hanyan's mouth twitched, and he comforted: "Don't think too much, it takes courage to kill people, not everyone dares."

"Lin Desheng will definitely dare. His ex-wife may have been killed by him, and the accidental miscarriage of the child may also be caused by him. Miss Jiang, I am not slandering people for no reason. I have reasons and evidence. I alone A friend knew his ex-wife, who was in good health, optimistic and cheerful, and almost went bankrupt a few years before starting the company, and his ex-wife didn't commit suicide by jumping off a building, because she committed suicide because of a miscarriage, which is ridiculous!"

Yan Baili plausibly argued that he saw Lin Desheng now as an executioner with blood on his hands, and Ji Ruyu was his next target.

Jiang Hanyan was intrigued by what he said. If his ex-wife was really the victim of Lin Desheng, then Ji Ruyu was indeed in danger and she had to take care of it.

"Have you talked to Ji Ruyu's family?"

Yan Baili's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Brother Ji Ruyu's company has something wrong, the house is in a mess, and they don't care about Ji Ruyu. I told them they didn't care, and said I was nosy."

The Ji family was originally a bit patriarchal, they valued Ji Ruchun, and didn't pay much attention to Ji Ruyu, and Yan Baili didn't bother to make fun of himself, so it would be more reliable to find Jiang Hanyan.

Three days before the new year, Jiang Hanyan had nothing to do, so he went to the gym. Lu Chen wanted to follow, but she refused to let him. If Lin Desheng was really what Yan Baili said, he would definitely not let the single rich woman go. Lu Chen Get in the way.

There are not a few people in the gym, and the business is good. Jiang Hanyan dresses very casually, but she wears that red emerald bracelet. Rich people don’t dress up in jewels every day, but they work hard on accessories. Men’s watches, women’s Bracelets, necklaces and other accessories, if Lin Desheng is really that kind of person, he must have researched this aspect.

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