
Chapter 351 Zombies

Chapter 351 Zombies
The old man's kiln was extremely dark. After being locked inside, for a normal person, apart from being with terror, there was only hunger, freezing to death, and starving to death inside.

This is undoubtedly a cruel criminal law.

As soon as the villagers heard this, several dark-skinned men surrounded them fiercely holding torches, and several of them were ready to attack.

I saw them holding the rope, probably trying to tie me up and throw me inside.

My face changed: "You don't need to do it, I will go in by myself."

In fact, I wasn't too scared. The thing the old woman was looking for was in the cave, so I had to go in and have a look.

Now I can push the boat smoothly and avoid the pain of flesh and blood. When the villagers surrounded me, I slowly backed away until I reached the entrance of one of the caves.

I glanced into the dark hole, gritted my teeth and walked in.

Seeing that I didn't resist at all, the village chief immediately sneered, and then looked at pockmarked face viciously: "The village regulations of our village are that it is not allowed to bring foreigners into the village without authorization, you should know this, right? "

"If the water distribution in the village is destroyed, the formation will not work. Can you afford this?"

But before he got close, a foot suddenly stretched out from beside him, tripping him to the ground.

The point is, coming into this kind of place is extremely dangerous.

Even though Chu Yuan was weak now, Ma Zilian was an ordinary bastard, how could he be his opponent, and lay on the ground howling with one move.

I asked, "If you don't tell me, can you come here now?"

"Okay, I will fight with you! I will cripple you first, and then slowly play with your little beauty in front of your face, hahaha!"

In the chilly cave dwelling, it was plunged into darkness.

The pockmarked face was a little dumbfounded. Seeing that Chu Yuan didn't say a word, but his eyes were a little indifferent, he suddenly seemed to go crazy.

"Get out!" I didn't give him a good face: "Whoever is with you, you'd better not follow me."

I backed away in horror, thinking that the environment of this place was unusual.


Chu Yuan said again: "Those are zombies infected by Yin Qi after death!"

"Daoist Yin sent these old people to this place for a reason. When I came here just now, I took a look. This place went to Beiyin Mountain. It was originally a gathering place for Yin. Sending the old people to such a place starved to death, froze to death, Sick and dead..."

After the beating, a villager shouted, "Village chief, what should Wang Mazi do?"

The noisy sounds outside also gradually died down, and the air became deadly still.

Chu Yuan stopped in his tracks, but he ignored the pockmarked face, turned his head to listen, and said in a low voice, "There are footsteps inside."

"You... when did you come?"

The pockmarked face saw my cold tone, and immediately smiled again: "I have no choice, you came in with me, I took you to the village head, and once Li Deyong died, the village head came directly to the door. I am also forced to."

The village head smiled viciously: "What else is there to say? You should know the rules of our village!"

Chu Yuan coldly walked out from the darkness beside me.

"This may be the real nursing home!" I took a deep breath.

When he doesn't speak, I just think whenever he exists, and now when he speaks, it makes me so angry that I can only sneer.

I also noticed this, the people wandering in this cave are all old people, but these old people are dead bodies.

Pockmarked face said beside him at this time: "When I was young in Abandoned Old Mountain, there were many tiankeng caves in this mountain, and the inside was like a maze. Because the layered rock is easy to dig, so I chose this place. Call it this."

The point is that these people walk in strange postures, they can't bend their feet, they seem to be kicking forward, they look stiff and awkward, and there is a kind of hecking sound like phlegm in their throats.

"Is it empty inside?" I was a little shocked.

I poked my head in and looked inside, and it seemed that it was really a wide cave, and it was still very empty, but the surrounding area was dark.

And even if he entered the village, he might be beaten to death by a group of extrajudicial lunatics if he was discovered.

The village chief glanced at the dark old man's kiln, and said coldly, "Shut in together."

Seeing that Chu Yuan was about to make a move, he wailed with a pockmarked face, "Brother, stop beating, listen to me."

"No... I was wrong, village chief, let... let me go..." Pockmarked, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. I don't know if he thought of the horror in the old man's kiln. Kowtow to the village chief.

It's no wonder that the two people Grandma Jin was looking for were buried in the village of mourning souls, thinking of the strange experience of coming to the village all the way.

"It's useless, don't bother! You can't get out!" The pockmarked face fell to the ground in frustration.

"Hehe!" Chu Yuan laughed twice.

Several villagers rushed up with quick eyes and hands, grabbed the pockmarked face fiercely, pinned it to the ground, and someone kicked it twice.

"Don't go there, those are not villagers." Chu Yuan immediately reminded.

When I entered the village, Pocky Face disguised me as a client. Now that the village chief knows that I am not, of course he will be held accountable. If he doesn't confess me, maybe I won't be in this situation.

The pockmarked face spoke vigorously and got up from the ground: "Now we are all here, we have to be united in order to go out together."

Pockmarked face originally wanted to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, but he didn't expect to put himself in it. He was covered in carbon dioxide and knelt down with a puff: "Uncle Yan, listen to me..."

I wanted to see if there was a way out, and I moved it a few times. It was very thick, and it was reversed from the inside. It just stuck in the raised part of the groove when I moved up, and there was no way to get out by manpower.

After entering, the village chief asked the villagers to plug in the door bolts and completely sealed the cave entrance.

"It's not because of you that I've gotten to this point. You're still in a good mood now?" He said with a pockmarked face and wanted to come over.

Once a person is in a desperate situation, his ugly face will be exposed, and the pockmarked face will smile ferociously, and hit Chu Yuan.

I ignored him, and groped to the wall and knocked. The wall felt very thin. I pushed it hard with my hands, and the earthen wall collapsed, revealing a dark hole, and a biting wind blew. cold wind.

After we fell silent for a while, we heard the sound of footsteps hitting the wall, filling the cave, and the sound was particularly harsh because it was quiet inside.

After hearing this, Ma Zilian shuddered all over, seeing the village chief staring at him with a wicked smile, he turned around and wanted to run.

As soon as I mentioned the pockmarked face, I became a little impatient.

But it didn't help. A few villagers threw him in with pockmarked faces.

I found that it was a bit like the corridor of a hospital. I also saw a lot of collapsed cave dwellings. Through the light, I could vaguely see some shadowy figures dangling in the distance in the spacious cave.

But after a quick glance, it turned out that something was wrong, because many of them were not wearing any clothes, and the other clothes they wore were the shrouds worn by the horse-faced woman when she sent her old father in.

"The more death comes, grievances, hatred and a series of resentment emotions will form an aura, making the yin here more intense. In this extreme environment, bad things have appeared over the years, and those corpses have also become Zombies."

I thought of the birth of things like zombies that I read about Zhenxie Milu, and I got goosebumps all over my body.

Things like zombies rely on smell, I quickly held my breath, the old people wandering slowly in the aisle, with the sound of wheels turning in their throats.

After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, Chu Yuan looked indifferently at the pockmarked face, and said indifferently, "You lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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