
Chapter 337 The Disappeared Shop

Chapter 337 The Disappeared Shop

In the police car, Qin Heng also told me that Wang Xiulian was actually a poor person who was trafficked and sold to Niujiao Village.

It's just that she came from a far away place at that time, and she can't go back.

After I finished speaking, the police car wobbled on the road, but I thought of the old man who built the bridge at the entrance of the village.

When I asked this doubt, both Zhao Wenjing and Qin Heng looked at me with very strange eyes.

Qin Heng was puzzled and said, "We have never seen any old man on that bridge during the years we have been in the village."

My heart skipped a beat, but then I said to the two of them: "When I first came out of the bridge, maybe I was too flustered to see things."

I smiled indifferently on the surface, but a shadow was cast in my heart.

The bridge had collapsed the night before.

But when we came out, it was obviously in good shape, and there was that weird old man.

When I entered the village, he blocked me in every possible way.

I suddenly seemed to understand something, but... I felt that there were many places that I couldn't understand.

After arriving at the county seat, I got out of the car, and Qin Heng told me: "Some work matters, I still have to follow the procedures!"

I gave a wry smile and left a phone call. Qin Heng said to me: "If you need to make a transcript, I hope you can keep talking!"

Although there were some accidents, fortunately, there was no danger, and he returned to Wanguxiang again without incident.

This quaint street seems to be inexplicably deserted at night. Although the shops on both sides are lit, they are not open.

It just makes me weird, there are no street lights on both sides of this street, and the people on this street give me a very weird feeling.

I walked cautiously towards the shop at No. 44, Wangu Lane in my memory, and followed the direction pointed by the old man I met that night, and walked along this ancient alley to the dark end.

Sure enough, as I expected, it was empty inside, and there was no shop at all.

But I'm sure, I clearly remember that shop No. 44 is actually at the end, and I remember it very hard when I left.

I turned around again, but I still didn't see it. Since this street has no street lights, it gives people a strong sense of gloom in the dark alley.

In my heart, I decided that shop No. 44 was not simple, no, it should be said that the old woman was not simple either.

But I'm sure I came to the right place, this is Wangu Lane.

What should I do next?
It's just so weird here.

I remember that No. 44 is at the end of the alley, but I searched twice, but I didn't see it.

At this time, I saw an elderly woman busy at the door in the next store, hesitated for a moment, and decided to go over and ask.

But as expected, the old lady looked up at me with strange and frightened eyes when she heard my inquiry about number 44.

Shaking his head without saying a word, it was like seeing a ghost, he stood up, picked up the small bench, trembling and walked quickly into the house.

That appearance is almost like avoiding decline.

I just froze in place, as if the whole street was very taboo to that No. 44, because when I came last time, they gave me the feeling that I wanted to know about this shop, but these people showed no fear .

While I was muttering in my heart, I was also a little scared.

The old woman walked into the house, probably because she was afraid that I would follow up and ask questions, so she simply closed the door, and all the lights in the shop went out.

Seeing this scene, I was full of helplessness, so I had to turn my head and walk towards the other side of the alley.

But this also made me more sure that I didn't come to the wrong place.

No. 44 is in this alley, but for some reason, that shop seems to be invisible from time to time...

At this moment, I passed by a sugar shop, and the proprietress was busy standing in front of the shop, and it seemed that she was about to close the stall.

With an idea in my head, I walked into the store, but when I first stepped on the steps, the proprietress noticed me and smiled apologetically.

"The store is closed today, come back tomorrow." The proprietress showed me an embarrassed smile in a polite decline.

Although it is already dark now, the provincial capital stays up all night and the lights are brightly lit at night. Why do all the shops in this street close at night?

I couldn't help it, so I asked, "Does this street close so early? Why?"

I may not be the only one who has asked this question. The proprietress is used to it, but she didn't feel anything unusual. She sighed and said to me, "This is the rule of this street. All shops must be closed before nine o'clock in the evening."

"Why is that?" I was full of doubts.

The proprietress shook her head, she obviously didn't want to tell me the reason, she just said to me, "You go, the whole street is closed at night, just come early tomorrow."

When I was ordered to evict me, the proprietress was still wiping the tabletop on the counter with a rag in her hand.

Seeing that she didn't pay attention to me and was meticulously busy with the work in hand, I took a deep breath, and then summoned up the courage to whisper to the proprietress, "Then I would like to ask, do you know that No. 44 is in Where?" The proprietress stopped wiping the table when she heard that, her face suddenly changed, she was talking and laughing with her just now, her rosy cheeks instantly turned pale.

"No, there is no No. 44 here. You have come to the wrong place." After the proprietress finished speaking, Douyin added, "My store is closed, and I won't be doing business today. You should leave now."

The proprietress looked like she had seen the plague god, but from her eyes, I saw the fear revealed.

If I were outside the shop, she might be like that old woman.He closed the door without hesitation.

But now that I'm standing in the shop, although her eyes are full of fear, she doesn't dare to do other actions, she just stares at me in fear, not daring to drive me out.

"Auntie, I'm alive!"

In order to eliminate the fear in the eyes of the proprietress, I hurriedly said, "Why is the whole street so afraid of No. 44? You know No. 44, right?"

The landlady dodged her eyes and didn't dare to look at me directly, but she still shook her head stiffly, "I don't even know what number 44 is, so you should hurry up!"

Even if I said that I was a living person, the proprietress obviously didn't believe it at all, she was very resistant and scared, and took a step back.

But even if her appearance was covered by fear, she couldn't hide the panic in her heart. People on the street knew about number 44, but they didn't know why they didn't say it.

I didn't intend to scare her, but I know that if I go out, I may not be able to ask about the whereabouts of No. 44, and other shops will definitely not give me a chance to ask.

Thinking of this, I said, "You told me number 44, I'll leave right away, I'm a decent person, I won't harm you!"

The landlady's eyes were full of fear, she boldly looked up and down at me several times, and asked me suspiciously, "Are you really alive?"

I stretched out my hand, "Auntie, if you don't believe me, just touch it and see if my hand is warm."

(End of this chapter)

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