
Chapter 268

Chapter 268
"I know."

Zhang Ping said quietly.

As she spoke, she flicked the water tank lightly with her finger, the water level dropped rapidly, and a small door opened at the bottom of the tank.

We walked out of the door, and the world in front of us had changed. The gloomy waterworks had disappeared, and there was a narrow, dark corridor in front of us.

"You come with me!"

Zhang Ping walked in front, walking along the corridor, and said as she walked: "I still have an unsolved grievance. When I was 16 years old, the beast who ruined me, his name is Sun Youcai, and he lives in the same village as me."

I frowned: "You want me to kill him?"

Zhang Ping refused and said, "Kill him, you will be infected with karma, you just need to go to Dajian Village, find him, let him kneel down and repent for the crimes of the year, as long as the resentment in my heart disappears, I will go where I should go." place, otherwise... I can't swallow this breath."

"For this kind of thing, you can just find someone, why should I help you?"

I'm not someone who likes to meddle in other people's business. Zhang Ping is on the ninth floor. Although few people enter that place, no matter if it's Lao Jia or a passer-by, they will always meet her.

"I also have important things to do now. It's not that I don't want to help you, but I'm afraid I won't have much time to spare."

Right now, my mind is full of Bai Yang's affairs, there is also the devil snake, and my parents, I have no time to take care of others at all.

Zhang Ping said firmly: "Since you entered the ninth floor, I have taken a fancy to you at first sight, only you can take me back!"

It's not that I'm unfeeling, it's just that I have too many things to do, and I become very anxious.

"I have stayed on the ninth floor for too long, and I have long missed the chance to reincarnate. I want to reincarnate, and now only you can help me!"

In the narrow passage, Zhang Ping's words drifted back and forth endlessly.

Seeing that I was hesitant, Zhang Ping begged me and said, "You just need to take me back, it won't take much time for you."


In the final analysis, she is also a painstaking person, and it really won't take long to accompany her for a walk.

"Okay, I promise you, but... I will only take you back, as for other things."

"Don't worry, I won't let you do anything else." Zhang Ping nodded gratefully to me.

Zhang Ping's time is running out. If she doesn't enter reincarnation, she can only become a lonely ghost forever.

Although, what she looks like has nothing to do with me.

I looked up at her: "There are still some things in my heart that I don't understand."

Zhang Ping asked suspiciously, "Say it!"

"That pitcher, it has such a small entrance, how did you jump into it?"

She seemed to have thought of something terrible, and shook her head and said, "On the night of suicide, I limped back to the waterworks, and a voice guided me. It said, if you want to be free, you can climb to the nine On the No. [-] water tank, I went up in a daze, and when my feet slipped, I fell into the water."

"At that time, I felt as if the entire iron cover on the top of the water tank had suddenly disappeared, and I fell into it with a crash."

I suddenly remembered that it was probably the same situation when I was dragged up by the workers just now, but this is a dream, and everything can happen. I can't understand what happened in reality.

A fully closed tin can with the top suddenly disappearing?
How can this be explained?
I expressed my doubts, and Zhang Ping pursed her lips and said, "This water plant has always been an evil place. I heard old workers say that before my death, this place was still a piece of black land. The leather boots and yellow coats of the Japanese army, the leather boots only have the right foot, and the left foot has disappeared. The people who dug the foundation at that time were terrified. After shaking off the soil, those leather boots were like new ones. The same is true for coats, and some people secretly took back a few coats, and the next day they began to suffer from evil diseases."

Zhang Ping didn't say anything, I really didn't know that this small broken water factory actually had such a dark history.

She told me that even she didn't dare to go to some areas of the water plant. In the dark depths, there was a very gloomy and terrifying existence hidden.

Zhang Ping took out a piece of jade and handed it to me, saying: "I have worn this piece of jade since I was a child. Because of the infection of Yin Qi, it has become a Yin jade. If you hold this piece of jade, I can attach myself to it." .”

I just took it, the ice is cold, I was about to ask her how I want to go back, but when I looked up, she had disappeared in front of us, not only her, but also the objects around disappears.

When I woke up from the dream, I was still lying on the bed, and the sky outside the window was already slightly bright.

At this time, suddenly there seemed to be something in his hand, and a faint coolness came out.

Raising his hand, he saw a piece of jade in his hand.

This jade is connected with a black rope, and it has been broken, some are incomplete, and this jade is dark red, giving people an ominous feeling.

It seems that last night was not entirely a dream.

I thought of the inscription on my body that was stabbed by Gu Mei. At that time, she told me that this thing carved on the body of a living person is like a lantern that lights up at night to some things.

Seeing that it was dawn outside, I no longer felt sleepy. I told Chu Yuan what happened last night, but he didn't say anything.

I lay down for a while until the sun was high, but there was no movement next door. After I washed up, I went to knock on the door.

There was still no response for a while, which made me feel worried for a while.

There is no lock inside, as if it was opened on purpose, I opened it and walked in, and found that the whole room was empty.

"Bai Yang!"

I was a little panicked, afraid that he would have any accidents again.

Chu Yuan's figure came out of the snake bracelet, walked to the table on the window sill, and picked up a piece of paper placed on it.

After a while, he said calmly, "He has already left."


I am full of surprise.

Walking to Chu Yuan's side, he found a stack of banknotes in the open drawer.

I took the note in Chu Yuan's hand, it was written all over.

This is what Bai Yang left behind. It roughly means that he knows how to break the snake curse, but he doesn't want us to put ourselves in danger because of him alone. This time he wants to go alone.

Leaving this note is not only to let us not worry, but also to remind us not to go to him, and we hope that we will pass on the money left behind to Mama Tang.

Tang Lin's death was inextricably linked to him, so Tang Ma's situation was more or less related to him.

Bai Yang also hopes to completely end this cause and effect.

I threw down the note, turned around and walked to the bed, touched the quilt, and there was no trace of warmth on it.

I said regretfully, "He should have left last night!"

Chu Yuan walked up to me and said to me: "Don't blame yourself, he has made up his mind and will leave sooner or later."

I couldn't figure it out: "But in the note, he said he knew how to really break the snake spell. How did he know that? He's been in the bardo realm for the past two days."

Chu Yuan narrowed his eyes, and after a little thought, he said, "It's the man wearing the mask! It seems that after he came out of the bardo world, he hid something from you."

(End of this chapter)

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