
Chapter 243 The Lord of Death

Generally speaking, this is indeed a place where normal creatures would not want to stay longer.

In the world of death, even the sun is gray, and the dim light shines on the world, which seems to be a lifeless scene.

Chu Yuan came out, raised his head solemnly, looked at the gloomy sunlight, and said, "This gloomy light is actually a change of death. Eliminate."

A layer of faint blue light glowed on my body, protecting myself from death energy. This should be the protective function of Mei Gu's inscriptions. Chu Yuan just let the gray light shine on him indifferently, not at all. No sign of discomfort.

"The realm of the dead, the kingdom of the dead, the forbidden land of the living!"

Through Chu Yuan's dictation, although I have a certain degree of understanding of the dead world, it is another matter to witness it with my own eyes.

Those who dare to enter the realm of death should have a certain level of strength, and may be able to resist the erosion of death energy in a short period of time, but it is difficult to say after a long time.

The living can't get any shelter and material supplements in the dead world. If they go too deep, it will be difficult to turn back.

"Let's go!"

Chu Yuan stretched out his hand to hold me, and walked forward.

I can see that it's not that he deliberately played hand in hand with me, because I belong to the living after all, and I must always protect myself in the environment of the dead, that is, the faint blue light on my body.

After a long time, there will be a certain amount of wear and tear. Mei Gu also said that when the three lights go out, you have to go back. It should be because the blue light becomes weak at that time, so you have to leave here.

And Chu Yuan played the role of "battery" at this time, sending me a steady stream of inner energy, anyway, he has so much power that he can't use it up.

This death is nothing to him at all.

Like the human world, there are plants in the dead world, but the plants here are not only black, yellow, and rotten, but also grow in strange shapes.

Taking the forests on the left and right sides as an example, the whole forest is full of withered branches, and the faces on the trees are similar to human expressions. Whether they are sad, angry, weeping, or sad, they all exude negative emotions.

Whenever there is a cloudy wind blowing, these trees will also make a whining sound.

I don't have much experience of directly facing this kind of negative emotion, and I have also experienced deep sorrow, so if I don't pay attention, my mind will be affected.

However, Chu Yuan was by my side and quickly brought me back to reality.

"Sadness or joy is contagious, don't be easily swayed by it." Chu Yuan whispered in my ear.

"What the hell are those?" I asked.

The grief that had just arisen in my heart was disturbed by Chu Yuan, and naturally it disappeared.

"The obsession left behind after death." Chu Yuan said, looking ahead quietly: "If the deceased has accumulated too much negative emotions such as unwillingness, remorse, sadness, anger, etc. before death, this obsession after death will The thought will not dissipate easily, and will continue to entangle the dead, making the dead restless for a long time, but there will still be a day when it will dissipate, it's just a matter of time."

Chu Yuan's words were a bit heavy, and he relaxed later: "This kind of ghost tree is transformed by the dead people just mentioned. Because they have carried too much on their bodies, they are already tired, and they don't want to move anymore, they just want to stay and rest. So the body slowly solidified into this ghost wood."

"When the ghost wood withers and decays into ashes over time, these dead can be regarded as the real rest. The real death is invisible, and it will not be like those things..."

As Chu Yuan pointed, I saw a pile of rotting corpses and skeletons slowly coming out from the depths of the ghost forest.

Among them are humans, some monsters with different looks, and even ordinary beasts, but they still seem to be mostly humans.

"As long as it is a life with intelligence, obsession may occur after death. Human emotions are much more complicated than other races, and the chance of obsession after death is relatively greater."

Chu Yuan pulled me and wanted to leave quickly. Although these things were not threatening to him at all, he didn't want to do anything casually.

"Among these things, there are the dead who are driven by obsession and cannot rest in peace, and there are also souls who do not admit their own death and are confused and wandering. They are neither living, nor do they accept death, so they can only wander on the edge of the dead world. zone."

In many novels or anime, such things are called "undead", or "dead creatures", but now I feel that they are just things that are not "dead and clean".

One thing I agree with is that these things hate the very existence of life itself.

These dead envy the existence of the living, because there are too many things that cannot be let go.

However, this kind of envy will slowly turn into a kind of jealousy in the end, and finally into twisted resentment.

Since I am so unlucky, why isn't the world unhappy with me? !
Occasionally, there will be living people who stray into the dead world, or undead people who return to the human world for various reasons. It is conceivable that the contact between the living and the dead will not be a peaceful scene.

Because of this, death generally feels very evil, full of uncleanness and filth.

Although Chu Yuan was able to eliminate these undead at his fingertips, he did not do so. I could see that he had some concerns about this kind of place.

After entering this weird world, I walked around in all directions with Chu Yuan holding the Yin card, and finally sensed the direction of Bai Yang through the faint black light emitted by the Yin card.

After we passed through the ghostwood forest, there was a large swampy area.

"He should be on the opposite side." I vaguely guessed it now, although Bai Yang and I came to this world through Gu Mei's spell.

But the two of us landed in different places.

Chu Yuan told me that these areas outside the world of death also represent the first intuitive impression of death, which is "rotten".

And the deeper you go, these decayed scenes will slowly disappear, because the end of death is "nothingness".

But when he was here, the black light of Yin Pai was already very strong, maybe he could find the place where Bai Yang was very soon as long as he passed through this swamp.

Chu Yuan glanced at it and said, "Looks like you're lucky, you don't have to go too far inside."

According to Chu Yuan's words, the depths of the world of death is a void of darkness, where there is nothing but the most quintessential death energy, and any dead who approach at will will be broken down into the most original death energy.

At the same time, it is also the sleeping place of the "Lord of Death", the manager of the dead world.

Even with Chu Yuan's strength, he was not confident that he could step into the center of the dead world.

Besides, there was some bad contact between the underworld and the world of death, and it seemed that they didn't get along well with some masters of death. Chu Yuan didn't expect to face them at that time.

That's right, the Lord of Death is plural.

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