
Chapter 223 Wishing

Chapter 223 Wishing
According to Zhang Xianren, Blind Zhao was young and energetic and met a ghost fisherman, but he didn't believe in evil.

That night, I tried to catch up with the boat, but I couldn't catch up with the seemingly stationary boat.

After chasing for more than ten minutes, Blind Zhao suddenly discovered that he had arrived at Chenxi Fairy Bay in the blink of an eye, which shocked him into a cold sweat!
He quickly rocked the boat to the shore, and looked at the small boat with the solitary lamp hanging on it, slowly disappearing into the mist.

After Blind Zhao came back, he never mentioned this matter to anyone, and became a lot more honest.

However, at the end of that month, something happened to him and he became blind.

Moreover, in the past two years after his death, there is no grass on the grave, it is a bald grave.

I felt bitter in my heart: "According to what you said... If you really find him, is there still life?"

Zhang Xianren laughed teasingly: "Do you know why Blind Zhao didn't die when he saw the ghost fisherman?"

What else could there be?

Blind Zhao was a carpenter when he was young, presumably he still has some ability to subdue demons.

However, Zhang Xianren let me understand that things are really not like this.

He said: "The appearance of the fairy turtle in Taozi Cave is actually an omen. Once it appears in the Yuanjiang River, it means that there will be disasters in the nearby river. Because it appears first and then drowns people. Therefore, it has been passed down as an omen. There are rumors that if you reach it, you will drown."

It seems that there is an inside story here. I guess everyone has misunderstood this man-eating turtle.

Just as he was surprised, he heard Zhang Xianren say again: "However, this tortoise that has become a spirit is not a kind person, and no one will be allowed to offend. If any villager is ignorant and rude and bumps into his old man, the ship will sink immediately. drown."

"Actually, after seeing the old man, you only need to burn seven chiseled paper money on the bow of the boat and knock seven times on the head, and you will be able to ward off evil spirits and live safely."

It suddenly dawned on me that the ghost fisherman is not the most evil and fierce devil king.

Moreover, seeing that he wanted to die, it was so simple.

However, burning paper money in the wilderness attracts evil things the most.

Especially burning paper on the river in the middle of the night is even more evil... Who dares to prepare paper money on the boat?
Sure enough, I heard Zhang Xianren say again at this time: "Blind Zhao saved his life because he was afraid later and burned seven chisel money papers on the bow of the boat. But he refused to be too soft, and only knocked three times. It was a bang, and then it was unlucky."

So that's the case... It seems that this is the reason why Blind Zhao didn't die, but became blind?

When Zhang Xianren said this, he hesitated for a while and then said: "Although the rumors are rumors, there are some discrepancies in many places, but they are not groundless."

"...The ghost fisherman only appears in July, if you miss it, you have to wait another year before you can find him again..."

Now that July and a half has just passed, once the opportunity is missed, the only way to find the ghost fisherman is next year.

And within this year, God knows what will happen.

I nodded: "So, I've decided to try my luck!"

He sighed: "Actually, not every year, this ghost fisherman can appear in Yuanjiang. Yuanjiang hasn't heard of anyone sinking into Jiang recently. Maybe he won't appear this year."

Frowning, I hurriedly said, "If he really doesn't come out... what should we do?"

Immortal Zhang pondered for a long time, then sighed softly, and said: "Remember, if the ghost fisherman hasn't come out before twelve o'clock, you have to call him will be on the bank of the river together with the seven chisel money." Burn the paper and seven sticks of incense together, and the ghost boat will appear. At this time, the boat will row to the shore, and you will get on board."

I don't know why, but Zhang Xianren's words made me extremely nervous.

Originally, this kind of evil ghost ship made people uncomfortable, but they still had to board the ship...

Isn't there a saying called "getting on a thief ship", but now I'm on a "ghost ship", isn't it more fatal?

But there is no way, no matter whether I am on a thief ship or a ghost ship, I have to find out about my current situation.

I silently looked at Zhang Xianren from a distance, and saw his solemn face. At this time, I took out a piece of talisman and handed it to me, and then said: "Don't be afraid, the ghost boat fisherman is not as scary as the rumors. You I grew up in Baishui Village, how much have I heard about the ghost fisherman harming people? So, after seeing the ghost fisherman, remember not to run into the old man. As long as you ask the information you want carefully, you should be fine."

To be honest, when Zhang Xianren said that, I became even more entangled...

Just when I was worried, Immortal Zhang hesitated for a while, and then said: "Also, after burning the talisman paper money paper and burning incense, you have to read four sentences. Only after these processes are completed, the ghost fisherman will appear... ...Remember, it must be before twelve o'clock."

"Four more sentences?"

I hesitated for a moment and asked, "Which four can say it."

Immortal Zhang pondered for a long time, and then read word by word: "Dedicate your life to ask the gods, Jiang Shen asked the spirits, the moon rises in the middle of the night, and the waterway reaches Taoyuan."

I recited it silently, and my heart couldn't help but tremble.

What does it mean to sacrifice one's life and ask the gods to seal it?
Immortal Zhang probably understood my hesitation, and said seriously: "Don't think too much, if you want to see the ghost fisherman, just do what I say!"

I smiled nonchalantly and said, "Are these the rules?"

Zhang Xianren thought for a while and said, "Ghost boat fisherman is the most evil thing in the Yuanhe River. But ghost fisherman will not indiscriminately harm living beings, at most he will only use living beings. If you don't offend it, it will never harm you... ...On the contrary, I will bless you well, unless I don't fulfill my wish..."

Zhang Xianren suddenly stopped talking here, as if talking too much.

"Late at night……"

Zhang Xianren yawned and stood up from the rattan chair, walked towards the door of the house, waved his hands and said to me: "Sleep well, there will be a lot of things tomorrow."

Looking at Zhang Xianren's back, I couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Wish... what wish, for whom?
The words Zhang Xianren said cast a shadow over my heart.

Our village is not far from the Yuanjiang River. The story of the ghost fisherman is widely spread in the local area, and most of them know something about it.

Now both sides of the Yuanjiang River, except for the barren slopes of the river, are dense citrus forests.

Every night, the orange groves are gloomy, dark and quiet, making one's scalp tingle.

In the early years, there were many fishermen and boats in the river, but now there are few people fishing.

Due to the increasing popularity of roads, most of the ferries in those days have been deserted.

Below the Yuanjiang River, the Moonlight Wharf by the Mayuantang River has been abandoned for a long time and has been demolished long ago.

Therefore, every night, the riverside is very gloomy and deserted, and those who cheat are unwilling to set foot.

In addition, after night, it is very cloudy, and the riverside is even more deserted.

"You must remember that you must be in awe of the fairies, and you can't play tricks, let alone slander."

When I left the old house where Zhang Xianren lived, he explained to me very seriously, seeming a bit worried: "Except for blind Zhao, there are very few living people who have seen the ghost fisherman... Be careful, although the ghost fisherman does not take the initiative Harmful, but the ghost ship is too evil, anyone who encounters it will recite words!"

(End of this chapter)

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