
Chapter 217 The Dream World

Chapter 217 The Dream World
After she lay down, I couldn't help but feel her pulse.She had a temperature, a pulse, and soft skin, and she was clearly alive.

She was startled by my action, she threw away my hand, and jumped up from the bed in an instant, with a look of horror and disgust on her face: "Don't touch me!"

I quickly raised my hands to show my innocence.

She said coldly: "I hate being touched by others."

I blinked and didn't speak, but my eyes turned involuntarily to the beautiful little assistant standing beside her. After all, when she just helped the president, she was holding shoulders, holding hands, and leaning half of her body.

She obviously noticed it too, and she was unwilling to answer at first. After hesitating for a long time, she said: "I have been very resistant to being touched by others since I was a child, especially when men approach me."

"Can you tell me?"

She said that she hates other people touching her, especially the wording of men, which made me seem to grasp a certain point.

In her narrative, I became more and more confused.

She grew up in an ordinary working family, and the relationship between her parents is neither good nor bad. There may be bickering in daily life, but it has not risen to the level of domestic violence.

She did not have any male relatives, neighbors, or classmates who violated her. Her studies went smoothly, and she entered the workplace after graduating from college. She was not harassed by her male boss and saved a little money.

He went into business, and later sold this hotel, and his career has never suffered much setbacks.

She has no psychological trauma, no childhood shadow, but she is very afraid of men, especially men with dimples.

For this reason, she has never been in a relationship, let alone married, and has consulted countless psychiatrists in private, but nothing has worked.

Probably my gaze revealed the tofu dregs in my mind, she gave me a disgusted look, and explained patiently: "Put away the thoughts in your mind, my sexual orientation is fine, I usually volunteer and docile small animals together because they don't feel threatened."

I caught the last three words keenly.

She was silent for a while, and said, "Whenever I get too close to any man, I have a very strong fear that I will be punished for it."

When she was talking, she touched her leg subconsciously. I didn't let go of this detail, and immediately asked her what happened to her leg.

She carefully opened the wide trousers to reveal her swollen and bruised calves: "This is punishment. No one beats me, but it happens to me every day. If I get too intimate with a man, it will get worse."

She rolled up the cuffs of her shirt, and there were still all kinds of shocking wounds on her arms, including marks of knife cuts, burn marks of cigarette butts, marks of being whipped by a drying rack, and marks of poking with scissors.

Nothing has changed, Chu Yuan told me that she still has no meritorious deeds.

Even if it is tampered with, it is impossible for the merits and virtues to disappear, only the dead will disappear.

But Chu Yuan was sure that this woman was not dead.

We talked late into the night, but I still couldn't figure it out. She invited me to sleep in this five-star hotel. I've never stayed in such a fancy place. If it was before, I would definitely wish for it.

But now that I have experienced so many things, I have seen many things clearly, and even though Chu Yuan is sure that this woman is not dead.

But again, she is not alive in my opinion.

I didn't dare to be in this place, so I rationally refused. After I came out of the Splendid Palace Hotel, I told her that I would go back and look up some information, and then come to interpret the dream.

Cheng Fang said that she had had nightmares for nearly ten years, and someone would beat her every night, and after waking up, all the scars would appear on her body, especially after getting close to men, the punishment would intensify.

This is simply unbelievable, why what happened in the dream is intertwined with reality.

And she has had this dream for nearly ten years.

After returning to the shop, I opened the shop as usual at night, but it was relatively deserted tonight, and there were not many people at all.I sat behind the counter thinking wildly, and suddenly thought of the story I heard from others before. In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the country was in constant war. Many young soldiers separated from their wives and went to the battlefield as soon as they got married. These soldiers either died in the battle, Or just settle down in a foreign country.

And their wives look forward to the husband's return every day, and what they do every day is to look at the place where the husband left.

These young wives may not be able to wait for their husbands until they die. After they die, there will be an obsession in their hearts, even if they turn into ghosts, they will continue to wait for their husbands.

In ancient times, soldiers usually fought in the direction of "Jin", so these ghosts would always look in the direction of "Jin", unaware of their own death, until they finally disappeared.

Later, people called ghosts who were full of obsessions in their hearts and continued to do things according to their obsessions even though they turned into ghosts without knowing that they were dead, "Wangjin women".

I told Chu Yuan about my thoughts, if that Cheng Fang is not human, it must be because of some kind of obsession.

It may be that what happened during her lifetime left a deep imprint on her heart, causing the pain to still reflect on her now.

In fact, this only proves my wishful thinking.

Chu Yuan pondered for a long time without saying a word, and then he said lightly, "I probably know the reason for all this."

I immediately became interested, and quickly looked at him and asked, "What the hell is she?"

Chu Yuan turned his head and smiled at me, still a little mysterious, and put on a show with me, saying, "Go again and you'll find out."

I woke up in the afternoon the next day. Because of the experience of finding the way the day before, I thought I should be familiar with the road this time. However, when I followed the navigation to a wasteland, I was really at a loss.

I tried to re-plan the route, but the damn artificial mental retardation is very determined that this is my destination.

I was just about to say that this way is not going to work, but Chu Yuan's voice in my head said very firmly, "Don't doubt it, it's here."

Immediately, I stood there dumbfounded.

"Look carefully." Chu Yuan said.

This is a deserted suburb, and there is no such luxurious hotel as yesterday, but I glanced around, and suddenly a familiar unfinished building in the distance on one side caught my attention.

Behind is an old town, although it was already dark when I came here yesterday, it is still very familiar.

I confirmed, this is where I came from yesterday.

what happened! ?
I calmed down and took a few steps forward, and saw a long, abrupt stone with a height similar to a threshold.

I imagined that here, a group of security guards were shouting welcome, and I couldn't help but feel a little shocked. I took a few steps forward, and accidentally tripped over the threshold.

The distance was perfect, my heart shuddered, and a terrible thought flooded my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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