
Chapter 123 Twins Sacrifice

Chapter 123 Twins Sacrifice

This kind of story was widely spread, and within a short time, it spread throughout the village, causing people to panic.

Although some people still feel very scared in their hearts, after all, the feeling of being frozen all over last night was really palpitating, but since the snake woman said so, no one continued to say more on this topic.

Then Niu Er said, "Shuangsheng seems to have said that he will come to see us tonight, what will we do then?"

"Go on to sleep. Since we are the Sages, it is impossible to harm us, so we don't need to be on guard. If someone is really afraid, then sleep during the day and don't sleep at night." He waved his hand, indicating that everyone was busy with their own affairs.

Grandma Liu felt a little baffled, she could feel the fear in everyone's heart, including the village head, everyone was very scared.

But because the object of fear is the twin saints he worshiped, no one said anything even if he was afraid.

The reverence for the two saints outweighed my own fear, and this emotion made Grandma Liu feel very uncomfortable.
Grandma Liu and her husband didn't close their eyes all night because of the unbearable pain last night, so they didn't have that dream with the villagers.

For everything that happened in the dream, Grandma Liu heard it from them, because everyone in the village followed that scene.

Therefore, no one noticed Granny Liu.

Regarding this matter, Grandma Liu instinctively did not tell the villagers at that time, in fact... she was right not to tell.

Because, according to Shuangsheng's tone, the villagers will be invited to the theater again tonight.

More and more villagers came, and they were all panicked. Thinking of the weird scene in the dream, no one wanted to go again.

The old village chief raised his hand and could only say: "The Shuangsheng has attained the Tao now and has cultivated the yin body. Of course they can't watch the Yang opera. They invite the villagers to watch the Yin opera. This is our blessing, and the Shuangsheng also said Yes, this is to thank us, everyone don't think too much, everyone just sleep as usual tonight."

Of course, when the old village chief said this, he had no idea at all, but living in this village, what other options can he have?

He could only comfort everyone not to think too much, but Grandma Liu felt that there must be something tricky about what happened this time, not because she was smart, but because she had already lost a daughter.

Since I didn't go last night, it's better not to go tonight.

Anyway, I was so noisy last night that I couldn't sleep, so I can sleep all day during the day and continue to sleep at night.

Granny Liu had such a plan, and she talked about it with her wife after returning home, and she also got her support. The two of them had a good deal, so they went to bed during the day.

But for many other people in the village, although I feel scared in my heart, I feel that this is the kindness of Shuangsheng, and I always think that Shuangsheng will not harm me.

What's more, Shuangsheng has now achieved a positive result and has become a white armor grain officer under the Dragon King.

Those who should be working have also gone to work, and the fear and uneasiness accumulated in their hearts permeated the sky over Hualong Village, and it has not drifted away for a long time.

As for Grandma Liu and her husband, they had a good night's sleep in broad daylight. They slept until after six o'clock in the evening, and when they woke up, it was already dusk.

Grandma Liu went out to look at the vegetables grown in the field by herself, and after going out, he also found that something was wrong.

Usually at this time, there would not be too many people in the village busy in the fields. They had already finished their dinner and were going to bed.

Today, it was almost dark, but the villagers in the village were still wandering around in the fields.

No one wanted to go back. Although everyone kept silent, none of them dared to go back. They were afraid that they would not find something to do, and they would think of the weird twin saints in their minds.

But as night fell, it was impossible for these people to stay in the fields for a day. The nights in the village were very cold, and spending the night in the fields was no doubt similar to sending them to death, so although they didn't want to, these people went back one by one.

That night, because Grandma Liu and her husband had slept all day, at twelve o'clock in the evening, they still didn't feel sleepy at all.

And because of the events during the day, she became even more energetic. Looking at the old pocket watch in her hand, when the pointer reached twelve o'clock, dogs barked in the village.

This time, the bark of the dog was particularly bleak, like a baby crying at night.

It is said that dogs have psychic eyes and can see things that human eyes cannot.

Grandma Liu closed the doors and windows tightly, and turned her head and said to her wife, "It must be Shuangsheng who has started inviting folks to the theater again."

This is definitely not as simple as letting the villagers dream, it must have hooked their souls to the temple, and the dogs will only bark when they see the souls.

From the middle of the night on the twelfth day, the dog barking became more and more intense and continued. Grandma Liu couldn't even describe the scene that night.

The old couple could only cover themselves in the quilt tremblingly, not daring to close their eyes, for fear that as long as they closed their eyes, they would be dragged into a dream by the second sage to watch a play.

Fortunately, although the old couple were very frightened that night, the two lived in peace until dawn.

The next day, after the villagers woke up, they were called to the ancestral hall one after another.

This time, Grandma Liu saw that everyone's faces turned extremely ugly.

This time, the people in the village became even more emaciated, and even Granny Liu had keenly sensed that everyone was very impetuous due to the inexplicable and suppressed fear.

After the villagers talked about it, as expected by Grandma Liu, the villagers went to the theater again.

But this time everyone in the village knew that two of the villagers watching the opera under the stage were not present.

At the beginning of the scene, Shuangsheng was very angry, staring at the two empty positions, his already pale face became even more hazy.

The male saint said that everyone in the village must go to see this play, and now there are two people in the village who can't invite them, so they will continue to invite everyone to watch the show tomorrow.

These words really scared all the villagers.

Granny Liu, who was listening beside her, trembled even more, but she gritted her teeth and dared not say a word, let alone admit it at this time.

This person is afraid of death, especially when he sees that the villagers are all drained of energy, with sunken eye sockets and black forehead. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that there must be something wrong.

The purpose of the village chief's gathering this time is to find out these two villagers who were not invited to the theater.

It was strange to say that the villagers present couldn't figure out why two villagers couldn't invite them.

The old village head felt that maybe all the villagers in Hualong Village really went to see that scene, and Shuangsheng would not invite everyone to go in the future.

Therefore, this time, they discussed how to find these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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