
Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Every household has to kill chickens and cattle. After the worship, they take the wine and meat after the worship and go back to the yard to enjoy.

That day was no exception. Since the morning, the villagers have been busy preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival to worship the Shuangsheng. Every household, even children, has to help.

Even the most leisurely person in the village will pretend to be very diligent that day.

Grandma Liu's family was not considered wealthy in Longhu Village, so she didn't have any cattle or sheep, but just killed a chicken.

The moon that night was particularly round. According to Grandma Liu's description, she had never seen such a round and bright moon. This was the most complete moon he had ever seen in his life.

So that at night, the temple in the village wished that there would be a bumper harvest in the coming year.

That day, Grandma Liu took the rooster that had just been slaughtered at home to the temple to worship, and there was no problem during the worship.

After worshiping the Dragon King, I went to burn incense at the Shuangsheng Temple. It was originally a peaceful day, and everything went smoothly.

But after worshiping at night, after coming out of the temple, the village was filled with a thin layer of mist, but this kind of mist was very thin, far less thick than it is now.

Because the village is next to a big river, it is normal for the ravine in the village to be filled with fog.

Thinking about it now, Grandma Liu said that it is normal for the village to have fog, but it is not normal for it to fog at night.

The people in the village didn't have any entertainment. After the worship that night, the villagers all went home to sleep.

However, Grandma Liu suffered from the wind and cold that night and couldn't sleep no matter what. He and his wife struggled together for half the night.

When I was about to sleep in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard the dogs raised in the village barking non-stop. The barking was so loud that I couldn't sleep at all.

When it was almost dawn, the two of them fell asleep for a while, but not long after sleeping, the village head knocked on the door.

After opening the door, Grandma Liu could see clearly at that time, the village chief's face was very gloomy, and he just said not to sleep, and the whole village gathered at the ancestral hall.

The village head still has prestige. When he came in, he had a strange expression on his face. He only said to Granny Liu, and then hurried away to remind the next family.

At that time, Granny Liu and her husband went to the ancestral hall without thinking too much.

When we arrived at the ancestral hall, there were already many people in the ancestral hall, and many people came one after another, almost the whole village was here.

Granny Liu noticed that the expressions of these people were not quite right, their faces looked pale, and their faces were covered with deep fear.

She found that she, a person who didn't sleep all night, was much more energetic than these people.

Soon, all the men in the village came. Some of the men in the family were dead, and it was the women who came. In short, the ancestral hall was overcrowded.

Surprisingly, no one spoke, and everyone looked agitatedly at the village head standing in the middle of the ancestral hall.

It seemed that he was eager for the village head to say something.

Granny Liu was even more confused. What happened? Why is everyone different after just one night?
Soon, Granny Liu knew the truth of the matter.

It turned out that after worshiping the Dragon King last night, the villagers were exhausted when they came out of the temple, so they went to bed.

However, all the villagers had a weird and bizarre dream at the same time that night.

They dreamed that they went from home to the Dragon King Temple, and when they came to the temple, an opera stage had been set up there.

In the dream, they each came to the temple from their homes, and saw a handsome man in the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty and a beautiful woman in the clothes of Mrs. Gaoming. According to their own introductions, they were the official puppets in the Shuangsheng Temple.

The two of them have recast their yin bodies because of the incense offerings from the village and the power of faith. Now they can take shape, and they have become white-armored grain officials under the Dragon King.

In the future, he will listen to the orders of the Dragon King, and after all these years, he has been incensed by the villagers to achieve a positive result.

So, in order to express my gratitude to the villagers.

The two saints invited everyone to sleep, and in the dream they invited the villagers to watch a play.

The villagers can understand what Shuangsheng said.

After all, people and ghosts have different paths, so it is much better for the villagers to watch the play in their dreams than in reality, and the two saints stood on the stage with kind faces.

After entering, these people realized that something was wrong, because they found that there were many people in the room.

These people are all from the village. They counted and most of them arrived.

It's just that the expressions of the people sitting there watching the show were a little dull, as if they were frozen by ice.

But they sat down anyway.

Almost all the remaining seats were filled, and only two seats were vacant. At this time, the male saint said, "What should I do? There are still two people left, and the troupe will start the show soon." .”

The female saint looked towards the temple gate and said, "Wait a little longer, it's fine if you don't come, the theater troupe doesn't wait for anyone."

The female saint was wearing a red official uniform, but her scalp was loose, and her long hair was almost vertical to the ground.

In particular, her lips were as red as blood, and when she spoke, she was a little strange.

The two stood on the stage and waited for a while. The male saint looked at the temple gate and said unwillingly, "We were careless. It seems that those two people will not come."

The female saint standing next to her also had a particularly ugly expression. Seeing the flash of resentment in the eyes of the villagers, she waited for a while again, looked up at the time, and sighed.

"The time has come, forget it, don't wait, let's start!"

The female saint said helplessly, and both left the stage with the other male saint.

After the two of them walked down, men and women with heavy makeup and costumes came out from behind the curtain.

After the two saints stepped down from the stage, a dozen or so men and women in brightly colored clothes emerged from behind the curtain.

At this moment, the villagers noticed that the originally brightly lit stage suddenly went dark, and the lights became very scary, illuminating everyone's faces with miserable green.

Those troupe members not only wore brightly colored clothes, but also painted red and green paints on their faces, and their expressions and movements all acted as if they were acting.

I don't know what was smeared on the face, it looks very coquettish and weird.

The most important thing is that after these actors appeared, the villagers couldn't hear any voices.

And those actors began to wriggle awkwardly on the stage.

No one knew which play those actors were performing that day. They only knew that each actor was extremely resentful and weird. Watching this silent drama, everyone felt their bodies began to turn cold.

After those extremely gorgeously dressed troupe got on the stage, they opened their voices.

The villagers involuntarily sat on the stools under the stage, and those who sat down found a problem.

As long as I sit down, my body doesn't know what's going on, it seems to be invaded, and I can't move at all.

The eyes can only stare at the stage, just like a puppet being imprisoned.

I can only watch blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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