
Chapter 119 Snake Woman

Chapter 119 Snake Woman
After looking at Chu Yuan, I also saw the rising interest in his eyes.

Red Carp told me that my parents came here to worship the Dragon King Temple just for my younger brother.

Now hearing this old woman say this, I immediately regained my spirits.

I calmed down and said to the old woman, "Grandma, can you tell us about the sacrifice to the Dragon King?"

The old grandma's face was not as happy as I imagined, she just smiled slightly, looked at me, and asked, "Do you know the name of our village?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Fengshan Village!"

Unexpectedly, the old lady shook her head slowly: "This name is passed down by those outsiders. In fact, our village used to have a very famous name, Hualong Village!"

"Hualong Village?" For some reason, my heart skipped a beat.

The old lady nodded: "As for the origin of the village name, we have to start with an ascension incident hundreds of years ago. That strange incident was buried in the long river of the world, and few people mentioned it. A secret hidden in the village for many years, and the origin of the dragon king in the river outside the village."

The old grandma seemed to be talking about prefixes, she spoke very slowly, and I didn't interrupt, she said that these were passed down from generation to generation.

It is said that in the river in front of the village, there used to be a thousand-year-old snake demon, which has been guarding the village, so that the village has been isolated from the world and away from disputes for hundreds of years.

Until 200 years ago, it experienced nine thunder disasters, ascended to become a dragon, and became a dragon king.

But it didn't leave, but returned to the river, continuing to guard the water and soil, and it was precisely because of this that the village was called Hualong Village.

In order to worship the Dragon King in the village, the ancestors built a magnificent Dragon King Temple at the highest place in the back mountain.

On the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, the whole village will go to the temple to offer incense and pray for blessings under the leadership of the snake woman.

The weather in the village has always been good, but over time, because the life in the village has become more and more comfortable, gradually, some villagers stopped going to the temple to offer incense.

The Dragon King Temple gradually fell into disrepair.

Until one day, all the villagers in Hualong Village had a strange dream. In the dream, there was a rotten dragon with a ferocious complexion. It kept cursing the villagers and threatened to take revenge on them.

As soon as this incident happened, the villagers of Hualong Village were panicked and restless all day long. In order to solve this predicament, they had no choice but to seek help from the snake woman guarding the temple under the leadership of the village patriarch.

After the snake lady did it, she told the villagers that they had offended the Dragon King, and the Dragon King would punish them.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the crops planted by the villagers to die. The villagers wanted to fish in the river, but found that all the fish and shrimp in the river had turned white.

There are almost no living things in the whole river, and tuberculosis has begun to break out in the village, and it has begun to spread continuously.

The villagers realized that the Dragon King's revenge had really come...

There is no way, for the future of the village, the patriarch decided to discuss countermeasures, so he asked the snake woman to do it again.

The snake lady counted her fingers and said that the villagers had offended the Dragon King.The villagers need to sincerely apologize to Lord Dragon, and they must be sincere.

In addition to offering sacrifices to the Dragon King every year, the villagers also need to sacrifice a young girl to the Dragon King every year, so that the Dragon King can calm down his anger and spare the local villagers.

After the patriarch heard this, he quickly led the villagers to prepare the tribute, and ran to the Dragon King Temple to offer incense to the Dragon King and pray for blessings.

And in order to set an example, the patriarch actually directly contributed his daughter first.

The girl was wearing a black wedding dress, with exquisite makeup, and was tied to the wooden boat at a loss.

The wooden boat does not need to be rowed by anyone, it will drift straight towards the river, and when it reaches the middle of the river, it will sink into the river together with the wooden boat.

After the sacrifice was completed, the patriarch returned to the village with many villagers.

Every year thereafter, all the women who were sacrificed to the Dragon King disappeared. The villagers also searched in the river, but there were no clues left.

The snake woman told the villagers that those women were actually brought into the Dragon Palace by the Dragon King, so don't worry too much.

Anyway, this method is really useful. Every year after the village sacrifices to the Dragon King, the snake woman will drink holy water for the villagers.

The holy water was bestowed by the Dragon King. After drinking it, the tuberculosis on his body was cured.

"Although after offering sacrifices to the Dragon King, the Dragon King no longer punishes us, but he no longer protects our village. Monsters will appear in the village after dark, and those monsters will turn into normal people."

"Fortunately, the holy water of the Dragon King has an effect on those monsters. As long as it is splashed on the face, it can not only deal with those things, but also make the monsters show their original shape."

It was only when I said this that I suddenly realized that it was no wonder that after the old lady opened the door just now, she suddenly poured a bowl of water on my head and face.

This also makes sense, why those villagers were so terrified and resisted when they saw me.

With the sound of a match being struck, the only kerosene lamp in the hut was lit.

Looking at the old grandma's old cheeks full of dimples, after carefully recalling the story she told, I faintly grasped a little bit.

"Grandma, what is the snake woman you mentioned just now!?" I asked softly.

"She is the witch of the village, the tongue of the Dragon King!"

The old lady said that the snake woman's surname is Qi. She looks about six to seventy years old. The skin on her face is wrinkled. The upper lip is long, the lower lip is short, and red. When she says a word, she sticks out her tongue to lick the red lips affectionately. smiling.

The snake lady suffered from an illness when she was young, and she was ill for three years, and no amount of treatment could cure her.

When she was about to die, she went to the Dragon King Temple, but when the villagers found her the next day, she was covered in snakes.

Not only her body, but also the Dragon King Temple is full of snakes.

This scene alarmed the whole village, and the villagers went to see it one after another, but standing in the Dragon King Temple and seeing Qi Po lying among the snakes, no one dared to go in.

In this way, Po Qi lay in the Dragon King Temple for three days, just when the villagers thought she was dead.

Suddenly she sat up from the group of snakes, and the snakes stepped aside one after another. Not only did she recover from her illness, but she suddenly regained her senses.

Since then, she has become the snake woman of the village.

"In the years when the Dragon King Temple was abandoned, no one in the village went to worship. Only the ancestors of the snake lady went to the Dragon King Temple, which was abandoned year by year, to offer incense on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year."

The old lady said slowly: "The snake woman said that it was the Dragon King's kindness. She remembered the old love of the Qi family ancestors, which saved her life and made her a snake woman. Through her mouth, convey the Dragon King's oral instructions."

"From then on, the snake lady became the temple guard and lived behind the Dragon King Temple. Her yard was surrounded by all kinds of snakes."

I fell into deep thought. After hearing these words, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell.

 ps: If you think the update is too slow, Xiaofan Qianqiang recommends a good book worth reading.

  "Yin Beauty"

  The author is very handsome and gentle, he is a big brother next door! ! !
  Don't wonder why I know so well! !

  Because that book was written by me! !

(End of this chapter)

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