
Chapter 113 Yin Temple

Chapter 113 Yin Temple
The worms he mentioned are actually some worms that are afraid of the sun and like darkness, and like to live in rotten mud, dark and damp, dark caves or tombs.

This kind of insect will appear in places with heavy cloudy air.

And I can also see that the houses built in this village are very strange. According to traditional Feng Shui, houses are generally oriented north-south, especially in the north and the Central Plains.

However, the houses in this village are either facing east-west or obliquely, regardless of the Feng Shui pattern, doors and windows face each other, and there is no taboo against crossing the hall.

In ancient legends, although lonely ghosts wander, they also wander in a fixed area, such as ghost houses, ghost dens, barren tombs, and ghost forests.

On the one hand, it is because ghosts cannot easily get out of places with heavy yin, on the other hand, ghosts are easy to get lost.

I walked around with Chu Yuan, and the roads in the village were as confusing and complicated as a maze.

Sure enough, the dead in this village do not leave the village, because we both saw a lot of deserted graves along the way, and I have never seen such an extremely weird scene.

There are indeed three temples on the outskirts of the village, because the terrain of the village is chaotic, and the construction of the village is arbitrary, and Fengshui is not taboo at all.

Chu Yuan and I walked along the village road not long ago, and he found a place with a relatively high terrain, standing on it overlooking the whole village.

"Furthermore, there are winds through the air, and it is difficult to avoid walls and empty houses. If encountering auspicious winds, fortune will increase immediately, and if encountering killing winds, disasters will come."

Chu Yuan looked at it for a long time, his brows were wrinkled into a word of Chuan, and he murmured.

"What do you mean?"

I don't know Fengshui, so I can only see the surface. There is a problem with the construction of the houses in this village, and I don't know anything about the rest.

Chu Yuan said that it can be basically confirmed now that this village is a place where good luck increases and evil turns evil.

"Although this village is backed by mountains and rivers, it is not suitable for building a village, but even if it is built, the yin qi should not be so heavy. This is the self-destructive feng shui pattern of the villagers, which makes the village too yin qi."

I also stood on a high place overlooking the village.

Standing on my terrain, the village is in a small ravine.But standing on the hillside, you can see the general shape and location of Fengshan Village.

My hillside is not high, and when I look down, I see a desert in front of me.

In the deserted grass, there are many old and ruined stone houses. I always feel that the atmosphere is a bit weird.

In the center of the village is a building that is different from other houses. It is a wooden house, somewhat similar to a stilted building built a long time ago.

This house is the only one in the village facing north and south.

What is even more puzzling is that there are three temples in the village, which stand on the top of the hill in the shape of a character.

The three temples are distributed in a triangle shape, with two temples on the left and right of the entrance of the valley guarding the gate, and one temple at the end of the village.

"The three temples in the village are the three temples that the old man said to suppress evil!" I turned my head to the side and looked at Chu Yuan who was staring at the village.

He didn't let go of his frown, and didn't answer me. Instead, he was meditating, as if he was caught in a question.

I didn't dare to disturb him any more.

After a while, he didn't seem to understand something, and turned his eyes to the surrounding mountains, and finally squatted down, picked up a stone and carved it on a stone slab on the ground.

He should have described it according to the mountains in the village, and the depiction was very rough, but he stopped suddenly halfway through the painting, and his body trembled twice.

He stood up and stared fixedly at the temple at the end of the village. He said with a little fear in his eyes, "The location of this temple is wrong."

These three temples were not built in the village for no reason, so there should be some theory.

Of course, we don't know exactly what it is.

But Chu Yuan said that the location of the temple in this village was wrong.

My eyes looked at the three temples in the village again, which were in the shape of a Chinese character, which just surrounded the whole village tightly.

Chu Yuan said, according to Feng Shui, the three temples are surrounded by the shape of Pin, which is to seal evil things.

This shows that there is a problem with feng shui here. Something has come to the village, but it can't be subdued. It can only be suppressed by three temples.

Surrounded by mountains, the village was trapped by three temples, forming a situation where three talents and four elephants trapped the yin and locked the dragon.

Although I don't know Feng Shui, but a discerning person sees evil things everywhere in this village, and he said: "The dead and the living are together in this village. It's strange that there is nothing. Probably because too many accidents happened, this temple town was built. Stop, don't let those things harm the living."

Chu Yuan shook his head: "This matter is not as simple as imagined. I am afraid that the people who built the temple back then had other thoughts. This temple is not to suppress those things in the village, but to prevent those things from getting out. , trap those things inside."

I looked sideways at Chu Yuan and asked, "But what's the reason for doing this?"

Chu Yuan frowned, and when he looked at me for a moment, he said two words, "Raise a corpse!"

My heart skipped a beat at these words, and I felt an inexplicable sense of tension.

Then, Chu Yuan told me his inner thoughts. There is something similar to Juyin Pond here. This is a man-made bureau, as if to complete a certain ceremony and achieve a certain effect.

In this village, the direction of yin and yang is completely reversed, and someone should have deliberately changed it.

But changing yin and yang is an act against the sky, and it will shorten your life, so it is speculated that there should be some unknown secrets here.

It is unknown whether the ancients or the moderns did this matter of changing yin and yang.

No wonder this place is so evil. Strange things will happen to people outside the village. In this kind of place, no matter how strong the yang energy is, people who stay there for a long time will be haunted by the yin energy.

But I came here, I finally came here, no matter what, I must go in and search.

"Let's go into the village and take a closer look." I suggested to Chu Yuan, no matter how bad the village's feng shui is, the village still has to go in.

Chu Yuan also nodded, but told him to be careful, he had never seen such a weird village in his life.

The two of us re-entered the village, and that gloomy feeling came over us.

The faint mist pervading the village can obscure the sight, and the weirdness of this place always gives people a psychological hint. As long as you look a little farther away, the blurry thing seems to be standing alone.

Because the houses in the village were in disarray, the two of us could only walk forward based on our feelings after entering the village.

The village in sight was dilapidated, some earthen houses had collapsed, and it was a desolate scene with broken walls.

Before long, a dilapidated deserted temple appeared before our eyes.

The plaque hanging on the gate of the deserted temple was crooked, and the gate of the temple was tilted aside. It was covered with a thick layer of dust and moss, and the original writing on it could no longer be seen clearly.

"This is one of the three temples in the village that we saw at the beginning."

I haven't noticed it when looking down from a high place, but standing in front of this temple, I feel that this temple is a bit unusual.

The broken door was open, and it was impossible to see what was inside, but the black hole looked like a shriveled open mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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