
Chapter 106 3 Immortal Temple

Chapter 106 Three Immortals Temple

It was at that time that those few people felt that Fengshan Village was too evil.

They wanted to leave, but it was late at night and they couldn't leave the village at all.

The last few people decided to just stay in the house and stay up until dawn.

But it didn't take long for one of them to fall asleep in a daze. When he was asleep, he felt that someone was pressing on him, making him unable to breathe.

He struggled to open his eyes, but found that his companion was pressing on him, staring at him fiercely, his eyes were scarlet, and at the same time muttering: "Kill you, kill you."

He resisted violently, wanting to kick this companion down!But no matter how hard he tried, his strength was no match for the opponent.

At this time, another companion woke up. He watched the scene of his friends fighting each other.

Immediately, he took a candlestick from the bedside and hit it, and the man fainted immediately before he stopped his unintentional harmful behavior.

The old man stopped when he said this.

I didn't expect that the village actually had such a weird rule of not keeping people at night, it must be because something bad will happen to outsiders in the village at night.

Seeing that the old man didn't speak, I asked, "What happened afterwards, are those three people still alive?"

The old man nodded and said: "A few people were so frightened that they didn't dare to stay in that room that night. It was lucky for those young people. It was already dawn by then."

"After inquiring with the village, I found out that the owner of the house they lived in had passed away. Although two members of the family in the house had died, due to the funeral customs of the villagers, the family of three was buried near their home. It may be that the ghosts returned home in the middle of the night. I met them by chance, and the three of them lived in it, disturbing the rest of the dead."

"Later, under the leadership of the villagers, the three young men went to pay respects to the family's three graves and the village's enshrined temple. This matter finally came to an end, and their symptoms of beating evil gradually disappeared. Afterwards, the three He left the village in a hurry."

If it was true as the old man said, then this Fengshan Village would be terrible.

The form of the mountain here is the situation where four dragons enter the water. If it is really such a sinister Fengshui situation, it will not only be a problem near this island, but the whole lake will be a place where Yin Qi accumulates.

But Fengshan Village established the village in such a place of evil spirit.

This was definitely not unintentional. Combined with Fengshan Village's strange rules of wearing ghost masks on the dead and keeping no one at night, there are many problems in this village.

"What I said scares the two of you!"

The old man may see that my face is not very good, so he smiled.

I froze for a moment.

Because I found something wrong with what the old man said, I subconsciously turned towards the two people who looked like lovers sitting across from me.

As if they couldn't hear what the old man said, they have been staring blankly at the other side of the river since they got on the boat.

From the boat shed, the mountain on the other side of the river can be seen outlining mushrooms, because at some point, a thin layer of fog formed on the surface of the river outside.

The old man spoke with all his heart, and he didn't seem to notice this slight change in his surroundings.

But this season, some fog on the river should be normal.

"There is another more evil thing that Fengshan Village didn't tell you. If you are afraid, just tell the old man. Now we turn around and go back, but I will not refund the boat fare. "

The old man always had a smile on his mouth when he spoke, with a half-joking expression, and it was hard to tell whether he was telling the truth or not.

"According to what I said on the boat, the old man just takes the boat and takes us there. As for other things, don't worry too much, but..."

Chu Yuan, who was sitting across from me, said in a low voice, "You said there is a more evil thing in that village, I'm interested, I don't want you to tell us about it."

There was a trace of fear on the old man's face, and he said: "The last weird thing is that there are three temples in this Fengshan village. The fortune teller said that the three temples are the pattern of three temples towning the valley, because there are things in the village. , for the sake of suppressing evil spirits."

I frowned when I heard his words, what's wrong with building temples in the village?
In fact, many villages will build temples to enshrine incense, pray for blessings, and accumulate virtue for future generations.

There is also an ancestral hall in our village, which is nothing unusual.

The man frowned and said, "Building temples in the village to do good deeds means that the villagers are good. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the temple, but the temple built in Fengshan Village, first of all, violates the big taboo of Feng Shui pattern, and second, do you know what is enshrined in that temple? It is a pair of strange male and female dolls!"

"They only worship the temple during the two festivals of Qingming Festival and Zhongyuan Festival in a year, and the men and women worshiping in the temple wear dolls in official uniforms, and the expressions portrayed are indescribably weird. I saw it once in the past. It’s still fresh in my memory!”

When he said this, the old man saw our blank faces, probably because he couldn't think of the expressions of the male and female dolls worshiping, so he dipped his hands in the river water and roughly drew a human face on the deck.

After finishing the painting, he pointed to us and said, "Look, the doll worshiped by the villagers of Fengshan Village has this expression."

Naturally, the water painting is blurry and there are no details, but even though the painted face is only a few strokes, it gives people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

The first moment I saw the painted face, I felt weird. It may be because the water stains spread, and the painted face quickly blurred.

But I can vaguely see that this face has a strange expression, and the eyes are slender and slightly narrowed, giving people an expression of looking at you with gloomy eyes.

In our culture, there is generally awe of gods, and most people worship gods and Buddhas.

However, Fengshan Village enshrines a strange temple, which is neither a Buddha nor a god, but two weird dolls, a pair of male and female dolls wearing official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing that we were silent, the old man said: "The fortune teller said that the dolls were probably the ancestors of Fengshan Village. There are two possibilities. One is more prominent ancestors, but most of these ancestors are enshrined in the form of tablets. Worship in the ancestral hall of a large family, not in the temple of the whole village."

"Therefore, there is another possibility. It is not human puppets, but ghost puppets. In other words, Fengshan Village may worship ghosts. Ghost apparitions are usually much more reliable than ancestor apparitions. Fengshan Village's unique custom of pro-ghosts also makes The second possibility is more plausible."

Generally speaking, many villagers worship their ancestors, and they will portray the portraits and sculptures of their ancestors in a holy, solemn and coercive manner.

But carving human dolls out of wood and portraying that weird expression is simply against common sense.

However, in this village, it seems that many places are very contrary to our traditional culture.

(End of this chapter)

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