The powerful minister favors the small farmer's wife alone

Chapter 12 My mother is timid and not as hospitable as my aunt

Chapter 12 My mother is timid and not as hospitable as my aunt
Listening to what Chen Ping, the daughter-in-law of Mr. Su, said outside, the mother and daughter frowned.

Seeing Xu Zhixiang's face turned livid, Su Xiaocao said angrily: "Mother, don't be angry, let's ignore her, that broken mouth will be torn sooner or later."

Xu Zhixiang nodded silently, but Su Xiaoye disagreed. This woman was obviously ruining Xu Zhixiang's reputation. She endured it for a while, but she didn't know what dirty water she was going to throw in the future.

Put the rabbit in his hand into Su Xiaocao's arms, whispered: "Xiaocao, go and hide the rabbit, don't let others see it."

Su Xiaocao was clever, and when she heard the words, she understood that Su Xiaoye meant that she was afraid of being seen by the Su family, so she puffed her chest out and assured her, "Sister, don't worry, I won't let the people over there snatch her away."

Su Xiaoye stroked her braids in relief.

Afterwards, Su Xiaoye looked out through the crack of the wall, saw that Chen Ping was sitting right next to the courtyard wall, turned around and moved the ladder there.

Then I ran to fill the half-basket I made in the morning with soil.

Xu Zhixiang and Su Xiaocao didn't know what she was going to do, and before they could ask, they saw her climbing up the ladder with soil again, which scared Xu Zhixiang so much that he reached out to catch her under the ladder, for fear that she would accidentally fall off.

Fortunately, Su Xiaoye climbed very smoothly, and sat on the top of the wall in a few strokes.

When the courtyard wall was first built, it was built to prevent wild animals on the mountain. In addition to being tall, it was also wide. People can sit or walk on it, and placing a basket is not a problem.

Sitting on the top of the wall, Su Xiaoye turned down and said: "Auntie said this, my mother is timid and not as hospitable as my auntie, of course the door must be closed when my father is not at home."

Chen Ping wanted to say something ugly, but when she saw people not cooperating, she felt bored. When she heard Su Xiaoye's words, she immediately said proudly, "That's natural. I'm not a petty person like your mother. No one in our village knows me. This man is the most generous and hospitable.”

Su Xiaoye smiled when she heard the words, "Auntie is right, but I don't know that you don't close the door at night, does uncle know that you are so hospitable?"

Everyone in the village knew that Boss Su always went to the city to do idle work, and he often didn't come home at night, so what Su Xiaoye said meant a lot.

Chen Ping didn't understand the meaning of her words at first, but when she heard the uncontrollable laughter from others, she realized that Su Xiaoye was suspecting that she was waiting to meet wild men by keeping the door open at night, so she immediately exploded in anger, and raised her head He scolded: "Stinky girl, you are looking for..."

Before the word 'death' could be uttered, she was doused with dirt, not only lost her eyes, but also ate her mouth, causing her to cover her face in pain, and the cry of pain was accompanied by the sound of pee pee.

When it was time to fetch water, most people would bring some needlework to do it. It was hot and the people sitting next to them were not close to each other.

But seeing Chen Ping like this, fearing that Su Xiaoye would dump the soil again, they all avoided further away, but they all felt that there was nothing wrong with Su Xiaoye protecting her mother.

But her temper is too wild, so she definitely can't ask her to be her daughter-in-law!Otherwise, there is a bit of conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, is it possible to fight with daughter-in-law?It's too embarrassing to spread.

Su Xiaoye ignored the outside after pouring the soil.

Jumping back to the yard, I thought of the cracks in the wall I just looked out.She can look out, and people outside can also look in. Her family has a lot of secrets, and she can't let outsiders know.

Immediately ran to make a pile of mud, added a handful of fine hay, and started filling the hole with a small stick.

Xu Zhixiang and Su Xiaocao also understood, and followed to make up together, even the little Su Lan followed behind and was busy.

Chen Ping's cursing outside did not affect the people inside at all.

Soon, all the holes that could be found were patched, Chen Ping's scolding stopped, and the mother and daughter started cleaning up the backyard again.

(End of this chapter)

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