"Oh my god, tiger poison doesn't eat its children. How could Mei Qizhi do this? If he hadn't forced his wife to poison his niece, he wouldn't have killed his own son. This man is really..."

The people watching outside were talking about it, and some people even scolded: "This kind of scum, die early and be reborn early, don't live to harm others."

Women with women were even more aggrieved, "A man who beats his wife is not a good thing at all, such a man deserves to die."

Although men who beat their wives can be seen everywhere in ancient times, no one brought it up, let alone brought it up in court.

Many men take beating their wives as a matter of course, and many women who are beaten also think that this is their fate, and they don't resist, gradually forming a vicious circle.

It seems that beating a woman is a man's right and exclusiveness, and no one will pursue it.

But now that this matter was brought up by Melomei, everyone felt in a daze that it seemed wrong to beat a wife.

"Yeah, why do men beat their daughter-in-law? Does the daughter-in-law owe his family? Why can't women resist?"

Some women's brains respond quickly, and they can poke at the true thoughts of others in one go.

The eyes of many women who were often beaten were red, and they felt the same way, so they shouted outside: "Mr. County, this little Zhang has also lived a hard life. She is beaten by men every day, and now she is put together by her man. She deserves to die. "

"Yes, death is not a crime."

"Sin is not unworthy of death..."

The women outside spoke separately, but the men felt chills on their necks, secretly thinking that it would be best not to beat their wives in the future.

The magistrate of the county found it difficult to hear this.

There was a homicide case on the one hand, and the protests from the people on the other. It was very difficult for him to decide the case, but he thought of the ill-gotten gains that Miss Mei just mentioned, and immediately became concerned.

He said: "Xiao Zhang, do you know where Mei Qizhi's money comes from?"

Xiao Zhang was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect the county magistrate to ask her a question, so she reacted and said:
"My lord, I don't know where he got the money, but he did have the money to go to the Chunxiang Building and hang out with a prostitute named Xiaocui inside."

"Last night he told me that someone offered 2000 taels of silver to buy the life of my third niece, and he insisted on poisoning me. If he didn't listen to him, he threatened me with Goro, but he didn't expect to kill Saburo in the end."

Thinking of Saburo who was poisoned to death by herself, Xiao Zhang cried again.

Really complied with that sentence, thousands of miles are clear, retribution is not good, and harming others will eventually harm oneself.

Everyone gasped when they heard that taking 2000 taels of silver would kill their niece.

This is too much of a thing!
Melo Mei was also taken aback when she heard this, she didn't expect such a thing to happen last night, but it's not a day or two for Mei Laosan to want to kill her.

She has now become the victim, but the perpetrator is dead, but she can no longer pursue the matter. She just wants to find out who is behind the scenes who paid the money, and see who is secretly stabbing her.

She was thinking about ordering someone to find out the whereabouts of Mei Laosan recently, but Mei Xiang suddenly leaned into her ear and said, "Miss, Shisan is back."

Shisan has been working on the case of Mei Lao Er recently, and now that he is back, it means that there may be new discoveries in the case.

She left the lobby and hurried over immediately.

As soon as they turned a corner, Thirteen jumped out.

"Miss, my subordinates have found out that the arsenic on the chili was made by Mei Qizhi. As for the person who gave him the poison, it was Chunxianglou Xiaocui."

Chunxianglou Xiaocui?
She didn't even know about this person, why did she let Lao San Mei harm her?

Seeing his lady's doubts, Thirteen explained: "Other secret guards found out that Xiao Cui was once the personal servant girl of Miss Shen's mansion, Shen Bi, and was sold to Chunxiang Building for committing crimes. I don't know if Miss has any problems with Miss Shen."

Shen Bi?Who's coming?

Melomei couldn't react for a long time. She felt that apart from the queen and the heroine, she didn't seem to offend other women.

She thought about it for a while, and then suddenly remembered that there was a girl who accompanied her at the palace banquet last time, and she vaguely remembered that someone called her Miss Shen at that time.

"The Shen Bi you mentioned is the most talented woman in the capital?"

Thirteen replied truthfully: "Yes, miss, there is only one Shen Bi in this capital, but she is no longer a talented woman since the last palace banquet."

Melome: "But I didn't offend her."

She only met her once that time, and she didn't say a few words. She thinks that everyone should have no deep hatred!

Thirteenth said: "Miss, you may not know something, this girl Shen is the same age as the prince, her grandfather was born and died with the late emperor, and was deeply favored by the late emperor, so Miss Shen was married to the prince by the late emperor when she was still in the womb, but the prince After he was born, he was identified as a demon boy by the national teacher, and the Shen family panicked at the time, and Mr. Shen went to the palace to ask for the dissolution of the marriage."

Unexpectedly, Jun Buhuan had an ex-fiancée who was married with his fingertips. Melomei felt uncomfortable, and asked: "Then what happened next?"

"Later, the marriage was dissolved, and the prince was forced to leave the palace. But when the prince returned, Shen Bi came to see the prince. At that time, the prince didn't give him a good face, so she left crying."

Thirteen was still a secret guard at the time, so he knew many things clearly.

Thinking of Jun Buhuan's character, Shen Bi would not be able to please him if he came to him, Melomei understood, but she still felt uncomfortable that he didn't tell her about such a big matter.

"You mean that Shen Bi has a crush on the prince, so he specifically targeted me?"

Shisan was taken aback for a moment, he felt that he had caused trouble, but he just wanted to analyze the case and didn't think so much.

He immediately remedied, "I don't know if Miss Shen likes the prince or not, but the prince only likes you, miss. In addition, the subordinates think that Miss Shen's appearance is not because of the prince, but probably because of the embarrassment of the last palace banquet."

It's really embarrassing to go on stage but not be able to play a few notes, but it can't be her fault!
Melome opened her big innocent eyes, "Thirteen, do you believe that I really didn't offend her?"

Thirteen was silent, he didn't go to the palace with him, how could he know if his lady had offended anyone, but he knew that Shen Bi had murdered the Mei family, but he couldn't help it.

The two talked here, but there was a new development in the case there. The county magistrate arrested Xiao Cui according to Xiao Zhang's pleadings, and finally found out that Shen Bi had indeed paid for the murder, and Mei Lao San was not innocent. As for Mei Lao The two couples were not responsible for the poison, so they should be acquitted.

But Mei and Lao Er were detained in the cell of Dali Temple, and the county magistrate could not intervene, so he had to write a copy to make up the list.

As for Xiao Zhang, although she deserves sympathy, she did kill Mei Qizhi, which cannot be forgiven.

Therefore, if you are assigned to build a city tower at the border, unless you make great contributions, you will always be punished.

There is nothing worse than heartbreak, Xiao Zhang had no intention of surviving, but now the county magistrate did not execute her immediately, she was already very grateful.

"My... my lord, I really don't have to die, you won't kill me?"

She knelt in the lobby in disbelief, thinking that it was more realistic to give her a knife.

She used to be greedy for life and afraid of death, but after experiencing such an accident, she felt that everything was not so important.

"Drag it down and send it to the border at another day."

The county magistrate waved his hand and asked the yamen servants to drag her down. As for the two dead people, he also asked the yamen servants to carry her down and dig a pit to bury them.

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