It's her turn to be on stage, but what is she supposed to do?

Is it possible to write capital letters?

However, if she writes out her ghost-drawing talisman with chicken feet, I'm afraid it will make people laugh for no reason.

Melomei racked her brains, and finally had no choice but to say uncertainly, "How about I go up and sing a song?"


The corner of Jun Buhuan's mouth twitched, he was poisoned a lot by this girl.

He remembered that when she was running away from famine, she liked to hum when she was bored, and she couldn't understand what she was humming, anyway, it was just weird.

He looked at her strangely and said, "Are you sure?"

Melome nodded seriously, "I'm sure."

She asked loudly: "Who will sit next and can accompany me?"

You can't sing without accompaniment, so you can only ask for help from other people who can play.

"I'll do it." A girl raised her hand positively.

She is dressed in white and has a dusty demeanor, which makes people feel good at first glance.

When the emperor entertained all civil and military officials, everyone had a little secret in their hearts. These girls came with their families, and they naturally hoped to show themselves and attract more young talents, so that they would have a good marriage.

This girl is no exception. She hopes to make herself famous through her piano skills. Although she already has the title of talented woman, who would dislike the honor.

Someone from the palace handed over a guqin, which was brought by the girl herself when she entered the palace, but they were handed over to the palace people for safekeeping. Now that she was about to go on stage, someone brought the qin to her.

The girl stood up, took the guqin in her arms, and walked to the stage step by step.

"Look, everyone, Miss Shen is on stage." Someone recognized her at a glance and couldn't help exclaiming.

Among young people, who doesn't know Miss Shen, Shen Bi, she is the dream lover of many young talents in the capital.

"It's Miss Shen, mother, I finally saw Miss Shen."

"Miss Shen actually wants to accompany Miss Mei. Miss Mei is lucky. I wish I was the one on stage."

Some people feel regretful and wish they could replace Melomei with themselves. What a great honor it is to have the opportunity to share the stage with the most beautiful and talented woman in the capital.

But Melomei didn't know this. Seeing the girl on stage, she quickly got up and walked onto the stage. When she got closer, she even whispered thank you to the girl.

The girl nodded and didn't say much, the arrogance in her eyes could not be hidden.

The women in the capital think they are superior to others, and Melomei didn't care about this, she just sang: "The boundless sky is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills..."

Shen Bi didn't expect that the other party would start singing directly. She was taken aback for a moment, and came back to the accompaniment, but after playing two notes, she couldn't continue playing. Although the song was nice, it was a melody she had never heard before. .

With her fingers on the strings, she didn't know how to play, and she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

Melomei sang a few lines, but found that the other party had played only two notes and stopped moving. She suddenly stopped without knowing why, and stopped singing.

The accompaniment is not good, and the effect of the song is greatly reduced.

"Ms. Shen, play it quickly. I like listening to your piano sound the most. It makes people intoxicated."

The first son urged with his eyes closed, and he naturally had to close his eyes and enjoy the sound of the piano slowly.

"Miss Shen, you don't need to keep your secrets. Play it quickly. If you play it well, you will be rewarded a lot."

The emperor also knew that Shen Bi was known as a talented woman, so he expressed great hopes immediately.

Seeing what the emperor said, Shen Bi gritted his teeth and played a few more notes, but the tune was really ugly.

Melomei looked at her suspiciously, thinking that she was singing out of tune again, but after thinking about it carefully, she was sure that she was definitely not out of tune today.

This is her specialty song, she may have listened to it a thousand or eight hundred times in her previous life, so how could she be out of tune.

Since she didn't make a mistake, but the other party did this, she had to wonder if this girl was also an undercover agent sent by the queen to prank her.

So she just didn't speak, just stared at the other person motionlessly, to see what she wanted to do!

Shen Bi was panicked at first, but now seeing that the other party didn't sing and only came to see her, she felt even more anxious. She didn't want to step off the stage, but she wanted to continue playing but couldn't.

"Play it if you can play it, and come down if you can't play it. The most talented woman in the capital, in my opinion, is just like this. She is not much better than this bastard."

Huasi has been nesting in the corner, originally wanted to be an invisible person, but seeing Shen Bishen, a talented girl, stopped moving after playing a few notes on the running platform, she felt very disdainful, so her mouth became cheap again.

He has always disliked this noble girl from the capital, always feeling that she is superior, unattainable, and arrogant. In fact, in his opinion, she is not as interesting and capable as his little apprentice.

The little apprentice raises the whole family by himself, and the noble daughter of the capital is raised by the whole family, there is no comparison.

When Hua Si said this, everyone slowly reacted at this time.

It's not that this talented girl didn't play, but she couldn't play anymore, and everyone looked at each other for a while.

Even the well-known talented women in the capital can't accompany her, let alone the others. Miss Mei can't change the song.

Seeing this, Jun Buhuan said to the palace man beside him: "Go and get me a piano."

The palace servants left in response, and soon brought a guqin and put it on the table.

After Jun Buhuan cleaned his hands, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, and then touched the strings.

After adjusting a few notes, the fingertips slid across, and the notes came from the guqin one by one.

Melomei looked along the body of the qin, and saw Jun Buhuan playing the qin.

He was wearing a light blue shirt today, and he looked a lot more easy-going.

Melomei stared at him dumbfounded, and there was only one sentence in her mind: people are like jade in the world, and a son is unparalleled in the world.

"Little girl, hurry up and sing." 'Jun Buhuan heard the sound transmission.

There was a voice in my mind, and Melomei finally came back to her senses, and continued to sing " are the most beautiful cloud in my sky, let me keep you with my heart... I walk with you among the blooming flowers in spring, and accompany you at night in summer Watching the stars and blinking together, wandering the golden wheat fields with you at dusk in autumn, winter..."

Melomei drew the last note, looked at the young man playing the piano from a distance across the crowd, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and couldn't recover from his thoughts for a long time.

It would be great if she could be with him forever!

After playing a song, Jun Buhuan raised his eyes and looked at the people on the stage, thinking to himself that in the future, he must accompany her to walk among the flowers, watch the stars and stroll through the wheat fields.

The thunderous applause from the audience awakened Melomei, she habitually bowed and bowed, walked to the audience, and returned to sit beside Jun Buhuan.

"You little girl, how did you sing so well this time?"

Jun Buhuan asked someone to take Qin away, and asked Melomei's little hand.

"I know how to do this, but I haven't sung this before."

She used to hum some songs she had heard before, but she couldn't remember all the lyrics, so she usually only hummed the climax part, and she was always out of tune. Naturally, she couldn't compare with the songs she is good at now.

Jun Buhuan held her in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Luo Luo, what else does this king not know about you!"

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