Chapter 161
Melomei climbed up the steps step by step, feeling like walking on thin ice every step she took.

Worried that she wouldn't be able to find anything to say in a while, she also bought a book about ancient rain-seeking spells in the system mall.

I opened it with my consciousness and glanced at it, but found that it was useless, so I had to continue to search in the system mall, the more I searched, the more confused I became.

It really doesn't work to hold Buddha's feet temporarily, she knew that she should ask Jun Buhuan to get her some information, so she carried it on her back.

Seeing Melomei rummaging in the shopping mall, the system sighed, and couldn't help but said: [Host, stand so high, read in a low voice, who knows what you read, even if you scold the emperor, he can't hear you, You are like this mainly because it rains, as for what to read, people don't care. ]
Melomei couldn't find a suitable sentence, so she had to give up and said: [Are you sure and guaranteed that it will rain today, right? ]
The system glanced at the sky, and said with a guilty conscience: [Host, you don't have enough authority now, if you want to know God's will, please upgrade the system. ]
It's a clear sky, and it seems unlikely that it will rain.

The system decided to get some water and put it there, and if it didn't work for a while, it would sprinkle a few drops. The task hadn't been completed yet, so the host couldn't let the host burp right now.

Want to upgrade again?

Melomei seriously doubted whether the system was playing tricks on her, and she wanted to ask, but felt that now was not the time to chat, so she withdrew from her consciousness and continued to climb up the storm platform.

Jun Buhuanyang raised his head and looked at the girl who was climbing up step by step, and wrote down the hatred of everyone in his heart.

"My lord, this old slave will help you to sit over there."

The old eunuch couldn't help saying to Jun Buhuan when he saw Jun Buhuan stuck under the steps and refused to leave.

"Excuse me, my father-in-law."

Jun Buhuan nodded, and with the support of the old eunuch, he walked to the side and sat down.

He glanced at Xing Shang who was outside the crowd calmly, and felt relieved when he saw him nodding.

Melomei finally climbed to the high platform, and when she looked down, she was so shocked that she backed away again and again.

It's so high, if you fall, you won't be a meatloaf!
Fortunately, she is not afraid of heights, otherwise the height alone would scare people to death!
She pulled up her skirt and straightened her appearance.

Since praying for rain, there must be a sense of ritual, right?

"Miss Mei, please!"

While Melome was arranging her appearance, a guard suddenly brought water.

She didn't know why, so she looked down at the crowd, hoping to give some instructions, but found that everyone was staring at her, but they didn't respond.

Melomei had no choice but to reach out and wash her hands in the basin.

She remembered that in ancient times, it seemed that when doing important things, one had to wash one's hands first, then burn incense, and then do business, so she guessed that the water must be for washing hands.

She can't be so stupid as to run to drink, it's a big joke.

Melomei guessed right, she washed her hands, and someone handed her a towel right away.

After wiping her hands clean, she took a guard and lit the joss stick that was handed over to her, and she had to pretend to worship the sky three times devoutly.

Seeing that she was ready, the guards retreated immediately, and she was the only one left on the high platform.

Not knowing what to do, she had no choice but to insert the incense candle in the incense burner next to her, and then sat down cross-legged.

Like the auspicious sitting of the Buddhist family in the TV series, put the mudra of the right hand on the palm of the left palm, and read aloud in a serious manner.

"All Bodhisattvas, Jade Emperor, Empress Nuwa, Taishang Laojun, Lei Gong and Dian Mu, please let it rain, if you don't go down, everyone will eat soil and drink the northwest wind."

"The Tathagata Buddha of the Western Paradise, the merciful and merciful Avalokitesvara of the South China Sea, have pity on me, let it rain, or my head will fall off."


"Sister Snow on the first watch, Girl Snow on the second watch, Miss Snow on the second watch, busy in gold and silver,... Disciple eats your snow mountain meal, please snow mountains and rivers, it snows heavily on the first watch, and big snow falls on the second watch Frost, frost on top of snow, snow on top of snow, fire attacks and burns the world, demons turn into dust, the Supreme Lord, hurry like a law."

[Host, what do you read? ]
After the system pumped the water, it heard the host chanting words, listened carefully, and was stunned.

I don't know what the hell she's talking about, if it's going to rain, she's going to have snow and frost?
[Um, I was so absorbed in reading that I accidentally recited the magic spell that my father taught me in my previous life. ]
Melomei really wanted to cover her face, but now she wanted to pretend, so she had no choice but to keep talking nonsense.

After reading for a long time, not a drop of rain fell, but a dark cloud floated from a distance.

Oh god, I don't know when it will rain
Melomei recited and recited herself directly to fall asleep.

"Didn't Miss Mei say that she has a body protected by a fairy? Why can't she ask for rain after so long?"

After waiting for a long time, the common people found that the sun was still hanging steadily in the sky, and there was no rhythm of rain at all, so they couldn't help being anxious.

Thanks to the hype of the Merlot butterfly, everyone now knows that Merlot has a fairy body.

The second commoner heard the words and continued: "That's right, we ordinary people will not be able to survive if it doesn't rain anymore."

"Do you think Miss Mei can ask for rain?" Someone asked with doubts in his heart.

"Who knows, before the national teacher begged for rain several times, it didn't come down. She is a little girl of a few years old. Although it is said that there are gods protecting her body, who knows if there are gods. Anyway, none of us have seen it. Maybe it is She deliberately misled everyone in order to attract the emperor's attention."

Some people pursed their mouths in disdain. He had seen this kind of people a lot.

For example, a beggar recently said that he was the uncle of the prince and the uncle of the prince Huan every day. In fact, who would believe it!

A beggar who has lost his limbs and lives by begging, do you still expect him to be a relative of the emperor?
Everyone waited for a while, and found that there was still no sign of rain, and gradually became impatient.

As great as the expectations are, as much as the disappointments are!

The queen took a sip of the pine tea gracefully, pretending to be unintentional, and said: "I heard that Miss Mei has a body protected by a fairy, and she will surely be able to ask for rain. Now half a day has passed, but there is no sign. I wonder if it is a folk rumor."

Concubine Shu said softly: "My sister's words are wrong. The national teacher asked for rain three times, but there was no rain. Is the sister of the queen questioning your majesty's poor vision?"

The national teacher has assisted two generations of kings in succession. He was the national teacher when he was the first emperor, and he is still the national teacher now.

Concubine Shu's words immediately provoked a conflict among several people.

The national teacher secretly looked at the queen, his face was not good.

The emperor was even angrier: "Go back to Kunning Palace if you don't want to watch it."

Although he wanted to suppress Jun Buhuan through Melomei, he also hoped that the country would be in good shape.

The queen was deflated, and she was about to lose her temper when she thought of something, then she calmed down and said, "I heard that Mei Liangnuan is Miss Mei's cousin. She grew up together, maybe the one who really has a fairy body protector is that one." Girl, why doesn't the emperor let her try it, maybe it will rain soon."

What she said was not a spoof of Meluodie, but when the queen left the palace, Meluodie sent someone to send her a letter, in which she vowed that she could bring down the rain, and asked the queen to help her for a chance.

The queen didn't want to talk to her at first, but now she brought this matter up for her own benefit.

The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend, and that woman is still from the East Palace, her gain is equivalent to the crown prince's gain, and the queen is happy to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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