Chapter 78 Weird place
"Look, how can there be such a face in this world? The eyebrows are thick, and the eyes are surprisingly big, just like the characters in the comics. In reality, how can there be such eyes? And this nose, it is too pointed, and it is too sharp. With this mouth, it's too small."

The other team members nodded one after another. As expected of Team Wang, they discovered the doubts immediately. No wonder they were able to get promoted all the way from the local area to Beijing, and they really have some skills.

Wang Yong suspected that this face was probably the result of plastic surgery. If it was done abroad, it would be difficult to check.But such a face can't be found with big data, so there are only two possibilities, either it has just returned from plastic surgery abroad and has not had time to reissue the identity, or it is a fake face.

Members of the criminal investigation team began to conduct a carpet-like investigation of the place where the incident occurred for a kilometer, and took the printed photos to question the people along the street.

Wang Yong himself also came to Gao Yunchen's room and made a more detailed record.

Lin Yi also listened to it, and had to admire that today's criminal investigation and handling of cases are indeed much more advanced.However, within three days, a blanket investigation was carried out on the place where the incident occurred. Even the records of the pet shop owner were obtained. It was preliminarily concluded that the murderer might not be a human being.

"It's been three days, and you still haven't caught the murderer. Are you the police? You put the murderer on the supernatural. Why don't you say that the murderer was sent by aliens?" Gao Yunchen's father heard from Wang Yong. After the murderer may not be human, he immediately became angry.

As a criminal police officer, it is common for him to be threatened and scolded by victims, and Wang Yong has long since developed the ability to be invulnerable to all kinds of poisons.Take out the transcripts made by the nearby people and pass them to Father Gao.

"It's not that I'm talking nonsense, but that there are real facts. It's just that our police have always been silent about this kind of incident. But I still think it is necessary to tell you. The murderer may not be human, so you still have to be psychologically prepared Prepare."

Father Gao took the transcript, glanced at it hastily, and became angry again: "Just because the pets of the nearby residents are afraid of seeing this person, you can conclude that this person is not a human? It's ridiculous!"

Wang Yong said seriously: "Family, I can understand your feelings. But, have you ever seen such a face in real life?" He handed the cartoon face to Father Gao to see.

Wang Yong pointed to the eyes, nose, mouth, neck, and arms on the picture, and explained one by one: "We are professional investigators, and I have carefully studied the proportions of human tissues. Such a long neck and arms , almost none in reality. Also, the most important point is that when the murderer committed the crime, he did not wear gloves and beat people with his bare hands. However, I did not find any fingerprints of the murderer on the clothes or bodies of the victims. I couldn’t find it even through technical means. What does this mean?”

Father Gao was skeptical, but still firmly insisted that this person has a unique appearance, so it should be easier to find.

"That's the problem." Wang Yong explained, "The murderer appeared on the surveillance cameras at the intersection nine times, five times from the back, and three times from the front. We checked through technical means and big data. , I can't find this person at all. I can say with certainty that such a face does not exist in reality."


In the end, Wang Yong could only report the case to a higher-level department.After all, this is beyond the scope of his duties.

A few days later, another strange man appeared in Gao Yunchen's ward, who claimed to be from a special affairs bureau and was in charge of that aspect of affairs.

As for which aspect, Gao's father also knew it well, and did not point it out, and let Gao Yunchen continue to recall the situation at that time.

"In other words, the murderer gave you a kick because he heard you say he was a fool, and then triggered the subsequent conflict."

Gao Yunchen nodded in embarrassment, and suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "He recognizes me, and he even called me by my name."

Yang Silin knocked on the door and came in, and Lin Yi also stopped listening to the corner.

After the winter vacation, most of the students who were in other places returned to their hometowns, and only a few local students took the initiative to organize themselves to take care of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was already very moved, his ribs had almost recovered, he was able to get out of bed and walk around now, he had prepared his wheelbarrow and crutches, and he had the ability to take care of himself, so Yang Silin didn't have to come again.

Seeing that Lin Yi was able to go to the bathroom by himself, Yang Silin felt relieved, and left after a few words of advice.

As soon as Yang Silin walked away, Huang Qi appeared in the ward, and said, "A supernatural person came next door, the master has to be careful."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Huang Qi's expression changed: "It's that supernatural being next door." Then he disappeared quickly.


The personnel who came out of Gao Yunchen's ward were supernatural personnel from the Special Affairs Bureau, and one of them was able to communicate with Yin and Yang. He happened to see a yellow leather child disappear at the door of the next ward.Curious, he stepped forward and knocked on the door of Lin Yi's ward.

Lin Yi said: "The door is unlocked, please come in."

The supernatural person stepped into the ward, sniffed it, looked at the bandage on Lin's neck and the plaster cast on his leg, and said with a smile, "How did you get this injury on your body?"

"Being beaten for revenge."

The supernatural person said: "You are so young, what kind of person can you make enemies with and be beaten like this."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly: "Because of my mouth."

Accompanying this supernatural being was Wang Yong, who looked at Lin Yi for a long while and suddenly said, "Lin Yi?"

Lin Yi also looked pleasantly surprised: "Wang... Brother Wang?" He almost called uncle.

Wang Yong was only 35 years old, and at Lin Yi's age, calling him uncle would indeed make him old, so Lin Yi quickly changed his words.

Wang Yong hurriedly introduced to the supernatural person: "When I was in Xizhou, I had dealings with this kid several times. This kid was once bullied on campus, and I was the policeman. But I couldn't help much. , In the end, the bully got into bad luck and was frightened into a mental illness, and the bully's parents, as well as the lawyers he hired, all got into car accidents one after another, which is still a strange thing that cannot be explained by science in the local area."

"The whole family of the bully has car accidents one after another?" Chu Jian, a supernatural being in his fifties, squinted his eyes when he heard this, and glanced at Lin Yi who was calm.

Wang Yong nodded: "No, it was indeed quite a sensation. Everyone said that evil will be rewarded with evil. And they said, they said..."

"What else?"

"It was also said that Lin Yi's grandfather appeared in secret, and he specially vented his anger on his grandson to punish that family." Wang Yong thought about his occupation, and explained a little embarrassingly, "Of course, it was just passed on in private."

But Chu Jian was quite interested and asked: "What did the young man's grandfather do before he died?"

Without waiting for Lin Yi to answer, Wang Yong volunteered and said: "I know, his grandfather was in the business of the dead. He specially made paper figurines for the dead, making paper kraft paper horses, paper cars and paper sedan chairs, and so on. They are so realistic. It’s quite well-known in the local area. It’s just that after his grandfather left, this technique will probably be lost.”

"Paper-folding people?" Chu Shu was thoughtful, and then asked Lin Yi, "Can you make paper people, young man?"

"Yes, but it's not as delicate as my grandfather's." Lin Yi replied calmly, "Also, I don't rely on it for a living."

Chu Jian couldn't deny it, and asked again: "Can you let me see your paper piercing man?"

Lin Yi pointed to the arm hanging on his chest: "I'm sorry, the doctor said at least two months of recuperation."

"Sorry, I was the one to be abrupt." Chu Jian asked abruptly, "Do you know Gao Yunchen?"

Lin Yi immediately said: "If he is from Xizhou, then I really know him."

"It is indeed from Xizhou. He is next door to you now. He has been beaten to pieces. The police have no clues at all."

Surprise appeared on Lin Yi's face, and then he gloated: "That's really great, you really deserve it!" Then he told the other party that he and Gao Yunchen used to be classmates, their family was richer, and they often liked to bully him. Condemn Lin Yi and steal his money.So a deeper beam was formed.Seeing that the opponent was beaten to the point of broken bones and hands, of course he was applauding.

Wang Yong said with a sympathetic face: "You are really pitiful, alas, children without father and mother are easy to be bullied. But don't worry, call me if you have any difficulties in the future. I am a policeman anyway. It is still a deterrent against criminals."

And handed his business card to Lin Yi.

"Thank you, Brother Wang. If you are bullied in the future, you must find Brother Wang." Lin Yi took the business card and put it away very solemnly.

"What's the matter with your injury?"

After Lin Yi told the story, Wang Yong shook his head and said, "It's too vicious. It's really incompetent to dare to do such a cruel thing to you just because of a few words that are not quarrels." But the topic changed immediately. , "But you are also talkative enough. When you reject others in the future, be more tactful and don't be so straightforward. There are many narrow-minded people in this world. If you disagree, you will take revenge to death."

Lin Yi was taught humbly, saying that he must learn the lesson.

Chu Jian gave Lin Yi another meaningful look, left with Wang Yong, and said to Wang Yong, "I want all the information you gave Lin Yi to handle the case when you were in Xizhou."

Wang Yong said: "Ah...why?"

Chu Jian said, "Don't you think it's weird that the whole family, including the lawyer, had accidents before and after?"

Wang Yong smiled disapprovingly: "It's really weird, so there are rumors that Lin Yi has the nickname of the God of Plague. But I still believe that it should be Grandpa Lin Yi who appeared underground."

Chu Jian couldn't deny it.

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(End of this chapter)

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