Chapter 50
Tong Yao only purchased one hundred milk tea cups. If things go on like this, it may not be enough for today. Seeing the students queuing up, each with a bottle of water, she had an idea and shouted at the students: "Milk tea costs a penny A cup, if you put it in your own cup, it's a dime a cup."

Many students were moved when they heard that no cups would be a penny cheaper. Among them, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl poked her head out of the line and asked cutely.

"What should I do if I haven't finished drinking the water in this glass?"

"You can buy them during class breaks or after school at noon. I'm here all day today."

After hesitating for a while, the little girl said: "Then I will buy it during class break." Anyway, there is still a queue to buy now, so it is better to buy it during class break.

After a little girl took the lead, a few more students decided to drink the water in the kettle before buying again. There were a few people missing in the line, and then a new group of people stood in line at the back, and some directly poured out the water for use. The kettle filled with milk tea, until the class time, she sold more than 70 milk teas, she was as busy as a spinning top, and she was never idle.

He Fang's eyes were straightened, she was sweating from exhaustion, she didn't have time to talk, and when all the students had left, she was surprised and said: "Sister, your business is so easy, the milk tea is so delicious Why are these students rushing to buy like a demon?"

Other pork stalls are not such a good business!

It is the first time she has seen so many people queuing up to buy things at such a big age. Looking at the situation just now, it is estimated that many students will come to buy milk tea during the break. After a day of selling like this, wouldn't it be worth tens of dollars? ?

God!This business is too good to do.

"Sister Fang, you'll know after you taste it." Just as Niuniu's milk tea was finished, Tong Yao filled another cup from her cup and handed it to He Fang to taste.

He Fang was embarrassed to drink for nothing, but she couldn't restrain her curiosity. She took a sip from the cup, her eyes lit up like lanterns instantly, "Sister, this is too delicious! The milk flavor is very strong and not fishy. gone."

Tong Yao narrowed her eyes and smiled sweetly, "It would taste better if it was cold and put ice cubes in it." Things that friends who have tasted all kinds of delicacies in the 21st century can't resist, in this era, everyone must be even more unable to resist.

"Can you still put ice cubes? Isn't that the same as eating popsicles?" Imagine that it would really be nice to have a cold drink on a hot day.

He Fang couldn't help but took another sip of the milk tea, and she didn't want to drink the rest, so she gave it to Niu Niu.

The sun gradually rose, and the people in the sun were sweating profusely. He Fang helped Tong Yao move things under the big tree, and then felt cooler.

Tong Yao thought of the scene where so many students came to buy milk tea in the morning, she must not be too busy alone. According to today's situation, it is not a problem to earn twenty or thirty a day. If she hires someone to help, she will not be so tired. Glancing at He Fang next to him, he suddenly had an idea.

"Sister Fang, I'll give you another 20 yuan a month, can you come and help every day?"

"Okay, okay." He Fang hardly hesitated, and kept nodding her head as if she had lost her bones, "Sister, 20 yuan is too much, just give me 15 yuan, and it won't be tiring to pack a milk tea. You give me too much money." It’s not safe to hold it in your heart.”

Rent plus wages, she has a monthly income of 35 yuan, and her brother and sister-in-law work in the factory for only 28 yuan a month. She pays so much money for a few cups of milk tea, which is like picking up money, with a guilty conscience.

Tong Yao said: "Not much, although the work is not tiring, it still takes a lot of time from morning till night."

He Fang's eyes turned red with emotion, "Sister, you are so kind, I must have accumulated a lot of good fortune in my previous life to meet you."

Tong Yao was most afraid of sensational scenes, so she quickly changed the subject, "Sister Fang, you don't have time to cook for Niuniu's father at work here, will he beat you?"

"It's okay." Although He Fang was afraid of her husband, she stiffened this time, "If he dares not let me go to work, I will go to his parents to come and judge."

In fact, He Fang's parents-in-law didn't treat her well because she gave birth to a daughter, and even looked down on her a little bit, but as long as she said that she was out to make money, the parents-in-law promised to stand by her.

Seeing He Fang as if her husband had abused her thousands of times, and she was still as affectionate to her husband as her first love, Tong Yao wished to wake up He Fang. She couldn't figure out what's the use of keeping such a husband, but she didn't want to divorce, It's hard for her to say anything, so she simply avoids this topic out of sight, out of mind.

One briquette burned out quickly, and Tong Yao replaced it with a new briquette to continue making milk tea. The water in the bucket was almost used up, and He Fang took the initiative to go back to fetch water. After about one class, some students came out to buy milk tea again. , as Tong Yao expected, most of them used their own cups this time.

I sold more than 30 cups in one class, and the fresh milk was gone by noon. Fortunately, Master Niu delivered the milk in time. Seeing this situation, Tong Yao felt that the three catties of fresh milk that he sent was probably not enough. Ask him to send some over, "Master Niu, please help me to send another three catties! I will also help to send seven catties tomorrow morning and eight catties at noon."

Master Niu nodded happily, he was too excited to say anything else, fearing to delay Tong Yao's affairs, he hurriedly rode his bicycle back to the farm to fetch three catties of milk.

Seeing that his face was flushed with heat, Tong Yao filled a cup of fresh milk for him to drink, but Master Niu refused at first, but after seeing that Tong Yao really wanted to give him a drink, she wiped her hands on her body several times before taking the milk tea , but he didn't drink it right away, but rode away on a bicycle with milk tea.

After Master Niu walked away, He Fang said: "His milk tea must not be drunk by himself, he should be brought back to his family to drink. My dad is like this. He is never willing to eat delicious food outside. He always brings it back. Give us food at home."

Tong Yao didn't care too much, "Parents in the world love each other." The milk tea was given to him, and he had the right to decide who he gave it to drink.

As Tong Yao finished speaking, the bell for the end of get out of class suddenly rang in the school. A group of children ran out of the school laughing, most of them went home directly, and some ran over to line up to buy milk tea. To save money, she asked to put it in her own water glass, which was exactly what Tong Yao wanted, and she happily sold more than 100 copies.

In one lunch time, nearly two hundred cups were sold in total. Even the teachers at the school came out to buy milk tea out of curiosity. One of them was a couple. The teacher bought a cup, and also bought a cup for other teachers in the same group.

Mrs. Wen's eyes sparkled happily while drinking the milk tea, "This milk tea is better than soda."

The other teachers took a sip and nodded in agreement, "It's really delicious, but it's more expensive than soda."

(End of this chapter)

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