The Cultivator's partner went off track all the way

Chapter 695 Tianlongmen tells the truth

Chapter 695 Tianlongmen tells the truth

The trial world has entered eternal night and will never see dawn again. Most of the monks who are still alive are hiding in the temporary shelter built by the head of Tianlong Sect.

This shelter floats in the air and has a very strange shape, like a huge sphere, shining brightly in the night sky. Looking from the ground, it looks like a huge moon.

But now there is no land. The ground is either forest branches or rivers of flesh and blood. Both places are very dangerous.

The branches and vines will attack anything with flesh and blood, while the blood river emits black energy and devours all living things.

A small number of monks are in a worse situation. It is difficult for them to find a place to stay. They can only change one flying magic weapon and another magic weapon, and they also explode from time to time.
These people are basically monks who have worked for Dayi Kingdom, including the subordinates of Protector Feng in the Paradise Sect, Huang Jingkong's allies and subordinates, and people from Qiantaishan.

The Paradise Cult has many evil cultivators, but they are already following a crooked path. It is not difficult to cope with today's strange situation; Huang Jingkong left a lot of heavenly magic weapons for his subordinates, and they can barely survive.

The worst thing is the people who follow the leader of Qiantaishan. They have no means and no powerful magic weapon. In many cases, they can only rely on their own aura to control the sword, or they have the shamelessness to ask people with magic weapons to avoid them.

Hong Yu also stayed in the big ball. She was glad that she was on Tang Yue's side and now had a place to stay. She simply didn't dare to think about what would happen if she was forced to be on Huang Jingkong's side.

The monarch of the Red Cloud Kingdom did not die, and followed his "daughter" into the sphere. Although he was the king of a mortal country, his cultivation was only qi training. He was very inconspicuous here, just because of his status and treatment. Just better.

These days, he has also realized that his daughter is actually an "outsider", but for some reason the head of the Tianlong Sect treats her very politely. There must be some unknown conspiracy behind this. He is just a mediocre national soldier. , don’t want to know these dangerous things.

But these days he has been having a dream. In the dream, he arrived in the Heavenly Palace, which was a very prosperous place, magnificent and extravagant banquets were being held.

At the banquet, there were not only delicious food and wine, but also beautiful dancers and singers performing performances with a bold and charming style that made people forget to leave.

He walked here aimlessly and entered a large hall. Sitting above him was a man with an unclear face and green hair.

The man told King Chiyun that he was a god, and now he had a task to give him. When he completed it, he would become the supreme king of this world, and everything in this palace could be given to him.

King Chiyun was very excited. These singing and dancing performers were all fairies. If they could serve him, it would be such an enviable thing.

He hurriedly asked what the mission was, and the god asked him to reveal something, that is, the head of the Tianlong Sect colluded with outsiders, and that Hong Yu was an outsider monster.

King Chiyun was confused. Isn’t Hongyu his daughter?How did you become an outsider?

The man said that he did not have this daughter at all. This was a trick used by outsiders to make him think that he really had a daughter.

King Chiyun hesitated. Can he survive after exposing the leader of the Tianlongmen on his territory?

The god dispelled his worries and said there was no need to be afraid. He would always protect him, emphasizing that as long as he completed the task, he would be able to obtain the power, wealth, and beauty that men always wanted.

King Chiyun was moved, agreed, and told the man that he must protect him and not deceive her.

The god on the throne felt contempt in his heart, but he still agreed.

King Chiyun woke up from his dream again and quickly went to find Hongyu and told her about his strange dream.

"I think that man is an evil creature. He is probably from the Prince of Dayi's side. He used evil methods to enter dreams and wanted to use me to destroy the stability and unity of righteous people."

Hong Yu looked at King Chiyun in confusion, "Then you are not moved by what he said?" Based on his understanding of this man, he should have happily agreed. How could he come and tell her?

King Chiyun said sternly: "How could I be that kind of person? And this kind of thing is obviously a trap. If I listen to him and do something bad, I'm afraid I will be the first to be killed by the head of the Tianlong Sect. Where? I can wait until he comes to save me."

Hong Yu looked at him in disbelief. This man was so greedy for life that he refused such a big temptation. He was a very difficult person to find.

"I understand, I will tell the leader about this."

King Chiyun breathed a sigh of relief, so that no one would question his integrity, and then thought of the current situation, "Daughter, do you think our world will be okay?"

Hong Yu was suddenly asked. It was still unclear whether her life could be saved. Now Tang Yue had disappeared, and Jin Ding had also disappeared. The two were in a contractual relationship, and disappearing together meant that they were no longer in this place.

She didn't know if her man would keep his promise and take them all out.There was a violent earthquake, and she almost fell down. She used her spiritual energy to stabilize her body. The ball was moving quickly to avoid the meteorite.

This kind of thing happens several times a day, and everyone has become accustomed to it. The panic at the beginning has turned into a calm expression now, and they can even fall asleep due to the vibration.

Hong Yu told the head of the Tianlong Sect about Gou Mang Shen seducing King Chi Yun into betraying him. After careful consideration, he made a decision to tell the truth.

At present, everyone's lives are not guaranteed. They rely on the full moon ark he built, and they no longer have the strength to resist.

He gathered all the people and started talking about the last catastrophe, and finally told the true cause of this catastrophe.

The monks here couldn't accept it. Ming Lianhui ran to her grandfather and said, "The place where I have lived for so long is fake, and I am also fake. How is it possible?"

The leader looked at her with pity. This was really hard to accept. "It's not fake, it's just different from other worlds."

Ming Lianhui immediately thought of something she had never dared to think about, "That Ji Lang, he is not from here, he is an outsider, right?"

The head of the Tianlong Sect thought hard for a while, then remembered who Ming Lianhui was talking about, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. The person his granddaughter was obsessed with was not only a foreign monk, but also an unusual person, whom she could not contact at all.

"Yes, so he has to go back to his place eventually."

Ming Lianhui obviously cared more about Ji Daoshou than the destruction of the world. It was only then that she realized something was wrong.

She originally looked down on Ji Daoshou, and in order to get rid of her engagement with him, she even seduced his eldest brother. However, Ji Daoshou suddenly changed and became such a stunning man. It was obvious that he was not the same person as before.

"Grandpa, I still want to be with him, can you help me."

The head of the Tianlong Sect sighed. At this time, his granddaughter is still in love with his son and daughter, which can be considered a big heart. "We should survive first before talking about such things."

A sad atmosphere filled the crowd, and some people even had the idea of ​​committing suicide. The leader of Qingfeng Valley said, "But this matter is not a dead end. Leader Tianlong, please tell us our current way of survival."

After hearing that there was a way out, everyone looked at the leader with hope.

He had no choice but to continue explaining, "We do have a way out, which is the sacred tree that saved everyone before, that is, the tree mother who almost destroyed the world. She found a way to escape. The moment the outside monks finished the trial, Get us all out.”

"By that time, our world will be restarted, everyone will be resurrected, and the Tree Mother has found a new place to live. Our world will no longer be a trial world, but will become a complete world."

"If she succeeds, all of us can live a normal life and become immortals."

These things were told to him by Patriarch Dongxu, and he also clearly told him that the Tree Mother did not lead everyone into the order of heaven and earth controlled by the gods, making this a normal small world.

Originally, their world was not born normally, but was created by a dead god who was exposed to the order of heaven and earth and ordered to be destroyed.

The tree mother has taken refuge in another person who is difficult to distinguish between good and evil. The only thing that is certain is that he is not one of the immortals, gods and Buddhas. Their world is still a world outside the law.

But there’s no need to tell everyone about this. It won’t cause panic anymore. It’s good to be able to survive.

A monk asked: "Sir, Tree Mother, can she really succeed?" This monk already regarded Tree Mother as a deity in his heart.

The leader sighed, "We have no choice but to trust her."

Suddenly, time in this world stopped, and everything became motionless. Only the tree mother remained conscious and moved freely.

She looked up at the sky, where lights of various colors were intertwined, and various powers were flowing in them. This was the scene that would appear when the world was killed in the past.

I hope that adult can win and take her away.

(End of this chapter)

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