Chapter 218 Selling My Niece

Fangjia Village couldn't find anything either. A member of the patrol team led four students back to Wangjia Village and stood guard there.The remaining patrol member led Tang Yue's group of four to ask the surrounding villagers to borrow a few houses, and the five of them were guarding the village tonight.

The five people were discussing in the room, and Tang Yue said: "The house at the end of the village is very suspicious. Although the village woman said it was perfect, it is because of this that it makes people more suspicious."

The young woman had scars on her body. She must have been abused all year round. She didn’t have much contact with people. She stumbled when answering and sometimes couldn’t speak clearly. But when she talked about the day her husband died, she suddenly became fluent. , the words were much clearer, as if the answer was prepared in advance.

But their monks are not allowed to torture mortals, let alone search for souls, and they couldn't find any other evidence, so they had to let the woman go and observe secretly.

The patrol team put a mark on the woman, and the five of them pretended to be resting tonight. If the woman had ghosts in her heart, they would not be able to resist acting tonight.Little is known about the monks in this village, it is quite possible to think that they are actually sleeping.

Sure enough, at the second watch in the middle of the night, the woman left the house and walked out of the village. After thinking about it, the patrol team asked Tang Yue and Monk Fangling to stay in the village. He, Tu Wenzhou, and Xu Tianwen went to follow the woman, so that the combat power was more even.

Everyone had no opinion, so they split up.

Senior Sister Shang and Tang Yue discussed about this village, "I feel that the women in this village are very strange, but those men on the road dare to stare at us with ill intentions." They all respect her, and when they occasionally meet male cultivators who look down on female cultivators, they will also be concerned about her strength.

Tang Yue thought of some news about modern society, and sighed, "It's probably because of poverty. There are troublemakers in poor mountains and rivers. I asked the villagers. They can only grow some inferior herbs and some food for a living. It is very hard to go into the mountains to hunt and find herbs.”

Senior Sister Shang thought for a while, "I never thought that poverty can turn people into such a hideous face."

Suddenly there was a sharp cry for help from outside the house, which sounded like a girl's voice. Senior sister Tang Yue went out to check the situation, and rushed to another street where the sound came out. There were around a dozen people around there, and they were tying up a struggling man. The girl looked like she was only twelve or thirteen years old.

The girl turned her head and saw Tang Yue and Shang Fangling, the fairy teacher she had met during the day, and hurriedly said loudly: "Sister Fairy, save me, I don't want to marry a 50-year-old bachelor."

The two were very surprised when they heard this. Tang Yue asked the villagers to stop, and stepped forward to ask what happened. A strong man stepped forward and said, "Master Immortal, this woman is Fang Mao's bride. It is a great joy for them to get married today." .”

Tang Yue said coldly: "This girl is only twelve or thirteen years old, she is not yet young, how can she marry?"

The middle-aged man said: "Country people get married early, you don't understand, Fang Mao gave a bride price, the two families have agreed, tonight is to send the bride."

"Are you sending off a bride, or are you doing something bad, and it takes such a long time?" Tang Yue almost understood what was going on.

"This is the custom of our village, everyone is like this." The male villagers present echoed.

After a while, an old woman came out from a house on the side of the road, brought a man who looked to be in his fifties, knelt down, and begged: "Master Immortal, this is really because our family has saved a lot of money. The married daughter-in-law is waiting for her to carry on the family, otherwise my family will be broken."

The girl struggled and said: "I don't want to marry, I don't want to." Everyone wanted to cover the girl's mouth, but they didn't dare.

Tang Yue didn't want to say any more, and asked the group of villagers, "Who is this girl's family?"

These people all looked at a man, who came out hesitantly, "Is there anything wrong with the immortal master?"

"How much did you sell this girl for?"

"It's not a sale, it's a dowry gift. The Fang family wants to give us half a silver, and give it to us before entering the bridal chamber."

Shang Fangling frowned, "Sold the child for half a dollar, who are you?"

"I am her uncle. This child has a hard life. She lost her parents since she was a child. I have raised her until now. Now that she is married into a good family, my heart is relieved."

Tang Yue looked at the 50-year-old man kneeling on the ground, and then looked at the dilapidated house they came out of. She didn't feel that this was a "good family" at all.

"How about this, I'll give you a piece of silver. I think your niece is pretty good. She just happened to go to our fairy mountain to be a handyman disciple, an outer disciple or something like that. She will be more secure for life."

The uncle's eyes lit up when he heard a piece of silver, but he cringed a little when he saw the vicious men in the village, "This is not good, I promised their family."

"What's wrong with this, isn't it that you haven't been paid yet? This means that the transaction has not yet been established, and you can go back on it. Anyway, you are all trying to find a home for your niece, right?"

As Tang Yue spoke, she picked up a stone by the side of the road and crushed it into powder, which startled the men.

The man on the opposite side had some impatience in his eyes. They are usually the least used to women, but they are just concerned that they are immortal masters, or they come with many men, and they don't want to cause trouble. They don't think that this little girl, a Young women can be powerful.

Seeing that the little girl had such great hand strength and could crush the stone into powder without changing her face, they all took a step back.

"Then it's settled. I'll take this girl away." Tang Yue handed the money to her uncle, and pulled the little girl away from the male villager.

The man kneeling on the ground was anxious: "Master Immortal, you can't take my wife away, she wants to bear me a son."

The old woman also said: "Our Fang family is going to die."

Tang Yue sneered, "You all have the surname Fang, and they are all Fang's family members. There is no one left here, and they can continue to carry on the family line."

The people of Fangjia Village looked ugly when they heard this. Although they said so, if every family was like this, there would be fewer and fewer people in their village.

"Okay, let's leave it at that. Don't you guys go back to sleep? Don't make noise here. It's not good to attract ghosts."

The villagers showed a look of fear, "Is there a ghost?"

"Otherwise, what are we doing here? A lost soul appeared in Wangjiacun. We came to Fangjiacun to find out about it. If you don't believe me, ask the Wang family."

The Fang family villager looked at the man surnamed Wang, and he had no choice but to explain: "There are indeed some people who have lost their souls in our village, so the village chief went to Wuji Mountain to ask these monks to investigate."

The man in the lead said: "Why didn't you say it earlier? We should have known that your Wangjia Village was so unlucky. We would never want women from your Wangjia Village. Maybe the men who died in the village were all because of marrying you!" Royal daughter."

A villager said: "It seems that the families of the deceased were indeed married to the daughters of the Wang family." As soon as he reminded them, everyone remembered that this was indeed the case, and quickly distanced themselves from the Wang family.

"Has anyone died in your village recently?" Tang Yue felt that this matter was very important.

The leading man hesitated for a moment, but still confessed: "It is true that several men died strangely, or fell from the mountain, or were hit by heavy objects that fell suddenly, and some encountered fierce beasts in the mountain. Thought it was their bad luck."

Tang Yue asked the dates of these people's deaths again, and they were all right about the day when the people in Shangwangjia Village lost their souls. There should be some connection between them.

A person in the crowd rushed in front of them, knelt down and cried, "Master Immortal, help me, I also married a daughter of the Wang family, so there must be some accident."

Tang Yue looked at the man, and found that his seal was black, which was indeed a sign of great danger: "Did you do anything evil?"

He looked like he was about to be condemned by God, and he would die suddenly in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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