Liu Mengyao's expression was very sincere, but Ye Yanran was unmoved, and did not ask Liu Mengyao why she hated Ma Yongwu so much, distrust is distrust, no matter how good the other party's acting skills are, or how convincing his words are.

Ye Yanran turned to look at Zhang Yunqing, "A brief introduction to the distribution of super creatures outside the school!"

Zhang Yunqing was taken aback for a moment, and it took a while to realize that Ye Yanran seemed to have never left the school since the crisis broke out, and this was the first time she had left the campus.

Zhang Yunqing's situation is actually similar to Ye Yanran's. Ordinary people like him don't dare to go out casually during the day, even people with supernatural powers like Ma Yongwu and Zhang Chenguang stay within their sphere of influence during the day, only at night. will go out.

It was the first time he had heard of people like Ye Yanran taking a team out in broad daylight.

"Uh, that, Chief Ye, we usually go out during the day very rarely, we only go out at night, even when we search for supplies, we all act together at night.

I wanted to suggest to you before that we should set off at night, but seeing that you have made up your mind, I didn't say much. "


Ye Yanran just remembered that both the brother and sister before and Zhang Yunqing came here at night.

Including Ye Yanran herself, at the beginning, she only dared to attack super creatures at night. It wasn't until her strength became stronger and the detection equipment researched by Lu Li that she dared to deal with super creatures in the school during the day.

However, she is very confident in her own strength now, and she no longer cares whether it is day or night.

"It doesn't matter, you continue to lead the way, and by the way, briefly introduce the distribution of super-powered creatures in the suburbs of Joyce City."

Zhang Yunqing swallowed, he felt that Ye Yanran's courage was too great, it was noon, and this would be the time when super creatures were most active.

Even if he could avoid places where super creatures gather, it would be dangerous to take so many people with him.

But now that he is living under the fence, he can only obey Ye Yanran's orders and lead the way bravely.

"Okay, follow me!"

Zhang Yunqing explained to Ye Yanran while leading the way: "The super creatures in the suburbs of Joyce City are mainly gathered near Xiaojun Mountain. I heard that there are tens of thousands of super creatures over there, and there are even five-star super creatures.

The farther you are from Xiaojun Mountain, the more uneven the distribution of super creatures is. Currently, the places where there are more super creatures are known to be along the Canal Canal, near the city walls of the inner city and outer city, and relatively remote areas in the suburbs. "

Hearing this, Ye Yanran nodded slightly. Most of the information provided by Zhang Yunqing was consistent with Ye Yanran's information. Although she had never been to Xiaojun Mountain, she knew that Xiaojun Mountain was the birthplace of super-powered creatures in Canglan City.

The super creatures over there can only be described as innumerable, and tens of thousands are to say the least.

However, there is one thing that Ye Yanran doesn't quite understand. These super creatures seem to be stationed in relatively remote places, which doesn't quite match what Zhang Yunqing told her before.

"Didn't you say that super creatures invaded our urban area and then massacred them? Why are they distributed to more remote areas?"

Zhang Yunqing blinked, thinking, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be confused with me?
It has been a month since the Blue Star Crisis broke out, and now Canglan City is like an empty city, only a few survivors are hiding underground or in some particularly secret places to survive.

Most of these places are relatively remote places in your mouth. You ask this kind of question, which makes me doubt your IQ!
"Because our Canglan City is basically empty, only a few survivors are hiding in relatively remote places, and these super creatures will naturally chase after them."

Canglan City is already empty!
These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Ye Yanran's heart heavily, even if she is a time traveler, she can imagine what kind of scene this is.

Canglan City has 6 cities under its jurisdiction, with a total population of tens of millions. In a month, there are actually not many left!
At this time, Ye Yanran and the others had already walked out of the passage in front of the school and came to the side road in the suburb of Joyce City. Zhang Yunqing did not lead Ye Yanran on the right path, but took her into a relatively remote passage.

This is the transportation channel of Passepartout Logistics Company. Since this is a one-way exit, this channel is relatively empty, with only a few empty shells of trucks that were rear-ended and burned into iron frames.

The long passage was unusually quiet, only the sound of 'huhu' wind, even so, everyone was still cautious, except for Ye Yanran and Zhang Yunqing, no one dared to speak.

Several people walked for more than 30 minutes before leaving the area of ​​Passepartout Logistics Company and entering the living area in the suburb of Canglan City.

At this time, Zhang Yunqing, who was walking in the front, stopped, and looked at Ye Yanran with a serious face.

"Leader, the front is the major spheres of influence in the suburbs of Joyce City. There are several forces stationed here. If we want to go to the Black Horse Gang, we must pass through their spheres of influence.

They dare not do anything to us during the day, but maybe at night. "

Ye Yanran raised her eyebrows, glanced at the empty street, and said disdainfully: "These rats don't even dare to bask in the sun, do you think I'm afraid of them?"

Zhang Yunqing's tone froze, looking at Ye Yanran's incomparably confident face, he was speechless, Ye Yanran was right, no one in the suburbs of Joyce would dare to show up in public like Ye Yanran did.

He also kindly reminded Ye Yanran to make Ye Yanran prepare in advance, since Ye Yanran didn't care about him, he didn't say much.

"Boss Ye, you are powerful, so naturally you are not afraid of them!"

"Then hurry up and lead the way."

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving now!"

At 1:35 p.m., Zhang Yunqing led the group across a cultivated field, and finally stopped in a poplar forest.He pointed to an abandoned factory not far from the poplar forest, and said, "Boss Ye, Ma Yongwu's people are stationed inside the factory."

Hearing this, Ye Yanran walked through the poplar forest, came to the dirt road outside the forest, and looked up and down at the abandoned factory not far away.

This abandoned factory covers an area of ​​about 7 to 8 mu. The factory is surrounded by a dense circle of barbed wire. At the gate of the abandoned factory, Ye Yanran sees an 'acquaintance' whom she has not seen for a long time.

Huang Mao was stripped down to only a pair of underwear, and his thin body was pierced by several barbed wires, which entangled him on the barbed wire netting.

Several crows were squatting on his corpse, gnawing on his flesh and blood along his wound.

Seeing the dead Huang Mao, Ye Yanran was basically sure that what Zhang Yunqing said was true.She patted the orange baby next to her, "Boom, go and get rid of those barbed wire fences, we want to eliminate the villains hiding inside."


The baby orange essence instantly became huge, turning into a 3-meter-high treant. He strode to the barbed wire around the factory with big strides, and his arms turned into countless vines, pulling up the thick barbed wire by the roots.

With a snap of its arms, it instantly tore the solid barbed wire into two pieces, revealing a huge gap.

Ye Yanran turned her head to look at the surprised crowd, "Let's go, what are you still doing?"

In the factory, a boy from the black horse gang who was in charge of the gate ran to the workshop inside the factory in a panic, shouting as he ran, "It's not good, super creatures have invaded!"

Ma Yongwu inside the house heard the warning sound outside, pushed the woman beside him away, jumped to the window of the workshop, and looked at the baby orange spirit walking towards him through the gap between the planks, and the orange essence Ye Yanran was behind him.

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