Chapter 66 The Dark Horse Gang
"Third Brother!"

"Brother Huang!"

As soon as Huang Mao walked out of the factory warehouse, several younger brothers standing guard outside greeted him, including Huang Mao's old partner Scarface.Seeing the younger brothers who came up to meet him, Huang Mao grinned, showing his big yellow teeth.

"Heizi, go to my room and bring a case of good wine and a case of canned braised pork."

Hearing this, the younger brothers all looked at Huang Mao in surprise. Wine and canned food are very precious resources, and only a few small leaders of the Black Horse Gang are qualified to distribute such 'high-end goods'.

According to the character of the yellow-haired Pixiu, it is impossible to take the initiative to share benefits with everyone. He must have other uses for letting people take such important resources.

The reason why Huangmao bleeds heavily this time is mainly because he lost the cafeteria of Canglan Intermediate Academy. Although Ma Yongwu didn't say anything, he could feel that Ma Yongwu's trust in him had decreased.

Seeing that Heizi didn't act according to his request, Huang Mao's face turned cold, and he scolded: "Didn't you hear me talking to you, why don't you hurry up and get something?"

"this is"

Heizi flattened his mouth very aggrieved, as Huangmao's younger brother, he knew Huangmao's temperament best.

No matter what Huangmao wants to do with the wine and canned food, it's fine if things are done, if things don't get done, the responsibility can be laid on him, and his bonus will definitely be deducted at that time.

Although he was extremely reluctant, Heizi still obediently followed Huangmao's instructions and went to move things.

Seeing Heizi walking away, Huang Mao gestured to Scarface, and the two walked to the corner aside.After avoiding the crowd, Scarface asked curiously: "Boss has arranged a new mission?"


Huang Mao spat on the ground, and said resentfully: "In the past two days, I told my elder brother several times to suggest, I said to rob the granary in the suburbs, but he disagreed.

I said to fight that little girl from Canglan Intermediate Academy, but he also disagreed, and now he no longer trusts us. "

Hearing this, Scarface frowned tightly. He and Huang Mao used to be street thugs in Joyce City. After the accident happened to Blue Star, they followed Ma Yongwu, who was the first batch of awakened supernatural beings, to wander around in Joyce City. suburbs.

When the Blue Star Incident just broke out, there were only a few supernatural beings in Joyce City.But recently, the number of supernatural beings has obviously started to increase. In the suburbs of Joyce City alone, there are more than 10 supernatural beings who have publicly appeared.

Previously, relying on Ma Yongwu, the first batch of supernatural beings, he and Huang Mao almost offended several forces in the suburbs of Joyce City.If Ma Yongwu gave up the two of them, they would surely die a miserable death.

"Then what do we do?"

Huang Mao patrolled around vigilantly, and said in a low voice: "The boss heard that Zhang Chenguang of the patrol team was injured, and wanted to take this opportunity to annex his power."


When he heard that he was going to fight against the supernatural being, Scarface unconsciously raised his volume. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and covered his mouth by himself, so he didn't continue to be stupid.

"Even if Zhang Chenguang is injured, he's still a supernatural being. It's not something ordinary people like us can deal with, right?"


Huangmao snorted coldly, and said angrily: "I told him, if you want to expand, you must first get rid of that little girl from Canglan Middle School. If you can subdue her and add her tree demon pet, our dark horse gang It is equivalent to having 2 more combat power at once.

At that time, they can easily sweep the suburbs of Joyce City. After all the forces in the suburbs are integrated, it will not be a problem to occupy the entire Joyce City.

But that stupid pig didn't listen to me, he insisted on attacking Zhang Chenguang first, I don't understand, instead of shooting a little girl first, he went to fight a veteran with actual combat experience first, isn't that an idiot? "

Hearing this, Scarface unconsciously glanced at the workshop in the middle of the factory. He was also dissatisfied with Ma Yongwu, but he didn't dare to complain about Ma Yongwu on Ma Yongwu's site. If Ma Yongwu knew these words, he and Don't even think about yellow hair.

Scarface's two big eyeballs rolled wildly, and asked in a deep voice: "Then what are you going to do?"

Huang Mao unconsciously glanced at the direction where Ma Yongwu was. Seeing that no one was paying attention to their side, he took two steps towards Scarface and said in a low voice: "Ma Yongwu no longer trusts us, we have to give ourselves Thinking of a way out."


Scarface's pupils shrank for a while, and he looked at Huang Mao in disbelief. Huang Mao wanted to betray him?
"Ma Yongwu wasn't a good guy in the first place, we had a bad reputation following him in Joyce City, but Zhang Chenguang from the patrol team was good and had a good reputation.

If we can switch to him, even if we can't get along one day in the future, we can follow him to switch to other forces. "


In the beginning, Scarface thought that Huang Mao had been wronged by Ma Yongwu, and complained a few words.It turned out that this was not the case at all, Huang Mao obviously had the intention of rebelling long ago.

This time, there just happened to be an opportunity to contact Zhang Chenguang in an open and honest manner. He was going to push the boat along the way and find a way out for himself.

For Scarface, there is no such thing as loyalty, and he hangs out with whoever can give him benefits.Ma Yongwu no longer trusts them, it's no big deal to switch to others.

It's just that Zhang Chenguang came from a patrol team and hated them the most. How could Huang Mao dare to say that he had defected to Zhang Chenguang, so he took them both in.

If Chen Guang turns around and sells it to the two of them, their situation will be even worse!
"I'm afraid Zhang Chenguang won't accept us easily?"


Huang Mao's face was cold, and a series of cold laughter came out of his mouth.

"He claims to be righteous. He offended at least half of the forces around Joyce City. Now that he's injured again, do you think Ma Yongwu is the only one targeting him?"

Hearing this, Scarface nodded in agreement, Zhang Chenguang is a very noble 'good man' in the eyes of many ordinary people.But in the eyes of some supernatural beings, they are freaks who don't fit in.

If he was fine, no one would take the initiative to provoke him, but now that he is injured, people who don't like him can't help but want to do it.

Scarface gritted his teeth and decided to gamble with Huangmao!
"Okay, I listen to you, what do you say?"

Huang Mao had long guessed that Scarface would definitely make this choice in the end, because Scarface, like him, was an egoist.They have no loyalty in their hearts, only interests, and what is best for them is their choice.

"Let's do this, I'll take my things to find Zhang Chenguang later."

Canglan Intermediate Academy.

At this time, the north playground of the school has been completely transformed into a plantation field, and half of the land has been planted with potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The other half of the land was reserved by Ye Yanran. She was going to wait for a while, go out to find some crop seeds, plant new crops, or find some fruit trees outside, and move them to the plantation field.

(End of this chapter)

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