Chapter 55

Ye Yanran is not stupid, how could such a small character like her be able to participate in such a large battlefield?She just wanted to go over there to see what species these two groups of super creatures were and why they were fighting.

Is it because of grabbing the territory, or to completely destroy the opponent and devour the opponent to strengthen himself.

She patted Jin Nanzhu's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to run over to die. I just went to see what super creatures are fighting and why they are fighting."

"Ah, this"

Jin Nanzhu wanted to say that if they fight, let them fight, as long as they don't enter the school, it has nothing to do with us.If they enter the school, we turn around and run.

But Ye Yanran was different from her, Ye Yanran was the leader of the team, she had to find out about the situation and make follow-up arrangements, which seemed right.

For a while, Jin Nanzhu's little face was tangled into a bitter gourd. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Then I'll go with you, at worst we all die together!"


Ye Yanran shook her head dumbfounded, she was just going to watch the battle, not to die.

"Okay, you just wait in the dormitory obediently, and I'll come back after I go to visit. When I come back, I have a surprise for you."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yanran took the baby orange essence and blended into the night, regardless of whether Jin Nanzhu agreed or not.

Looking at Ye Yanran's disappearing back, Jin Nanzhu shook her head helplessly, her strength was too weak, she couldn't even break through the defense of a rookie like Su Yucheng, and couldn't help Ye Yanran at all.

She clenched her small fists vigorously, and murmured: "The training needs to be doubled!"

Under the dim night, Ye Yanran and Baby Orange Jing hid behind the broken 'hole' behind the school, observing the battlefield a hundred meters away.

This time, she finally knew what creatures were fighting outside.

There are 2 parties of super creatures outside the school, one of which is a super creature in the water, mainly including murlocs, crab monsters, octopus monsters, etc. The leader is a giant octopus.

It has been lurking in the blue Grand Canal, only revealing a round head, and from time to time a few octopus legs that are 2 meters thick.

Last time, Ye Yanran estimated that it was at least 10 meters high. After seeing this terrifying superpower creature, Ye Yanran realized that she was too conservative. This giant octopus has a leg of more than 10 meters, and its whole body should be 20— - About 30 meters.

On the other side, all of them are plant-type super life forms, and the one with the largest number is the humanoid maple tree demon Ye Yanran saw during the day, holding a spear.

In addition, there are other types of dryads, the most eye-catching one is a spider-shaped dryad that looks like a giant spider.

This is a king-level super-powered creature. It can spit acid from its mouth and corrode other super-powered creatures. This is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that it has a parasitic skill.

Ye Yanran saw with her own eyes a murloc with a height of 2 meters and a muscular mass all over her body, being parasitized by it.

Pustules bulged out of the muscular body of the murloc, and the little lives in these pustules seemed to be extracting nutrients from the murloc.

A murloc with exuberant vitality was squeezed out by the parasitic life in the pustules until it was skinny within a few minutes.When the murloc fell to the ground unwillingly, the pustules on its body exploded one by one, and scary little spiders emerged one after another, and then went to look for other hosts.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yanran felt her scalp go numb, as if she was also parasitized.

Watching the battle at close range this time, she finally realized that the power of the king class really crushes the awakened class.That king-level spider-shaped tree demon was just a skill. Countless murlocs were brutally murdered, and they didn't even have the chance to fight head-on.

In this battle, Ye Yanran, an outsider, could tell that it was the plant-type super creatures from Lu that had the upper hand.But they were in a defensive position. In the Canal Canal, countless aquatic supernatural creatures emerged from the water and joined the battle.

Ye Yanran frowned deeply. She was thinking about why the two groups of super creatures with different territories fought.

Until she saw that there were characters responsible for cleaning the battlefield on both sides, a very bold idea appeared in her mind.

These two groups of super creatures, wouldn't it be survival of the fittest and raising Gu?

They have to screen out those Awakened Levels with weaker combat power through melee, and cultivate higher level super power creatures, and those unlucky ones who sacrificed will become the 'trophies' of both sides.

The more Ye Yanran thought about it, the colder her heart became, and the more she thought about it, the more terrifying she felt!
The intelligence quotients of these super creatures are not inferior to humans at all!
Just when Ye Yanran was worried about herself, the leader creature at the center of the plant-type super power creature finally showed up.

Before it was always covered by the tall king-level spider-shaped tree demon, Ye Yanran did not see its appearance clearly, but now Ye Yanran finally saw its appearance.

Its stature is not tall, about the size of an ordinary adult male, it is riding a transformed war horse, and it holds a 2-meter long spear in its hand.

It was covered by a layer of pink armor, and the armor seemed to be alive. As its body swayed slightly, its eyes were two beautiful cherry blossom-colored fireworks, shining faintly like its tip.

It's just such a seemingly ordinary super life being who is actually the leader of several king-level super creatures.Ye Yanran couldn't help but secretly click on the orange dot representing it to check its specific strength.

In an instant, a number caught Ye Yanran's eyes, power value: 8898, this number is too scary!

On the battlefield, the power value of the king-level spider-shaped tree demon that was killed randomly on the battlefield was only in the early 3000s, and the power value of this humble cherry blossom pink tree demon general went straight to the 9000 mark. up.

I'm afraid that if it yells at Ye Yanran, it can call out Ye Yanran's soul. Ye Yanran holds her breath and stares at the tree demon general.

At this time, the battlefield has gradually calmed down, and super creatures from both sides are gathering in their teams.

It rode a war horse, like a patrolling general, and walked towards the edge of the Canal Canal.

The giant octopus located in the Canal Grand Canal continued to rise, and soon its entire body was exposed to the water. Compared with General Dryad, it was obvious that the giant octopus in the water had a more 'leadership' style.

Its head alone is as big as the girls' dormitory where Ye Yanran lived before, and its entire body is more than 20 meters long.

The Dryad General riding a war horse was as small as an ant in front of it, but it still marched towards the Canal with its head held high without fear.

With a "huh", the giant octopus slammed one of its tentacles in the direction of General Dryad.

General Dryad remained calm, the spear in his hand began to condense pink radiance, especially the tip of the spear, shining dazzling brilliance like translucent pink jade.

A moment later, the two attacks followed each other, and ripples erupted in the air visible to the naked eye, and the ancient blue Grand Canal turned up a huge wave 10 meters high.

Ye Yanran stood behind the courtyard wall [-] meters away, and was blinded by the violent shock wave.

(End of this chapter)

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