Chapter 32 Unknown Creatures

After Ye Yanran pondered for a moment, she suddenly thought that the super creatures in the school seemed to be territorial. Could it be that the super creatures in the Canal Canal tried to enter the school and fight with the super creatures in the school?
"I'm guessing that it might be the large super-powered creatures in the Canal Canal, which fought with the super-powered creatures near our school, and inadvertently destroyed the detector you placed there.

Can you still make new detectors now? I am going to check there at night. Only with the warning of the detectors can we live in the school with peace of mind. "

Lu Li nodded and said: "The principle of making the detector is very simple, I can make it at any time, and I also have materials for making detectors in my dormitory.

However, since I found out that the detector was destroyed, my right eyelid has been twitching, and I am worried that there is danger there. "

Ye Yanran patted Lu Li's shoulder with a smile, and comforted softly: "Don't worry, I just went to place the detector, and I didn't go to fight with super-powered creatures. If there is a particularly powerful super-powered creature, I know how to run away." .”

Lu Li knew that she couldn't convince Ye Yanran, so she shook her head helplessly.Ever since he discovered that the detector behind the school had been destroyed, he had a very bad premonition in his heart. This strong sense of crisis could not be eliminated even by the mighty Ye Yanran.

He told Ye Yanran about this, in fact he wanted Ye Yanran to take everyone out, but Ye Yanran had no intention of leaving at all.

Ye Yanran, as the leader of the team, had already spoken and wanted to go to the scene for an inspection. How could Lu Li dare to stop her, so she could only remind Ye Yanran to pay attention to safety.

In case there are super creatures that can't be dealt with, just give up the stronghold of Canglan Intermediate Academy and take everyone to find other safe places.

As long as Ye Yanran is around, the team will not disperse. At worst, when Ye Yanran becomes stronger, it will not be too late to come back for revenge.

Lu Li was thinking more about ensuring Ye Yanran's safety, and also for his own safety, but Ye Yanran had more things to consider.

The Canglan Intermediate Academy is next to Xiaojun Mountain, and it is a veritable spot for spawning monsters. She plans to take the baby orange spirit here to safely brush to the king level.

At that time, she had a certain ability to protect herself, and it was safer to go out of the campus to detect the outside world.

After thinking about it, Ye Yanran decided that she must find out the situation behind the school, otherwise she would not be able to upgrade with peace of mind.

"Teacher Lu, don't worry, I will protect myself. You just need to cooperate with Teacher Yu and manage our small team well.

By the way, don't believe everything Teacher Yu says. Her parents are high-level officials in the Blue Army and know a lot of secrets that we don't.

I keep her in case one day, we really can't get along outside, and we can follow her to the underground base for a chance of survival.

But, believe me, life at the survivor base will never be as comfortable as ours. "

Lu Li blinked. Ye Yanran gave her an even bigger 'surprise' before he could break free from the shadow of the detection equipment being destroyed.

Beautiful and gentle, Yu Qiongling, who is known as "A Flower in Canglan", is actually the daughter of a military boss in Canglan City, and she also knows the location of the survivor base!

Lu Li is a science student, and his logical thinking ability is very strong. Ye Yanran can analyze a lot of things with just a few words.He guessed that Yu Qiongling should have tried to win over Ye Yanran before, but Ye Yanran refused.

Ye Yanran rejected Yu Qiongling for several reasons, such as being bound by the rules, the conditions offered by the other party were too poor, she would become a tool person in the past, and so on.

As a supernatural being, Ye Yanran has the strength to reject Yu Qiongling, or she has the strength to reject Canglan City's official solicitation.

The most interesting thing is that Ye Yanran knew that Yu Qiongling was an unstable factor, yet she still kept her by her side, which meant that she didn't take her seriously at all.

"Leader, don't worry, I know what to do."

"Hmm~", Ye Yanran believes that Lu Li is a smart person with judgment, and he knows how to choose in this situation.Only a mindless guy like Situ Yan would oppose Ye Yanran, the savior of everyone, at this critical moment.

What happened behind the school, Ye Yanran had to find out, but she would not foolishly go there in broad daylight to die, she was going to wait until after dark, and then go there to check the specific situation.

"Okay, then you are busy with your business first, I will go back and prepare, and wait until night to study the rescue of survivors and the placement of detectors.

Oh, by the way, if you have time, get out 2 more detector terminals and hand over two security guards.Although they don't have awakening abilities, they can at least monitor danger at any time and remind everyone to evacuate in advance. "

For Lu Li, making a detector terminal is an easy task, and it can also prove the value of his existence in front of Ye Yanran.


"Well, then you can go to work first, and you can just hand over the things to the security captain after you make them."

"it is good!"

Lu Li knew that Ye Yanran was a busy person, so he didn't dare to disturb her too much. After reporting the special situation with Ye Yanran, he went back to his room and stared at the detector while making a new detector terminal.

Ye Yanran also returned to her room, where Jin Nanzhu was sitting on her little bed, holding the spiritual orange that Ye Yanran gave her, trying to communicate with the supernatural power in the orange.

Ye Yanran didn't bother her, and carefully returned to her bed, preparing to study the ability in depth.

She is very envious of a plant-based super creature like the orange essence baby, which is born with very precise control over its body and skills.

Ye Yanran often sees the baby orange spirit turn the soft vines into sharp spears, piercing the body of super creatures.She has always wanted to imitate the baby orange essence, and she wanted to flexibly control its abilities just like it manipulated her own body.

When she was fighting the maple demon just now, she had been trying to turn the vines in her hands into sharp blades to pierce the maple demon's body like the baby orange spirit.

But the vines condensed from the 'vine entanglement' seem to be only used to bind the enemy, and cannot change the shape of the vines.Ye Yanran didn't know whether it was due to the rules, or the way she manipulated the ability was wrong.

She closed her eyes tightly and communicated with the system silently.

"System, how can I perfectly use the ability like the orange essence baby? I don't rely on skills now, so I can't flexibly control the ability. How do I use the ability?"

[Drip: The host has initially mastered the use of abilities, but the proficiency is too low. It is recommended that the host use more abilities in daily life, which can increase the utilization rate of abilities. 】

The answer given by the system is very concise and easy to understand. Simply put, Ye Yanran has all the strength, but she doesn't know how to use it.

She has to practice constantly in her daily life, so that she can perfectly control her abilities like the baby orange essence.Thinking of this, Ye Yanran glanced at the orange baby who was sitting on the ground happily playing Lego, and felt infinitely moved.

Obviously, the baby orange essence is also a super creature that has just awakened, but it can skillfully use supernatural powers, while human beings, who are known as the spirits of all things, have to explore bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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