Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 535 Hunting Game

Chapter 535 Hunting Game
Lucia is neither a native of Earth nor a creature of this solar system.

She's not even native to the galaxy, as far as where she belongs.

She came from a larger galaxy outside the Milky Way, and was exiled to the Milky Way as a "prey".

Exiled to the Milky Way with Lucia, and her brother—Zara!
It's a pity that the two were exiled separately, so Lucia didn't know Zara's current location.

The only thing that is certain is that the other party crash-landed on the earth just like himself.

It must be stated in advance here that the reason why Lucia and Zara were exiled was not because they were criminals from outside the galaxy.

On the contrary, before being exiled, Lucia and Zara were just ordinary individuals of ordinary civilization.

To say that they are the most special, I am afraid that they have a physique and telepathy ability that far exceed normal human beings.

However, such ability is only the most basic ability in the civilization of Lucia and Zara.

The physique far exceeds that of normal humans, because Lucia and Zara's planet has a gravity ten times that of the earth.

In order to survive in an environment with ten times the gravity, this civilization has naturally evolved a strong physical fitness.

As for telepathy?

Some powerful individuals in Lucia civilization may be able to communicate with other creatures.

But Lucia and Zara can only achieve remote sensing with the same kind.

It's even less convenient than cell phone networks on Earth.

At the very least, with TPC's current technological level, it has basically achieved effective communication on a global scale.

No matter where you are on the earth, even in the depths of the earth's crust hundreds of meters underground, you can connect to the network for communication.

On the other hand, Lucia and Zara couldn't talk to each other through telepathy beyond ten kilometers.

Over a hundred kilometers, the telepathy between the two can only vaguely sense the life and death of the other party.

If it was any further away, Lucia would no longer be able to perceive Zara's presence.

It just happens to be an ordinary individual in such a civilization.

However, Lucia and Zara were targeted by the notorious "evil hunter" - Muzhen Planet.

There are always only wrong names in this world, but no wrong nicknames.

This point is also common among cosmic civilizations.

As a powerful civilization empire outside the Milky Way, the Muzhen people's technological level far exceeds Lucia's civilization.

Traveling across the stars is no different from taking a walk for Muzhen people.

Abducting two ordinary individuals from other civilizations is even more commonplace in the eyes of Muzhen people.

From a common sense, due to the huge difference in the level of civilization and technology, the Muzhen people and Lucia should not have any communication.

However, the people on Juzhen planet known as "evil hunters" have a shameful hobby.

That is to abduct intelligent individuals from other civilized planets, and then put them into a completely unfamiliar environment for them to hunt and kill for fun.

It's not a trial, it's not a coming-of-age ceremony, and it's not for those illusory glory...

The Muzhen people hunted and killed intelligent individuals from other civilizations, purely for pleasure and showing off.

Its nature is the same as the rich go to the nature reserve to hunt rare birds and animals, the beasts slaughter civilians during the war, and the fourth natural disaster deliberately kills key NPCs when playing computer games.

It's purely to show off one's own ability, and to vent one's inner beast (forbidden word) desire.

Chaos, disorder, brutality, evil...

With these exclusive nouns, the Muzhen people have naturally become "extremely evil hunters" in the eyes of most cosmic civilizations.

You don't even know why the Muzhen people are following you.

Because there may be no reason at all for the Muzhen people to stare at you.

It doesn't matter if you are strong or weak, you can be kind, or you can be evil...

The "hunting game" of the Muzhen people was only based on their own thoughts at a certain moment.

There used to be a cosmic-level civilization that tried to understand the meaning of the "hunting game" of the Muzhen people.

As a result, this civilization finally came to only one conclusion—the so-called Muzhen people are actually a group of cosmic garbage who claim to be superior to others.

Because it prides itself on being superior to others, it does not take other intelligent civilizations seriously.

Because they pride themselves on their superiority, they treat other intelligent beings as if they were beasts.

Because they claim to be superior to others, the Muzhen people will never feel guilty for slaughtering other intelligent life forms.

In the dictionary of the Muzhen people, other races except themselves are just a group of uncivilized beasts.


"So, you are actually here to seek refuge and ask for help?"

Sitting in the exclusive lobby of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, Ryan, who was temporarily acting as a civilian because of his vacation, asked back with a confused face.

When asking this question, Ryan looked at Xue Na behind Lucia in confusion.

Ryan had already seen this ace reporter who was always tracking various supernatural phenomena more than once.

But this time the other party actually brought an alien over, which somewhat surprised Ryan.

"Don't look at me!"

Sensitively capturing the surprise in Ryan's eyes, Xue Na complained angrily.

"I didn't cause you any trouble this time, you can't drive me out again!"

As an ordinary person, Xue Na was able to enter the headquarters hall of the Extraterrestrial Alliance thanks to the back door Sha Ji opened for her.

Otherwise, she would have been stopped by the prosthetic bionics outside as soon as she approached here.

Of course, it is undeniable that Xue Na's ability as a newly promoted ace reporter is indeed unexpectedly strong.

Every time we track supernatural phenomena, we can accurately screen out those false information and find the origin of real supernatural phenomena.

This caused Xue Na to be named at TPC.

Relevant departments of TPC even went to Asahi Shimbun to warn Xue Na's president's father.

Judging from the final results, this warning can only be said to be better than nothing.

"No, it's not my job to throw you out..."

"I'm just curious, does Mr. Onoda know that you secretly abducted an alien?"

Although the voice sounded calm, everyone could hear the teasing in Ryan's words.


She was directly stopped by Ryan's words, and Xue Na realized that she hadn't submitted the investigation report this time.

"Ahem, of course he knows!"

"However, he has something to do now. I will give him the specific report later."

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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