Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 511 Civilization Two Billion Years Ago

Chapter 511 Civilization Two Billion Years Ago
In order to prove the correctness of the view of "convergent evolution".

Scholars of this school have put forward another more convincing evidence.

That is the phenomenon of group evolution of lightning people.

Also another intelligent species in the earth's ecosphere, the Lightning Man actually evolved a posture similar to the "Giant of Light" after absorbing the power of Gatanjae.

Isn't this another form of convergent evolution?

With the official evolution of the Lightning people into the "God of the Sky", they have the power and form similar to giants.

All creatures on a global scale have also been affected by this convergent evolution, and "supernatural individuals" with various superpowers have begun to appear.

You must know that these "supernatural individuals" are not only born among human beings.

Can you still say that those animals, plants, cosmic beings, and even other forms of life all have the same ultra-ancient genetic gene from 3000 million years ago?
Only convergent evolution can explain this almost incredible special biological genetic phenomenon.

But in this way, a new problem appeared again.

Can those special genes of convergent evolution be reproduced by technical means?

Just like the super ancient civilization, let all human beings acquire superpowers and realize the comprehensive evolution of the entire race.

In theory, this is possible.

The relevant departments of TPC have been moving in this direction after taking in those humans who have awakened superpowers.

But the reality is far more difficult than they imagined.

"Supernatural individuals" have appeared on a large scale for such a long time, but TPC has never found a way to truly reproduce this "convergent evolution" phenomenon.

At this time, the "Valley of the Royal Family" was discovered at the Carlo base on the back of the moon.

At the beginning, TPC didn't take "Valley of the Royal Family" seriously.

After all, the earth in this time and space is different from the earth in Lu Xuan's previous life.

Due to the existence of ultra-ancient civilizations, various civilization relics from ultra-ancient times are hidden all over the world.

In comparison, an ancient relic hidden on the moon is nothing at all.

However, this idea was shattered during the first exploration mission of the Karow al-Qaeda organization.

Because the ancient relics hidden on the moon are not relics left by super ancient human civilization.

According to the age calculation of the carbon fourteenth method, the construction time of this ancient relic can be traced back to at least 12 billion years ago.

At that time, the earth was still at the turn of the Proterozoic and Mesoproterozoic Elongated Periods and the Narrow Periods. Only primitive organisms such as cyanobacteria existed, and it was impossible to breed intelligent organisms.

The most important thing is that the exploration team found that the material that built the "Valley of the Royal Family" is not any known material in the solar system.

For the purpose of experimental research, the exploration team collected a part of the "Valley of the Royal Family" and brought it back to Earth for more specific analysis and research.

Then, scientists discovered that this special substance was able to resonate with "supernatural entities".

Or to be more precise, the ore metal extracted from this special substance can guide intelligent life to undergo certain directional mutations and evolutions.

Yes, this particular metal is only effective against intelligent life.

Especially for "supernatural individuals" who have awakened superpowers.

Shocked, terrified, unbelievable...

As the research deepened, TPC scientists noticed that this special ore metal contained a special magnetic field.

It is this special magnetic field that guides changes in the brain and genetic factors of intelligent life.

What made scientists even more horrified was that they found that this particular ore metal was likely to be the remains of some powerful creature.

Just like living things become fossils after death.

These special ore metals also come from a powerful indescribable existence.

This powerful unknown existence left his power in the ancient ruins, and continued to influence the subsequent contacts.

This continuous influence is somewhat similar to the "convergent evolution" mentioned above.

Anyone who comes into contact with this ore metal will awaken a little bit of mental power under the influence of this power, and become a genuine superpower.

And those supernatural individuals who have already awakened earlier will evolve more powerful thoughts more smoothly.

After repeated tests and observations, TPC scientists have basically determined that the superpowers awakened under the influence of ore metals are telekinetics, and they don't seem to have found any sequelae.

The only limitation is that this particular ore metal seems to be only effective on carbon-based organisms with advanced brains.

It is difficult for non-carbon-based organisms, animals and plants with a low degree of evolution to awaken and become a true telekinetic.

At least in a series of TPC experiments, only one orangutan with an IQ of four or five years old was awakened and became the only non-human being with the ability to think.

With such a major premise, there is naturally a huge controversy within TPC surrounding how to develop the "Valley of the Royal Family".

Radicals believe that this is an inter-epochal discovery that allows human beings to evolve in an all-round way.

The "Valley of the Royal Family" must be comprehensively developed, and finally let human beings enter a new era in which all members become people with telekinetic abilities.

Conservatives believe that the current valid data and samples are too scarce.

With just such a small sample of data, it is impossible to fully understand the impact of ore metals.

Rushing to develop the "Valley of the Royal Family" will only repeat the blame of the super ancient civilization.

Moreover, TPC has not figured out the origin of this ancient ruin until now.

What happened 12 billion years ago?
Why does the "Valley of the Kings" appear on the far side of the moon?
What kind of existence is the unknown life that left behind the ore metal?
Taking ten thousand steps back, is this ancient ruins really not the slightest bit dangerous?

The continuous quarrels made TPC temporarily put aside the development of "Valley of the Royal Family", and even the use of ore metals is only scratching the surface.

But what they never expected was that a sudden "alien invasion event" would eventually detonate the problem of "Valley of the Royal Family".

The current situation is that at that time the spacecraft from the aliens had crashed into the range of the "Valley of the Kings".

No matter what the idea is, the Carlo base must send people to conduct a comprehensive detection and search of the "Valley of the Royal Family".

In this case, in order to avoid possible follow-up dumping links, John must first find a powerful force capable of keeping himself.

For this reason, even at the expense of some of the interests of the "Valley of the Royal Family".

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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