Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 505 Galvin Tourist Space Station

Chapter 505 Galvin Tourist Space Station
In extraterrestrial orbit, inside Galvin's sightseeing space station.

"so beautiful!"

"Is that an extra visit?"


Noticing the "fireworks" blooming in outer space and on the surface of the moon in time, tourists who were sightseeing in the space station expressed their amazement.

As the first batch of tourists after the opening of the sightseeing space station, those who can come here are either rich and powerful people, or the family members of Galvin employees.

It may not be well-informed, but they know the financial resources and means of Galvin Corporation.

When sightseeing, preparing one or two "surprise" small programs in advance seems to be in line with Galvin's consistent tone.

Only a few tourists with extremely high scientific literacy could vaguely see that the "fireworks" outside could not have been prepared by Galvin Company at all.

Let alone what kind of "fireworks" can be so gorgeous in the environment of the universe.

The distance from the space station to the moon alone makes the statement that "this is a sightseeing project" self-defeating.

Of course, this is not to say that Galvin Company is incapable of establishing its own base on the moon, but that Galvin Company does not need to do such meaningless things.

As the existence that Lu Xuan personally brought the sightseeing space station—Jiaer is one of the few people who can see the truth.

"That's not fireworks!"

"That's a high-power laser weapon!"

Without hiding the excitement on her face, Jiaer lowered her voice and said to Jiro Kuzuba who was still in a daze beside her.

"Huh? Laser weapons?"

Blinking his eyes in confusion, Kuzuba Jiro, who woke up instantly, was as dull as ever.

Of course it wasn't that Kuzuba Jiro was sick.

In fact, with Kuzuba Jiro's physical fitness, it might be really difficult for ordinary viruses to make him sick.

The reason why he is acting so dull now is simply because it is the first time he stands at such a high place overlooking the earth and the moon.

It may be funny to say it, but Ge Yejiro seems to have a tendency to be "fear of heights".

Or to be more precise, it is void phobia similar to deep-sea phobia and giant phobia.

As a standard surface creature, when Jiro Kuzuba is in this small space station and looks up at the endless universe, he will always unconsciously feel some kind of physiological fear.

Especially after inadvertently seeing the vast universe and endless emptiness, Ge Yejiro would feel a sense of panic in his heart.

In the eyes of Ge Ye Jiro, the boundless starry sky of the universe may swallow him at any time.

That feeling of repression, fear, and dread is simply not something that can be overcome.

"Haven't you slowed down yet?"

Also looking at the endless starry sky, although Jiaer also felt her own insignificance, she didn't feel any fear because of it.

On the contrary, what gushes out from the depths of Jiaer's heart at this moment is a desire and boldness that has never been seen before.

She wants to conquer this endless universe and swim in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

"How can it be so simple to slow down..."

Forcibly shifting his gaze to the ground of the space station, Jiro Keba lowered his head and replied helplessly.

Kuzuba Jiro, who never thought that he would have void phobia, felt ashamed and ashamed.

"However, you just said that those are laser weapons. Is there any evidence?"

Kuzuba Jiro, who decisively changed the topic, showed his strong "thirst" for knowledge at this moment.

As for whether he really cares about this "knowledge", only God knows.

Because the innocent Jiaer had been successfully diverted from the subject, he did not continue to pay attention to the void phobia.

"The universe is a vacuum, and it is impossible for ordinary explosive weapons to burst into such dazzling flames."

"Even if some explosive weapons have built-in combustion accelerants, it is absolutely impossible for the fire to pass from the moon to the space station."

Once it comes to the professional field she is good at, Jiaer's serious appearance really makes it hard to believe that she is just a primary school student studying.

"So only those high-power laser weapons can achieve this level."

Blinking his eyes again, Jiro Kuzuba was no longer confused this time, but stunned.

"Is it the Carlo base on the moon? Are there intruders?"

At this moment, the only ones on the moon that can use high-power laser weapons are the lunar bases inherited from the Earth Defense Force period.

The Carlo base on the moon is a military base, and if it hadn't been for an invasion, it would be absolutely impossible to use high-power laser weapons on such a large scale.

"It's not clear yet, but someone here should know."

A rare sly smile appeared, and Jiaer's two eyes rolled around, and she knew what was going on at a glance.

"Wait, what do you want to do!?"

Responding immediately, Jiro Geba asked in a slightly frightened voice.

This is not the earth, and before coming here, Kuzuba Jiro also made a promise with his mother that he would never bring Jia'er into trouble again.

"Look for that rabbit, she must know what happened!"

Sure enough, as expected by Kuzuba Jiro, the moment Jiaer opened his mouth, he was frightened.

"No, Uncle Lu will kill me!"

Ge Yejiro didn't doubt Lu Xuan's determination at all, just like he didn't doubt Jiaer's status in Lu Xuan's heart.

Even if something bad happens again, Lu Xuan will never blame Jia'er.

Only myself, the scapegoat, will definitely be punished afterwards.

"It's okay, Uncle Lu left the space station a long time ago, and I watched him leave with my own eyes."

The slightly cunning expression revealed a ray of victory, and Jiaer tried to persuade Kuzuba Jiro to agree with her approach.

Otherwise, with this guy looking at him, the next action would be impossible to proceed.


Looking at Jia Er silently, Ge Ye Jiro did not speak for a long time.

It wasn't until Jia'er got a little hairy from being stared at by the other party that he asked thoughtfully.

"Which 'Jiaer' are you now?"

In Kuzuba Jiro's impression, Jia Er, who gradually became cheerful, is very lively, but she is definitely not "lively" to the point where she is now.

"I remember that Lu Xuan gave you a psychological examination not long ago, right?"

"How did you hide it from Uncle Lu?"

Seeing Jiaer's gradually astonished face, Kuzuba Jiro became more and more sure of his guess.

The "Jiaer" in front of him could not be the Jiaer he knew well.

"Tsk, why are you so sensitive at this time..."

Helplessly muttering something in a low voice, Jia Er had no choice but to take the initiative to explain.

"It's true that I'm not the Jia'er you're familiar with, but I got that guy's consent to come out this time."

"Besides, she is also very curious, what is Uncle Lu's reason for leaving in such a hurry."

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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