Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 477 Candidate Savior

Chapter 477 Candidate Savior
The hall inside the secret military base on the shore of Tokyo Bay, Japan.

The red ball that has destroyed countless parallel spaces and is also the fuse of this doomsday crisis is quietly suspended in the cubic cylinder in the center of the hall.

"It... seems to be ready to run again!"

Looking up at the floating red ball, Xiaoyou wearing glasses looked a little scared.

It has been more than half a year since I came to this base, but Xiaoyou, who is timid and cowardly by nature, still cannot adapt to this "exciting" life.

I was brought to this base because of the red ball, and said to the outside world that I entered a closed school to study.

The red ball has the ability to grant any wish, but it is not restless itself.

It will disappear and appear out of thin air every once in a while, looking for a new host to fulfill new wishes.

In the first two months, the red ball disappeared almost every three to five days, and then it was retrieved by Womeng, Dagu, and Lu Xuan, the three summoned Ultraman human bodies. .

It wasn't until the base was formally established that the red ball was formally bound and imprisoned here.

But just now, Xiaoyou clearly saw the red ball, which had been calm for more than half a year, beating again, as if it wanted to escape from this place like a living thing.

"I also saw..."

Sitting next to Xiaoyou, Xiao Mian also looked at the red ball with a sad face.

It's just different from the fearful Xiaoyou, after Xiao Mian knows the whole world's ins and outs, he is more worried about what kind of moth will come out of this red ball.

The wish I made unintentionally at the beginning summoned another Gaia human body from another time and space——I Meng.

And the arrival of my dream brought a series of unpredictable changes, which finally led to the current doomsday crisis sweeping the entire earth.

In a sense, I am the origin of all these disasters.

"So what if you see it, can you stop it?"

Opposite Xiao You and Xiao Mian, Xiao Hao who also stayed in this base for half a year said indifferently.

Xiaohao's real name is Kashima Tianhao, and the two followers behind him are Xiaosugi Gen and Nakahara Kohei.

As children who have also been exposed to the red ball and wished to summon monsters, they will naturally not be ignored by Lu Xuan.

To be honest, in Lu Xuan's eyes, he actually didn't care about the existence of the trio.

It wasn't the campus bullying behavior of these three people, nor was it the arrogance and arrogance they showed in front of Lu Xuan...

Lu Xuan simply didn't care about the trio, and never took them seriously.

However, Dagu and I Meng don't think so.

They believe that no matter what the trio did in other timelines, in this timeline it's not worth dying for.

Bringing this trio by your side, on the one hand, can prevent the red balls from using them to do messy things, and on the other hand, can lead them to change their minds.

Facts have proved that there is indeed some truth in the decision of Dagu and my dream.

After getting along with each other for the past six months, Dagu and Womeng discovered that Xiaohao's trio is not that kind of hopeless villain.

On the contrary, the reason why Xiao Hao targeted Xiao Mian so much was because he felt jealous and even disgusted by the innocence shown by the other party.

Obviously the same poor student, obviously also so out of gregarious...

Xiao Mian was able to tell everyone openly that I still like Ultraman and those fantasy heroes.

In contrast to Xiaohao, he dare not tell everyone that he likes monster characters.

Even because of his age and his own sensitivity, Xiao Hao was ashamed to mention his hobby of watching special movies to outsiders.

This kind of strong contrast makes Xiaohao always unable to help but step forward to smash Xiao Mian's fantasy and innocence when he sees Xiao Mian.

If Xiao Mian is a child who is immersed in his own fantasy and never wants to grow up...

Then Xiaohao is between an adult and a minor, an extremely sensitive adolescent boy...

Xiaohao at this stage doesn't know how to express his likes and dislikes correctly, he only uses the most primitive and impulsive way to prove himself to outsiders.

Bullying Xiao Mian, who has always had childlike fantasies, is the fundamental reason why Xiao Hao intends to say goodbye to his immature past.

"Because I don't know how to stop it, so why don't you stop it?"

Even after getting along day and night for the past six months, Xiao Mian still can't develop any good feelings for Xiao Hao.

In particular, the other party seems to target her in everything, which makes Xiao Mian feel that the other party is a bit unreasonable.

Fortunately, after the teaching of my dream in the past six months, Xiao Mian has been able to control his emotions well, and satirizes the other party in a tone that is neither humble nor overbearing.

Gentle, but not gentle without a bottom line.

Kindness, but not unprincipled kindness.

This is today's Xiao Mian, a "future savior" who has grown rapidly in the crisis and is even able to stand on his own.


Staring silently at Xiao Mian's resolute face, Xiao Hao's expression was a little dazed.

Even though less than half a year has passed, why does the other party feel like a little adult to me?

Especially the unshakable determination no matter when and where, it is exactly the same as my dream.

[But... still too naive. 】

Turning his head away calmly, Xiao Hao, who could no longer look directly at Xiao Mian's eyes, was thinking like this.

Xiao Hao knows that there is no news in this base that can be hidden from Lu Xuan - the smart but cold-blooded male number two in "Ultraman Tiga".

Those three people have not shown up until now.

It means that either the change of the red ball is not a big deal, or there is some bigger crisis that has restrained the energy of the three of them.

Referring to the various information and situations he saw in the base in the past six months, Xiaohao thinks that the latter is obviously more likely.

【Galvin Company? 】

The company that Lu Xuan established in this world flashed across his mind.

That technology company that is delivering various high-tech products and new ideas to the whole society.

Xiaohao is keenly aware that this company, which originally only existed in "Ultraman Tiga", is the key to solving this crisis and problem.

Unfortunately, that's all Xiaohao can learn.

No matter how intelligent and sensitive he is, age and experience have become the shackles that limit Xiaohao.

Xiao Hao only knows that the world is going through a crisis of annihilation, and he, Xiao Mian and others may be a key point in this crisis.

But how Womeng, Dagu, and Lu Xuan, the three Ultramen from other worlds, plan to save their own world is beyond Xiaohao's imagination.

The only thing Xiaohao can be sure of is that what he and others can do now is to stay in the base obediently and not cause trouble for the three of them.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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