Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 475 God's Forbidden Zone

Chapter 475 God's Forbidden Zone
Over the Pacific Ocean, on the battlefield between the supersonic armed aircraft and the magic bird Zoga.

"All team members, arrange in hunting formation!"

When the members of the special operations team headed by George jumped out of the plane's hatch one by one.

The bio-communicators automatically generated in their bodies have brought everyone into the same communication channel.

This biological communicator uses microwave encrypted communication, and realizes resonance and communication with others through biological radar waves emitted by living organisms.

Compared with normal communication equipment, this kind of communication device, which is directly generated in the special warfare team through biological breeding equipment, not only has a strong anti-interference ability, but also does not have to worry about being lost during the battle.

For members of special operations teams who are constantly facing supernatural threats, this is an artifact of teamwork.




He quickly adjusted his biological radar waves and communication channels.

While responding to George, the members of the special operations team immediately activated the spraying device on their backs and formed a standard hunting formation.

More than a dozen members of the special operations team pierced the sky like meteors, and the spray device behind them shot out dazzling blue light in an instant.

Just like the biological communicator, these spray devices also use biological structures.

Through the continuous breathing of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide by the members of the special operations team, the injection device will use this as a medium to generate a powerful driving force.

Theoretically, as long as the members of the special operations team don't stop breathing and don't run out of energy, they can fly and fight in the sky all the time.


"Is this the power of 'God Forbidden Zone'?"

At some point, she had quietly appeared at the hatch door, and Tanura Sheren looked down at the members of the special operations team below, with a look of amazement in his eyes.

The members of the special operations team didn't get entangled with the giant demon birds, but directly rushed towards the small Zorga.

These team members all made strange moves, such as spraying flames, spraying liquid nitrogen, cutting out air blades, or causing sonic booms, and fought fiercely with the continuous group of Zorgas.

Especially for George, the captain, the two bio-laser cannons on his shoulders kept blasting out, each of which could shoot down more than one Zoga who couldn't dodge.

Whenever Zoga wanted to take the opportunity to attack one of the members.

The remaining members will adjust their formation in time as if they have a tacit understanding, so as to prevent the possibility of their sneak attack.

This efficient method of killing, rich combat experience, and teamwork capabilities brought about by zero-delay communication directly led to an almost one-sided massacre scene.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the interference of those small Zorgas, it would not be difficult for the special operations team to hunt and kill this huge magic bird alone.

"As expected, it is the blessing bestowed by our Lord!"

In fact, as George guessed, Tian Cunsheren knew far more than he imagined.

As an insider who has witnessed the whole process of "biological special warfare transformation surgery" from its birth to its perfection, Tanura Tanaka knows that the essence of this surgery is to allow human beings to evolve.

The first stage of the operation is to use nine different methods to gradually replace the composition of human beings, endowing them with physical fitness and carrying capacity far beyond ordinary people.

By the time of the second stage of the operation, which is the tenth operation, these transplants have stepped into "God's forbidden zone".

The key to the tenth operation is to implant a special proliferative cell called "biological reproductive device" into the transplant recipient.

Unlike the xenogeneic cells that were originally used to replace the transplanted heart, this special proliferating cell has almost the same ability to mutate and proliferate as cancer cells.

Due to the specificity and danger of this kind of proliferating cells, the No. 11 stable operation must be performed immediately on the second day after the tenth operation.

Only after No. 11 surgery was officially completed, the transplanted person could really use this set of biological reproductive equipment.

Of course, if it's just like this, it's no different from putting on a battle armor for these transplants, and there's no need to take such a big risk to implant them with proliferating cells.

The special feature of biological reproductive equipment is that it can guide cells to undergo targeted mutations through specific operations, so as to generate powerful abilities that can continuously evolve like living things.

No. 12 operations - that's how the winged ejector came about.

Abnormally proliferating cells bulge outward along the transplant's spine, dissimilarize, and form a jet that responds to oxygen and carbon dioxide.

At the same time, patellar membranes will also grow on the limbs of the transplanted person, assisting the jet device to fly.

Once the transplanter activates the biological reproductive equipment, the components of the winged ejection organs will immediately appear, giving it a powerful flying ability.

At this stage, the biological reproductive equipment has basically integrated with the transplanted person, becoming a part of its body.

The biological reproductive equipment endows the transplanter with strong combat effectiveness, and the transplanter provides a steady stream of power for the biological reproductive equipment...

The two complement each other and enhance each other, making the transplanted become a truly terrifying warrior.

Subsequent No.13, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen surgeries...

Basically, on this basis, according to the user's wishes, guide the biological reproductive equipment to carry out directional mutation and alienation.

Huge bodies, organs that spray flames or liquid nitrogen, claws that are powerful enough to tear through the air, laser cannons that gather bio-energy, and almost incredible mutation and regeneration abilities...

These are the abilities that the follow-up surgery can give to the creature's reproductive equipment, and it is also the reason why those in the know call the second-stage surgery "God's Forbidden Zone".

Obtaining the ability of gods as a mortal, what else could this be if it wasn't "God's Forbidden Zone"?
However, at this stage, the transplanter's physical body and biological reproductive equipment are already extremely stable, and whether the follow-up surgery should be carried out depends entirely on the transplanter's own wishes.

There are quite a few transplant recipients who, after experiencing the pain of the first twelve operations, will not continue to undergo the next mutation operation.

After all, the casualty rate of twelve surgeries, as well as the strength obtained after successful surgeries, are already able to satisfy their desires.

Only the members of the special operations team headed by George would continue the operation at the risk of narrow escapes for the grand but illusory goal of "saving mankind".

In fact, this was also the reason why Tan Cunren was slightly surprised when he learned that George had undergone fifteen operations.

Fifteen surgeries meant that he only needed to undergo three more surgeries before he could enter the final stage of biological special warfare transformation surgery—the perfect living body.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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