Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 345 Unknown Civilization

Chapter 345 Unknown Civilization
Early the next morning, the headquarters of the Victory Team.

When Dagu, who received the news, hurried back to the headquarters, the members of the victory team had already assembled in the control room.

"Dagu, you're late again!"

Grinning, he came out from behind Dagu, and Xincheng stretched out his hand to the other's shoulder.

Dagu, who had long been accustomed to Xincheng's behavior, was not frightened at all, but made a decisive backhand grab, trying to control the opponent's arm.

"Want to attack me again?"

"Don't forget, I am the fighting champion in our team."

In just a few breaths, Xincheng and Dagu have already fought several times.

The two reacted so quickly and had so many fighting skills that they stared blankly at Horii.

This kind of small-scale tossing around and grappling is impossible for fighters who are not really experienced in fighting, and it is impossible to do so lightly.

"Stop messing around, this time it's business!"

Lina, who passed directly between the two and stopped the two sides from continuing to fight in time, said in a low voice.

"Dagu, where did you hear the urban legend of 'The Man with the Steel Mask'?"

"If you hadn't reminded me in advance, I'm afraid the loss last night would definitely not be as small as it is now."

Hearing this, Horii also showed a curious expression.

"Yes, those 'steel mask men' seemed to appear out of nowhere, without any warning at all."

"And why did they fight the bird-shaped monsters that appeared last night?"

"This doesn't fit the urban legend of 'Peel Mask' at all."

Blinking his eyelids involuntarily, Dagu, who is not very good at lying, hesitated briefly, and finally could only change the subject as quickly as before.

"I just heard such an urban legend when I went home yesterday, but I didn't really pay much attention to it myself..."

"Speaking of which, did you gain anything last night?"

As expected, Horii's attention was immediately diverted.

"Without gaining anything, those 'steel masks' disappeared as suddenly as they appeared."

"There was no useful wreckage left at the scene..."

"On the contrary, in the alley where the sound was heard at the beginning, we found some traces that seemed to have been blasted by some kind of explosive."

"There is no gunpowder residue, and there is no energy index. It should be a special weapon similar to an 'air cannon'."

After a slight pause in tone, Horii continued to analyze.

"Also, we found something unexpected about the bird-shaped monster that fought the 'Plate Plate Mask' last night."

"That is a magical bird called 'Zoga', which is said to be the pioneer monster before the darkness falls."

"On some murals that record ultra-ancient deeds, they all appear in groups, and there seems to be a strict hierarchical order inside."

"It is not yet clear whether they are intelligent life like humans..."

"The only thing that is certain is that the 'prophecy' of the head of the ultra-ancient security regiment has a high probability of being true."

Although the ultra-ancient time machine from 3000 million years ago has disappeared inexplicably.

But those prophecies left by the opponent have always been a headache for the winning team.

Now even the magic bird Zoga, known as the "Pioneer of Darkness", has appeared on the stage, so does it mean that the arrival of "final darkness" is not far away?

Five minutes later, Captain Ju Jianhui was the last to enter the control room.

The victory team finally officially held a summary and report on the battle last night.

In addition to the most basic personnel and financial losses, most of the focus of the meeting was still on the "steel mask man".

This mechanical life form is obviously different from ordinary monsters, its existence is more like some kind of extraterrestrial life dropped on the earth.

Although it is not clear for the time being the purpose of the other party's "steel mask man".

But through a series of actions of the other party last night, it can basically be determined that it belongs to the category of the enemy.

Especially the practice of erasing all iconic technologies and only endowing the "Steel Mask Man" with the most basic abilities, it is clear that he does not want humans to discover their own civilization.

"Ye Rui, report the results of the data analysis last night."

When Zong Fang, who was in charge of hosting the meeting, said this, Ye Rui immediately put his analysis report on the big screen in the control room.


"According to the traces left at the scene, those 'steel masks' are made of a special nanostructure."

"Under normal conditions, this nanostructured material is dispersed in the air, a bit like dust, but it can follow a certain signal action."

"When this abnormal electrical signal is strengthened to a certain extent, the materials of these nanostructures will reorganize into miniaturized individual states."

I saw Yerui unfolding and enlarging the miniaturized model of Gobnu Kiga while talking.

"These small individuals have only one shell, and the interior is hollow..."

"But each structure of these miniaturized individuals can be used independently as a microcomputer."

"In other words, simply destroying these miniaturized individuals is useless. They actually still have quite complete functions."

"On this basis, these miniaturized individuals can be further transformed into gigantic forms."

"This gigantic form has an appearance similar to that of a small individual, but in essence it is a collection of some kind of huge energy."

"If this powerful energy is allowed to explode in the center of the city, the range of the explosion will be enough to affect all buildings and terrain within a radius of thousands of miles."

As if he was afraid that everyone would not understand what this meant, Ye Rui temporarily generated a video of the explosion and played it back.

"In other words, this is a self-exploding bomb that can walk?"

Keenly grasping the key point, Dagu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That makes sense, and I believe that's why it was dropped on Earth."

"It appeared to destroy something on the earth, so it doesn't need too complicated functions at all, as long as it can blow up the target."

Hearing this, Captain Jian Hui, who was most concerned about this issue among the people at the scene, immediately asked.

"Can you find out what it is trying to destroy?"

Scratching his head in distress, Ye Rui said in an unsure tone.

"I searched for when and how many times the urban legend of 'Steel Mask Man' appeared..."

"It should not be a coincidence to find that the time it appears each time seems to coincide with the time when Dr. Yao conducted the 'Max System' experiment."

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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