Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 296 My Hometown Is Earth!

Chapter 296 My Hometown Is Earth!
It's not clear what happened on the Delta space station.

When the ray-like UFO broke through the interception and began to enter low-Earth orbit, its speed quickly dropped to around Mach [-].

The scorching atmosphere rubbed against the solid shell, releasing a lot of light and heat.

The huge heat source is so conspicuous in front of any formed detection device.

But the UFO didn't seem to care about these at all, and it fell in the direction of the Space Development Bureau with a clear goal.

After a few breaths, the specific appearance of the UFO was photographed by high-altitude satellites.

Unexpectedly, UFOs do not exist in the form of "aircraft".

It was a gigantic beast that seemed to be made entirely of machines.

The head shape is similar to that of Triceratops, endowing it with a streamlined structure that breaks through air resistance.

The high-temperature particle flow ejected from the back plays a role similar to that of a propeller.

Most importantly, this mechanical behemoth is obviously a life with wisdom.

As primitive as this intelligence may be, it does have a very clear goal—to break into the headquarters of the Space Development Agency.

Under the guidance of this goal, the actions of the mechanical behemoth became more and more wild.

First of all, the headquarters of the Space Development Agency, aware of the danger, used all its connections to start launching interceptor missiles towards low-earth orbit.

Then there was the militant faction within the TPC. After a short meeting, a unanimous resolution was passed to activate the originally sealed space-based satellite.

In the end, even the moderates who occupy the mainstream, when facing this giant mechanical beast from the universe, also acquiesced to various counterattacks within TPC.

TPC is an organization that advocates and loves peace, but it is not a soft-legged shrimp that is really helpless.

Seek peace through struggle, and there will be peace.

Seek peace through compromise, and peace will perish.

As an organization that can dismantle the Earth Defense Force without bloodshed and then unify the world, TPC knows better than anyone else the importance of armed forces to peace.

It's not human style to let go of an apparently malicious UFO.

Unfortunately, the action of the mechanical behemoth is much faster than TPC expected.

Whether it is intercepting missiles, space-based satellites, or other newer means of defense...

When facing intelligent creatures that can dodge flexibly, they often appear so clumsy and helpless.


Just when TPC was at a loss what to do, Earth's "final defense barrier" was activated.

Accompanied by a surge of electric current that can be seen with the naked eye on the surface, nearly infinite electromagnetic waves quickly converge.


Like a majestic god high above, and like a supreme monarch who judges everything...

Under the convergence of endless currents, a face that once appeared above the earth emerged out of thin air.

It's just that compared to the face that almost covered the entire ionosphere back then, the face that appeared at this moment is obviously many times smaller.

The only constant is the symbolism and meaning of this face.

He is the collective will of the Flashes, the embodiment of Earth's celestial will.

When He appeared, a large number of Gazots also appeared one after another, stopping in front of the giant mechanical beast.

Under the gaze of the TPC high-altitude satellite, the giant mechanical beast broke through the siege of several gazots one after another, but resulted in the appearance of more gazots.

Looking from a distance, the huge body of the mechanical monster was subjected to billions of volts of current, and even the steel and iron bones were scorched black by the electricity.

Seeing that the giant mechanical beast was about to be destroyed, he suddenly let out a mournful cry that resounded through the sky.

"My hometown... is Earth!"

It's not the roar of monsters in the conventional sense, but a language that humans can understand, and the voice of speaking is still that weird triple accent.

When this sound spreads throughout the ionosphere in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The giant face in the sky revealed a contemplative expression.

The Gazots who participated in the siege of the giant mechanical beast stopped one after another.


In the next second, the giant faces in the sky began to dissipate, and even Gazots re-formed into electromagnetic waves.


The TPC executives who witnessed this scene looked at each other in astonishment, not knowing how to express their position for a while.

Whether it was the rampage of the giant mechanical beast or the appearance of the Lightning Man to intercept it, it far exceeded the expectations of the TPC executives.

Therefore, when the giant face disappeared, TPC executives themselves were a little unclear whether they were glad or disappointed.

Fortunately, the existence of the Lightning Man is equivalent to adding another powerful barrier to the earth.

The disappointment is that this barrier is not within the control of TPC.

They couldn't predict under what circumstances the Lightning Man would appear and under what circumstances he would disappear.

For example, now, when the giant mechanical beast was about to be wiped out, the Lightning Man somehow let it go.

"We're back……"

It's also unclear why the Lightning Man's will let him go.

However, the mechanical behemoth with only instinct left doesn't care about these.

It just stayed for a short time, and flew towards the headquarters of the Space Development Bureau again.


This time, the mechanical behemoth that officially entered the atmosphere showed its powerful side.

The sonic booms brought about by the high-speed flight are superimposed layer upon layer, and the wind is raging and the sound is loud.

Not to mention the TPC organization that has been notified a long time ago, even ordinary people can see the terrifying action mode of the mechanical giant with a telescope.

Rampage, brutal and direct...

This is everyone's first impression of the mechanical behemoth.

And when this style of mechanical behemoth passed over the city, the huge movement it brought spread in human society at an astonishing speed.

One of the disadvantages of the modern information society is vividly displayed at this moment.

As long as one person observes the action of the giant mechanical beast, it means that half of human society is aware of this crisis.

The endless stream of videos and photos cannot be completely stopped by the official ban.

Especially when the mechanical behemoth got closer and closer to the Space Development Bureau, the photos and video data of the low-altitude flight had already spread all over the Internet.

As another protagonist of this incident, the official website of the Space Development Bureau unexpectedly remained silent.

Until the mechanical behemoth actually appeared above the headquarters of the Space Development Bureau.

The Space Development Agency finally no longer cared about the possible adverse effects in the future, and actively activated the electromagnetic defense system called DCS before it was fatally attacked.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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