Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 269 Guardian Civilization

Chapter 269 Guardian Civilization

Today's Galvin Group has become a pole within TPC, and its industries are involved in various industries around the world.

From consumption to energy, from medical care to network, from finance to industry...

The Galvin Group has become a real "uncrowned king" in the eyes of ordinary people.

Especially in its rising Japan, almost all kinds of emerging industries and high technologies first appeared here, and it is an experimental field for Galvin Group's global layout.

This includes the "intercity air rail train" that is currently only theoretically feasible.

Unlike those skytrains that only run in cities.

This kind of high-speed train specially used between cities can accelerate itself to a level close to the speed of sound.

Its principle is somewhat similar to that of an electromagnetic gun.

Set up a special electromagnetic channel between the two cities, and then accelerate the special carriage to the physical limit, and then cross the two cities in a short time.

Of course, considering the danger and adaptability, this special aerial rail train has not yet been popularized by ordinary people.

However, according to the planning and prediction of Galvin Company.

They will promote it to the whole of Japan and even around the world in the next one to two years.

By that time, this sky rail train will replace airplanes and become the new era of international transportation.

After all, compared with airplanes, the biggest advantage of sky rail trains is its passenger capacity and relatively low maintenance costs.

To be honest, after the establishment of the electromagnetic channel, the Japanese living there have begun to look forward to the opening of this kind of sky rail train.

It is more "coincidentally" that there is such an aerial rail train between Tokyo and Amami City that has not yet been opened to the public.

As the behind-the-scenes boss of Galvin Group——Lu Xuan brought Sha Ji onto the sky train without even going through any approval procedures.

Then, the skytrain rips through the sky, tearing apart the sky at an astonishing speed.

It took less than an hour to bring the two of them to Amami City again.


"Since entering the information society, things on the earth have really changed every day!"

Some legs were weak and he got off the sky train, Sha Ji sighed with emotion.

As an immortal who came to the earth 200 years ago, Sha Ji can be said to have watched human beings step by step from industrial civilization to information society, and then to the universe today.

This kind of rapid change, even the Sha Ji who came from an extraterrestrial, can't help but be amazed by it.

"It's just a low-altitude flight close to the speed of sound..."

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are from an alien race."

Frowning and glancing at Sha Ji, Lu Xuan made no effort to hide the disgust on his face.

Civilized races capable of navigating in the universe will actually have weak legs when taking the sky rail train.

Lu Xuan felt that no matter how outrageous the novel was, it would be impossible to set up such a mentally retarded plot.

"Who stipulated that aliens cannot be afraid of heights?"

"Besides, my race is different from humans, and the direction of technological development is also completely different."

"On our planet, it is absolutely impossible for such an unintelligent iron bump to be allowed to go into space."

This was the first time that Sha Ji talked about his own civilization, and Lu Xuan couldn't help showing a little curiosity.

"An iron lump without wisdom?"

"Could it be that your civilization is following the route of artificial intelligence?"

"No means of transportation equipped with artificial intelligence are allowed on the road?"

Anyway, having been with Lu Xuan for such a long time, Sha Ji naturally knew what the other party meant by asking this question.

"It's different. If I have to describe it, my civilization is actually closer to the 'biological civilization' in the human concept."

Resolutely shaking his head in negative, Sha Ji continued to explain.

"On our planet, the 'Guardian' is the source of development of all civilizations and the patron saint who protects us."

"Imitating the existence form of the 'Guardian', we endow the extracted various metals and organic substances with the process of 'growth', allowing them to automatically grow the structure we want."

"For example, if I want a spaceship, I need to apply for a 'spaceship egg' from Mammy in advance."

"Then feed this 'spaceship egg' with different metals to grow different structures and shapes, and finally obtain a spaceship of its own."

"This spaceship, like the guardian of the planet, has a near-eternal life."

"Unless it suffers an irresistible and devastating blow, this spaceship can slowly repair its damage by 'eating'."

"Even our own planet is a living body, and it is also the ultimate guardian of our civilization point!"

A little surprised, a little stunned...

Lu Xuan felt that the universe was so big that there were indeed no surprises.

This kind of special civilization between organisms and machines takes a development path completely different from that of human beings.

Lu Xuan could even imagine the Shaji civilization animating the entire planet, and then driving the planet to travel through the universe.

"In other words, your spaceship crashed when it landed on Earth?"

"And it's the kind of damage that can't 'self-repair'? What we're looking for now is its wreckage?"

Hearing Lu Xuan's question, Sha Ji shook his head in embarrassment.

"Makina wasn't damaged, it just got lost with me..."

"When I came to this galaxy, I was curious about the humans on Earth, so I quietly came to Earth without telling Maqina."

"As a result, there was an accident when it arrived, and the 'signal generator' used to summon Machina sank into the bottom of the sea..."

"According to the guardian's concept of time, Mackina probably hasn't realized that I'm lost yet."

Hearing this, it was Lu Xuan's turn to be speechless this time.

Whether it was Sha Ji or the so-called Makina, Lu Xuan found that they seemed to be a little more reckless than he imagined.

Sha Ji needless to say.

Losing one's spaceship in a strange galaxy can no longer be described as simple recklessness.

As for March, it is even more outrageous.

As an aircraft with self-awareness and intelligence, its concept of time is actually out of sync with Sha Ji.

God knows how long it took when it realized that its master was lost.

"I'm a little skeptical now. Even if you find the signal generator, it's still a question of whether Maqina will come to pick you up."

In fact, I don't blame Lu Xuan for being so pessimistic, it's because Sha Ji brought him too many surprises.

"Of course not!"

"March is my guardian. Once he receives my signal, he will come to pick me up no matter how far away he is!"

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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