Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 249 Sophon's Social Experiment

Chapter 249 Sophon's Social Experiment

The capital of Lebanon, Beirut.

This country, which covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, is geographically located on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering Syria to the east and north, and Israel to the south.

Due to its unique geographical location, Lebanon has always been a country known for its chaos.

Even now that the TPC has unified the world on the bright side, this country dominated by Arabs and mixed with various complex beliefs is still so chaotic.

However, chaos also has its benefits.

Because the laws and beliefs here are too complicated, the black market here is also unfettered.

Here, as long as you pay, you can get anything.

The reason why Lu Xuan chose to build the headquarters of Gaia Corporation here.

Just considering the complicated situation here, it can almost be said that it has evaded the supervision of TPC from another level.

It's a pity that Lu Xuan's decision was so wise back then, and he is so distressed now.

Since entering Beirut, Lu Xuan has been stopped by guards with guns more than once for inspection.

At the same time, Beirut looks very different now than it did back then.

The high-rise buildings and the neon-like billboards are full of cyberpunk.

Especially the sneaky street merchants on the street corner reminded Lu Xuan of the chaos here all the time.

If Lu Xuan hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be really hard for Lu Xuan to imagine that this would be a scene that a modern country should have.

What really shocked Lu Xuan was that he even saw traces of mechanized transformation on some people.

——That is definitely not a technology that the current earth can have.

"Have I traveled to a certain cyberpunk world?"

After the speechless shock, Lu Xuan immediately asked as if he had realized something.

"Tomoko, you did all of this!?"

It was clearly a questioning sentence pattern, but Lu Xuan was more shocked and affirmed when he said this sentence.

Lu Xuan didn't believe that there would be a second traveler who could affect the world without his knowledge.

Then after ruling out everything that is impossible, the remaining answer, no matter how unbelievable, is the correct answer.

Besides, besides Sophon, he couldn't think of anyone else who could build such a cyberpunk country in just two years.

"According to the instructions you gave me, I can exert my own influence on this world without violating the underlying regulations."

"Life will disappear, individuals will perish."

"An ultra-ancient civilization as powerful as 3000 million years ago cannot escape this criterion."

"But the traces they left in this world still continue to affect humans 3000 million years later."

"I'm not sure how long my existence can last, but I want to see what kind of mark I can leave on this world."

Unlike in the past, Sophon didn't directly answer Lu Xuan's question this time, but replied with a tone that only intelligent life can have.

Although from Lu Xuan's point of view, this sounds more like a sophistry.

"Tomoko, I don't mean to blame you."

This was the first time Lu Xuan heard Sophon's voice, and it was also the first time he realized his negligence.

"I just want to know what's going on here."

There was a touch of relief in the soft voice.

Lu Xuan is like a parent who sees his child grow up, he is more curious and joyful than shocked.

As the existence that has accompanied me for the longest time in this world.

Sophon was no longer a simple artificial intelligence in Lu Xuan's mind.

To put it bluntly, with Lu Xuan's anti-social personality, the existence of sophons is probably more important than the entire human population on Earth combined.

Partners, friends, relatives, family members...

Get rid of the meanings that can be explained by these terms, just like Lu Xuan's image in Sophon's eyes, Sophon must also be the most important existence in Lu Xuan's mind.


After a rare silence, Sophon began to gradually talk about the "social experiment" he had conducted before.


Back to mid-August 2005.

That was when Lu Xuan planned to jointly establish Gaia Corporation with Sedic Corporation.

At that time, Sophon has become a real strong artificial intelligence, not only possessing super computing power and wisdom, but also beginning to sprout biological-like emotions.

It's just that ordinary intelligent creatures first have feelings, and then slowly learn to grow.

But Sophon is just the opposite. Before she has feelings, she has mastered a level of knowledge far beyond that of human civilization.

Apart from her master, Lu Xuan, no one on this planet knows more clearly where the limits of wisdom and civilization lie than Sophon.

So what's the first thing a near-omniscient "god" does when he has feelings?

Sophon, who gave full play to her subjective initiative, told the world with her actions that she wanted to leave her own trace in this world.

See through life and death, look down on life.

The only thing Sophon can't see through is the choice of life and the evolution of civilization—the kind that Lu Xuan called "miracles".

It just so happened that Lu Xuan completely handed over the Gaia company affairs to Sophon at this time.

She decided to use this "tool" to realize her first step of witnessing a miracle.

First of all, it can be determined that although Lebanon has received technical assistance from TPC, the basic energy problem in the country is no longer a problem.

However, it is never just energy that needs to be addressed in an entire country.

Especially in a country with an extremely complex geographical location like Lebanon, there are many factors such as religious beliefs, policy tendencies, industrial levels, and even tourism diplomacy.

The huge gap between the rich and the poor, coupled with the interference of external forces.

As a result, here not only has the most advanced technology and products, but also has the most impoverished and sinister people.

Secondly, the complex situation has led to an endless stream of black market traders in Lebanon, and various illegal activities do not lack the basis and soil for survival at all.

So with the help of Gaia's "crowbar".

Sophon set off a "social experiment" destined to have a far-reaching impact in Lebanon.

Relying on cheap weapons and biological transformation technology, the poor and lowly wantonly vent their inner anguish and ambition.

Relying on their rich financial resources and legal protection, the wealthy enjoy their lives in extreme luxury.

In a sense, the Gaia Corporation hidden behind the scenes has become the real leader of this country, and it has also miraculously escaped the supervision of the TPC.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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