Galvins of the Tiga world

Chapter 118 Tijia First Appearance

Chapter 118 Tijia First Appearance

Calling his brother's name hoarsely, Daedara's voice was full of despair.

He never thought that he would lose his brother in this situation.

I never thought about the possibility of living alone in the future.

Therefore, when this kind of sadness, anger, and despair were bred to the peak, a dark force that was so powerful that it was almost substantial ran away.


Accompanied by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a black lightning crossed the dimension and struck directly on Dedara's body.

It was a gift from the Dark Demon God Dogouf to his most devout disciples, and it was also a proof that Daedara completely gave up his human identity.

"hold head high!"

Unlike those abnormally twisted monsters.

Daedara, as the most devout believer under the command of the demon god, is a candidate for the next priest.

The black lightning he summoned by sacrificing himself is enough to distort the light and bring the dead back to life.

After all... this is the authority of the Dark Demon God Dogouf.


"That... what kind of monster!?"

Driving the Alfas Period across the sky, Yuan Yi watched as the long-dead Jomonoid was "resurrected" again.

It was not the kind of "resurrection" that normal people imagined, but the whole flesh and blood twisted and moved in a strange posture.

Just like the zombies that have appeared in various sci-fi movies, Joe Monoyd, who has rolled his eyes, is trying to get up from the ground again.

It's okay for a broken bone to...

Because it does not need the support of bones, nor does it need to walk like a normal creature.

Muscle ulceration is okay...

Because its strength does not come from muscles, even if there is only a white bone left, it will not affect its actions.

It doesn't matter if the blood flows...

Today's Jomonoid doesn't need blood at all to maintain circulation in the body, and Daedara and the dark power that are completely integrated into its flesh and blood are its "blood".

"hold head high!"

After a brief roar, Su Sheng's Joe Monoid seemed to have noticed the "iron bird" that had killed him once.

So, Jomonoid slowly opened his bloody mouth that was so rotten that it could no longer see its shape in the direction of the Alphas Perio.

The dark power turned into a vortex and gathered in its mouth, and the surging aura curled up a storm visible to the naked eye around its body.

Aware of the bad situation, the round wing tried hard to control the rapid rise of the Alphas Perio, trying to avoid the next blow that was destined to destroy him.

However, at this critical moment, Daedara in Joe Monoid's body made a move.

The invisible gust of wind turned into a shackle, and immediately interfered with the cyclone steering system of the Alphas Perio.

The water that followed turned into a mad dragon and sprang out from the creek, rushing towards the Alphas Perio like a high-pressure water gun running at full power.

——Wind, thunder and lightning, the elements sing together!
Daedara in Jomonoid's body became the real "son of the storm" at this moment.

And the Alphas Perio, which was crumbling in this man-made storm, naturally changed from a "falcon" in the sky to a "lamb" waiting to be slaughtered.

"This is bad!"

He watched helplessly as his car began to lose control.

Yuan Yi instinctively looked at the jump button that symbolized "escape".

TPC's flight training school is of course a school built to train the reserve players of the Super Victory Team.

But in the daily training process of these reserve members, there is no course option for jumping out of the plane in a storm!
Yuan Yi felt that there was only her father in this world.

It is estimated that only Uncle Xincheng, who is on par with his father in the field of plane crashes, can do such an exaggerated thing.

【Jump?Or not to dance? 】

Just as Yuan Yi was hesitating, he suddenly felt a warm heat source coming from his chest.

Quickly unzipping the clothes chain, Yuan Yi took out the "heat source" before realizing that it was actually the bronze artifact that Mahe Luoba gave him.

It's just that the bronze artifact is emitting a faint light at this moment.

"What is this?"

Seeing this familiar bronze artifact, Yuanyi's mind began to spin rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, as if he remembered something, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Spark Prism!?"

Yes, Yuan Yi finally remembered.

Isn't this the "Spark Prism" that my dad often hangs in his study?

Of course, there is another name for this thing in Uncle Lu's mouth-Shenguang stick!

Anyway, no matter how the name changes, the essence of this thing will not change - it is the medium that turns humans with super ancient genetic genes into giants.

To say that the only difference between this bronze artifact in front of me and the Divine Light Rod is probably its material.

The Shenguang stick that my father used at first was a magic weapon made by his own hands.

Later, due to an incident, the original Shenguang stick was destroyed.

Then, in order to regain the ability to transform into a giant, my father commissioned Uncle Lu to rebuild a new version of the second-generation magic stick.

Except that it still maintains the original shape of the divine light stick.

The second-generation Shenguang wand is already a product of the black technology level in all aspects.

In comparison, the bronze divine light rod in front of him seemed so simple, so simple that Yuan Yi didn't associate it with the divine light rod at first.

As if sensing Yuan Yi's inner complaints, the bronze artifact in his hand suddenly trembled slightly.

In the next second, the twilight turned into bright light, and the bright light turned into blazing sun.

Instinctively raised the bronze artifact high, Yuan Yi pressed the start button of the bronze artifact with a feeling of anticipation and excitement.

In an instant, a human-shaped light appeared out of thin air.

Like the scorching sun, like the scorching sun...

The human form that suddenly appeared directly dispelled the surrounding storm, and then gathered a huge amount of light energy and turned it into substance.


When Chomonoyd realized that something was wrong, he stopped accumulating energy and decisively breathed out the dark breath.

The human-shaped rays of light have gathered into a solid body, exposing his appearance to this era for the first time.


He has alternating red, purple, and silver skin.

The energy timer on the chest and the energy crystal between the brows are its most notable features.

As soon as the newly-appeared giant Pu appeared, he smashed the dark breath that had been stored for a long time with one punch.

The flying kick that followed perfectly reproduced the might of Di Jia transformed by Dagu, as seen in Yuanyi's childhood images.

To say that the only fly in the ointment is that the newborn Di Jia's body is too petite.

Not to mention it is compared with the real Tiga.

Even compared to Qiao Monoid, who is only over 20 meters tall, he is much inferior.

——Monthly ticket/recommendation ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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