Miss, you are my future wife

Chapter 215 Frist Kiss

Chapter 215 Frist Kiss
*This chapter is also known as "The First Kiss of Shaobing Flavor"

From real childhood to Xinmiao, and then from Xinmiao to county junior high school, I finally found a place where I could enter, but the old man Li in the reception room refused to let me in. It was useless for Xiao Yao to explain that he was an alumnus who had just graduated.

Seeing that Xiao Yao became emotional again, Yu Luying was worried that he would follow the example of the local residents and do such absurd things as beating the old man, so she apologized to Uncle Li while dragging Xiao Yao away.

Xiao Yao originally wanted to revisit his hometown and share with Yu Luying the place where he lived and fought, but ended up being shut out all afternoon in his own territory, which made Xiao Yao feel frustrated, resentful, and full of frustration.

Also lose face.

If Yu Luying and Xiao Yao went to other places and wanted to take Xiao Yao to the local church to worship on the way, but were arrogantly turned away by the guards, it must be the same, similar unhappiness.

"Qi makes sense." Xiao Yao deliberately pronounced "Qi" as the fourth sound.

Yu Luying wanted to go back to the party school to change clothes, but ran outside for nothing under the sun all afternoon. She felt uneasy, but gently comforted Xiao Yao: "Oh, you just want to show me. You used to go to school, live the place we passed by,"

"Yes." Xiao Yao said sullenly.

"I've already seen it from the outside," Yu Luying said, "It doesn't matter if you go in or not. The most important thing is, I'll accompany you to walk this part of the road again. You used to walk every day, didn't you?"

Of course, Xiao Yao didn't think that "lounging at the door" and "can't get in" were the same. He was about to retort casually, but suddenly he had an idea, his EQ went online, and realized that Yu Luying was just trying to make him happy, so he changed his words: "Little Apple ——Thank you, you are really kind to me."

While saying this, he stopped, turned around, and turned Yu Luying 90°, facing himself, holding each other's hands with both hands: "In the future, I also ask you to walk with me. "

After saying this, he leaned forward and hugged the girl in his arms, secretly regretting in his heart, thinking why he didn't open any pot and carried which pot, and talked about "the future" indiscriminately.

Fortunately, Yu Luying just gave a soft "hmm".

Xiao Yao hugged her even tighter.

"If you want." Yu Luying added softly.

It was about 04:30 in the afternoon, and the sunshine on the street was not as harsh as before.

Xiao Yao saw that the time was almost up, so he decided to take Yu Luying to carry out the last item of the itinerary that came to Dongru - to eat sesame cakes.

"Where can't I eat sesame seed cakes?" Sitting in the rickshaw, Yu Luying asked a little strangely.

"Our Dongru sesame seed cakes," Xiao Yao introduced proudly, "You really can't eat them in other places."

"So delicious?" Yu Luying was slightly aroused with interest.

Before getting out of the car, I saw a large group of people gathered there, very lively, and white smoke drifted out from the shop.

"Business is so good?" When Yu Luying said this, there was a little joy of "people are going crazy".

This kind of psychology is similar to the later little girls who like to check in with Internet celebrities.

After getting off the car and paying, the two joined the team of "surrounding there".

Although there is no habit of queuing, in general, everyone waits in the order of first come, first served.

The biscuit master is a lean man in his 40s, with a thin face and a short stature. He is wearing a white apron and is rubbing the snow-white dough with a rolling pin.

Beside him, there are piles of shredded radishes, shrimp roe in plastic bags, sesame seeds, various oils and other seasonings.

"It smells so good." The girl said happily, and stretched her head to look into the black charcoal stove, where the flames were burning vigorously.

The inner wall of the charcoal stove has been covered with white sesame cakes, and oil is dripping down. When the oil and water touch the flames, there is a "sizzling" sound.

"Ah!" The charcoal fire at the bottom of the furnace suddenly shot up to Lao Gao, the girl's face turned pale with fright, and she took a step back subconsciously.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yao said quickly.

A small strand of hair at the tip of Yu Luying's hair was already a little burnt, and there was a burst of low laughter from around. Two middle-aged men said something to her in Dongru dialect, but she couldn't understand, so she had to show them She gave a shy, awkward, embarrassing and polite smile, and then took a step back.

"Are there so many people here every day?" In order to ease the embarrassment, Yu Luying hid behind Xiao Yao and asked him in a low voice.

"Almost, this person is not too many." Xiao Yao replied.

"Is this the only one?" Yu Luying asked Xiao Yao.

"I know of two or three houses," Xiao Yao replied, "It's possible in total. There should still be three or five houses in the town..."

"Is it all this hot?"

"I don't know—anyway, here," Xiao Yao recalled: "There is a wave at breakfast time, and there is a wave at this time in the afternoon. It seems that they are closed during the day and at night."

"Is that so...that's quite a accent?" Yu Luying said.

"Anyway, it's an old shop that has been in business for more than ten years or even longer," Xiao Yao explained, "Anyway, Dongru people have developed this habit. Many people come to buy sesame seed cakes at 4 o'clock every day..."

While talking, it was finally Xiao Yao's turn.

The lean pie maker looked at Xiao Yao, and asked impatiently in dialect in a rough voice: "How many do you want? Ordinary or processed?"

"Let's process it," Xiao Yao subconsciously replied, "Is the price still the same as before?"

"Ordinary 7 cents, processed 1 yuan, luxury version [-] yuan and [-] yuan."

"Deluxe version." Xiao Yao said without hesitation.

Yu Luying didn't quite understand Dongru's words, but she could probably hear the numbers, so she blurted out: "So cheap?"

"Well," Xiao Yao said to Yu Luying in a low voice, "I haven't raised the price at all since I left this year."

"How many do you want?" The man asked, but he didn't get an answer, but saw that the two middle school students were only whispering, and when they asked the second time, their tone was a bit fierce: "Hey, how many do you want?" ah?"

"Five, five?" Xiao Yao said quickly, "Is that enough, Little Apple?"

"Ah? Don't want so much? Can you eat it?" Yu Luying pulled Xiao Yao's hand: "I'll just eat one and taste it, I can't eat too much."

"Don't worry about it, just five, we're still waiting." Xiao Yao said, "Five!"

After placing the order, he pulled Yu Luying away.

"What are you doing, you can't eat five." Yu Luying whispered.

"Oh, if it's really impossible, I'll eat four, why can't I eat it?" Xiao Yao said indifferently.

"You can really eat!" Yu Luying complained casually: "When the time comes, I'll be full, why don't I support it together?"

"Oh, you're so annoying, why are you so hypocritical," Xiao Yao said impatiently, "Five loaves are such a fortune—five loaves and two fishes."

"Okay, I'll eat two more fish tonight, five loaves and two fish will feed you one." Yu Luying pursed her lips and smiled.

"You don't think you're too full now?" Xiao Yao laughed at her and said, "Oh, suddenly I'm looking forward to it."

"What are you expecting?"

"Damn it, I haven't eaten Dongru's pancakes for a year." Xiao Yao patted his thigh.

"Is it really that delicious?" Yu Luying said disapprovingly.

"Really," Xiao Yao said, "you'll know when you eat it, and you'll find out when you eat it, those biscuits you ate in Shanghai, or this biscuit, that biscuit, yellow x biscuit, I'm not targeting anyone - everyone here is rubbish."

Yu Luying: "It's just the addition of hometown feelings? If it is really so delicious, how can it be possible to be trapped in such a corner and not get out?"

Xiao Yao was a little unhappy when he heard this, Yu Luying caught it keenly, and immediately self-criticized and said: "Oh, look at you, after living with you, my EQ level has been lowered by you."

"?" Xiao Yao smiled and said, "Is this also considered self-criticism?"

"Okay, it's my fault..." Yu Luying hugged Xiao Yao's arm and leaned on his shoulder.

There was a strange look from the side.

Xiao Yao pushed her lightly, and said in a low voice, "Everyone is watching us."

"See what we are doing?" Yu Luying asked puzzled.

"Cough, it's really nothing," Xiao Yao explained in a low voice, "It's just that this place is no different than the Magic City. Even if the middle school students here are in love, they usually stay outside. Relatively speaking, generally speaking, they are relatively low-key, you understand? "

"Uh..." Yu Luying shook off Xiao Yao's arm like shaking off the tail of a dead mouse.

"Your five, deluxe version, ready!" the lean man shouted from behind the two of them.

At this time, a customer at a small wooden table happened to get up. Seeing this, Yu Luying hurried over to take a seat, while Xiao Yao went to get his luxurious version of biscuits.

"Take away and eat here?" the lean man asked him.

"Take it away, ah no, eat here."

The boss covered half of the plastic bag for him, rolled his eyes and tore it off again: "Six yuan."

Xiao Yao searched and fumbled for a long time before he dug out six coins from his pocket, splashed them into the iron lunch box in front of him, and took the biscuits with the other hand.

The biscuits were not packed in a paper bag, but were roughly wrapped in yesterday's old newspaper. Half of the newspaper was soaked in oil. Xiao Yao took it and ran towards the seat that Yu Luying occupied, grinning his teeth, leaking oil all the way Drop the oil, and then throw the five cakes on the small wooden table like hot potatoes.

Yu Luying also stood up subconsciously, and stood face to face with Xiao Yao, grinning together, blowing air on her hands, biting her fingers, and shaking her hands.

After the hot feeling subsided, the two slowly sat down together again.

"I want to see how delicious it is." Yu Luying took out two pieces of toilet paper, wrapped a cake, lifted it up, and blew lightly with a small cherry mouth: "Hey - there is oil everywhere!"


"Why are you looking at me? Eat it!" Yu Luying said with a frown as she took a small bite of the edge of the pancake.

"It's okay, you eat." Xiao Yao looked at her with his cheeks on his hands, wondering inwardly - it seemed that since he came to Dongru, he hadn't seen Yu Luying pray before meals.

Yu Luying took another bite, and before she got the filling, she said, "It feels very ordinary, just like other biscuits."

Xiao Yao still didn't speak - didn't refute, didn't start eating, and continued to watch her eat with his chin resting on his hands.

Yu Luying finally got her fill.

The familiar taste permeated Xiao Yao's mouth. The taste of salty radish and shrimp roe mixed together formed a wonderful taste, which instantly made Xiao Yao's brain's dopamine secretion soar, and the sense of happiness came spontaneously. born.

What made Xiao Yao even more satisfied was that he saw Yu Luying's expression - from disdain and disapproval, to slightly startled disbelief, to surprise, and finally the appearance of feasting.

"Hurry up and eat," Yu Luying said vaguely with the cake in her mouth, "What are you shooting for?"

"Seeing how cute you are eating, I couldn't help but take a picture." Xiao Yao put down his phone and finally picked up a cake.

The wind swept away, and he devoured it voraciously. When Xiao Yao finished eating the second cake, there were only sesame seeds left on the table.

"No, where's my cake?" Xiao Yao pretended to be surprised, and gestured while talking: "Where is such a big piece of cake I put here?"

But seeing Yu Luying secretly sucking her little finger, she looked at the crushed sesame seeds on the table reluctantly, as if she wanted to lie down and lick it.Seeing Xiao Yao looking at her, the girl blushed, and quickly took out her fingers and hid them under the table: "What are you looking at, you still want to eat, I'll just go and buy it for you!"

After saying this, Yu Luying stood up and walked towards the thin man.

"Hey, I'm full, I don't want to eat anymore," Xiao Yao deliberately shouted behind Yu Luying: "If you want to eat, you can buy it yourself, don't use my cover!"

Shy and anxious, Yu Luying pretended not to hear Xiao Yao's words, covered her ears with her hands, accelerated her feet, and got into the biscuit shop.

"You little girl." Xiao Yao turned around and scolded with a smile to himself in Dongru dialect.Although these words were not good, Xiao Yao said them in a very affectionate and intimate tone.

He took out his mobile phone. He should have taken two pictures for Shen Jie just now, but unfortunately he had already finished eating.

But it's okay, anyway, Yu Luying went to buy it again, remember to take pictures for her later.

By the way... Shen Jie hasn't replied to the message yet.

Forget it, don't worry, anyway, I'm slowly getting used to it.

Xiao Yao sat comfortably on the edge of the small wooden table, picking his teeth with the toothpick on the table.A pleasant cool wind blew by, the leaves on the side of the road rustled, and the fire burning clouds in the sky were very beautiful.

Just as Xiao Yao said "Dangfu Dabai" silently in his heart, a very familiar black car slowly leaned against the side of the road.

Uh, although Dongru is said to be very small, this is really a bit too coincidental.

Xu Ruiyi and Wang Hao got out of the car, one on the left and one on the right, and walked towards the biscuit shop, and two girls also got off the back seat.

One of the girls was small, with short hair, and wearing glasses. If you didn't look carefully, you might think it was a boy, but Xiao Yao recognized Zhang Lei, the school committee member of the junior high school class.

The other girl is of medium height, with long hair and shawls, wide-leg trousers, sneakers, and no socks. Although she looks average, she has a top-notch figure and temperament—in addition, as long as you have a certain ability to identify clothing brands, you You will find that she is obviously willing to spend money on dressing up.

Her name is Tang Xuewei, and she was the object of Xiao Yao's pursuit in the third year of junior high school.

Xiao Yao's pursuit of Tang Xuewei was not because he really liked her, but mainly because the pressure of the senior high school entrance examination was too high, and the life was boring and boring, so he wanted to do something; the reason why he chose Tang Xuewei was because his classmates were inexplicably fond of him and her. She made a joke, so she simply "use facts to smash the rumors". Second, everyone thinks that she is more sao and easy to flirt with.

Tang Xuewei did not object to being chased by Xiao Yao. Although he did not agree, he still gave Xiao Yao a good look all the time, and even saved the love poems he wrote to himself (actually copied lyrics), and occasionally shared them with other friends and classmates. show off.

She did this, first of all, it shows that she really doesn't hate Xiao Yao, and second, it's because of her... In fact, relatively speaking, she is relatively frivolous by nature, so boys are not the only people who are under pressure and need to find stimulation in the third grade of junior high school.

After Xiao Yao confessed his love to Tang Xuewei, seeing that the other party had a good attitude, he thought that there was an opportunity, so he stepped up his offensive. After a long time, he realized that the other party was raising fish and flying kites, and the high school entrance examination was approaching day by day, so he gradually lost his mind .

Therefore, the relationship between these two people is... from beginning to end, it can be counted, not bad.

Xu Ruiyi was the first to see Xiao Yao sitting there, greeted him loudly, and walked over quickly.

Xiao Yao stood up and greeted him politely.

"Xiao, Yao!? It's really you!" After Tang Xuewei recognized Xiao Yao, she was so excited that she couldn't help herself: "You came back from the devil city!?"

Since Tang Xuewei has no grudges with Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao will of course welcome her friendly attitude, and he will give her a peach and repay her with a favor.

"Let me introduce you," Xu Ruiyi interrupted the eager conversation between Xiao Yao and Tang Xuewei: "Zhang Lei, my girlfriend."

Xiao Yao couldn't digest it for a while, opened his mouth into an O shape, and helped his glasses that were almost slipping: "You, and Zhang Lei?"

"Ang." Xu Ruiyi said, hooking Zhang Lei's shoulders and pulling her into his arms.

Zhang Lei didn't speak, but blushed.

What's the matter, is this version a combination of the popular gangster + female squad leader/school committee?

"You're not with Huang—" As soon as the word "Huang" came out of his mouth, Xiao Yao bit his tongue and abruptly cut off the rest of the words.

Fortunately, neither Xu Ruiyi nor Zhang Lei seemed to mind: "Huang Sisi and I broke up not long after we entered high school."

"Oh—oh——" Xiao Yao said "oh" for a long time, not knowing what to say for a moment, and seeing Tang Xuewei whispering and winking with Wang Hao behind him, he pointed at the two of them and said: "You two also... …also……?"

"No, no, no, no, no." Tang Xuewei repeatedly denied it, and Xu Ruiyi also said, "You think too much, how could she like him."

It is true that Wang Hao has nothing to do with Tang Xuewei, and what Xu Ruiyi said was the truth, but when he said this in front of Wang Hao, Wang Hao naturally felt that he had no face.

He laughed awkwardly a few times: "Tang Xuewei, Zhang Lei, do you know? Xiao Yao also has a girlfriend now."

"Really?" Both girls had expressions of "Really? I don't believe it".

"It's true," Xu Ruiyi testified: "I saw it with Wang Hao last night. His classmate came back from Shanghai with him. He looks so pretty and has a good figure."

"Cut," Tang Xuewei said disapprovingly, "How beautiful can it be?"

Listening to what Xiao Yao said, he seemed to be saying: Tsk, my old lady doesn't even like you, but Xiao Yao who can fall in love with you, no matter how beautiful you are, how beautiful can you be?

This was not very polite. He felt that he should feel unhappy about it, but in fact he didn't feel much. He just smiled tolerantly, and didn't bother to know her as much.

"It's so beautiful," Xu Ruiyi said, "It's more beautiful than both of you combined."

When Zhang Lei heard this, she hammered Xu Ruiyi hard on the back, and the latter grinned: "It's true, if you don't believe me, look—look—"

"What are you looking at?"

"See that tall girl next to the boss?"

"The one in the green skirt, white stockings, and Crocs?"

"That's right, it's her." Xu Ruiyi said.

"Is she Xiao Yao's girlfriend?"

"How can she be so white?"

"How many cakes did she buy?"

Yes, how many cakes did she buy?

It was only then that Xiao Yao noticed that there were two stacks of sesame seed cakes in front of Yu Luying, at least ten of them, and the thin man was helping her pack the sesame seed cakes into a big cardboard box.

Little Apple, is this crazy?

Yu Luying stood next to the owner of the biscuit shop, and while talking to the owner, she put her left hand on her left ear—if you have watched "Calabash Brothers", you will know that the second child "Shunfeng Er" often does this action .

However, Wang Hao, Tang Xuewei and others are obviously more concerned about how Xiao Yao can get such a girl than "why does she buy so many sesame seed cakes".

"Xiao Yao, it's not that we don't believe you," Wang Hao said, "Is this girl really your girlfriend?"

"Otherwise?" Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows amusedly.

"It's not that we don't believe you. You haven't chased more than half of the girls in junior high school or primary school," Wang Hao said with a smile, "Will you be able to do it all at once when you go to the magic capital?"

"It's just luck, God help." Xiao Yao said the truth modestly.

"It's fine if it's someone like Tang Xuewei," Wang Hao said while deftly dodging Tang Xuewei's iron sand palm: "You... Brother Yi, I feel that you can compare to the super flower in our county."

Xu Ruiyi evaluated realistically: "Which super girl? Lu Jing's appearance is actually on the same level, but her temperament always has a village flower feeling, which is always different from girls in this big city."

"Xiao Yao," Tang Xuewei also spoke at this time, with a slightly sour tone in his tone: "Is this really your girlfriend?"

"Hey, it's fine if you don't believe it," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I'll get money for lying to you? I'll get money for you if you believe me? Believe it or not."

"It's not that we don't believe you." Wang Hao started to say the nonsense on the left for the third time: "We all know you, and we have reason to suspect that this is an ordinary friend of yours who just happened to accompany you out to play or to do something. Yes, after all, you still have quite a lot of friends of the opposite sex—and then you might tell them that if you meet your old classmates, you can pretend to be your girlfriend to save you some face."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes," Xiao Yao was a little bored: "It's just a good friend, a good friend for a lifetime."

"If it's really your girlfriend, when she comes over later, if you two kiss, we will all believe it?" Wang Hao still refused to let go.

Just as Xiao Yao was about to get angry, Xu Ruiyi couldn't stand it any longer: "Okay, Wang Hao, you don't fucking say a few words—what's the relationship with others, it's none of your business? Is it necessary to prove it to you? Kiss me!" Let me show you, you treat me like a monkey in a zoo?"

"That's right," Zhang Lei said, "Wang Hao, you are just jealous, and you are unbalanced."

"Why should I be jealous?" Wang Hao insisted.

Tang Xuewei also opened his mouth to smooth things over, saying that Wang Hao was too naive and his EQ was too low, and then congratulated Xiao Yao for finding such a great girlfriend, and told Xiao Yao to treat her well.

"Well, thank you," Xiao Yao replied politely, "I will definitely treat her well."

While chatting noisyly, I saw Yu Luying walking towards the crowd with five big biscuits in her hands—wrapped in newspaper, holding the bottom with one hand and the top with the other, walked to the table of everyone, and gently put the biscuits on the table. On the small wooden table: "Yaoyao, are these all your classmates?"

What the hell is Yaoyao?Xiao Yao replied: "Ah, yes. This is Tang Xuewei, and this is Zhang Lei, both from my junior high school class—this is Yu Luying, my... high school classmate."

"Hello." "Hello." "Hi~" "Hello." The five greeted each other politely.

Xiao Yao suddenly felt palpitations and nervousness for no reason, and his heart was pounding.

Strange, what am I nervous about?
Yu Luying looked at Xiao Yao's junior high school classmates, and said generously: "I ordered 100 biscuits and wanted to bring them back to Shanghai as souvenirs for my family and friends. Too much, I told the boss, and I will bake it for me at the end, I took five warm ones first, you eat it first, if it is not enough, I will bring some later?"

Xiao Yao noticed that Yu Luying's tone was calm on the surface, but her voice was a little... imperceptible, small, trembling.

The four of them were polite again and again.

Xiao Yao felt that his unreasonable tension had intensified again, and his heartbeat made him a little out of breath.

At this time, Yu Luying came over.

Little Apple wraps her arms around Xiao Yao's waist.

The girl tiptoed slightly.

Xiao Yao was slightly taken aback, his brain had no time to react, and he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the changes in the expressions of the four audience members.

He just suddenly realized that the person with palpitations, nervousness and rapid heartbeat may not be himself.

He ignored this possibility just now—it was Yu Luying who was nervous.

Yu Luying slightly turned her face to the side.

Yu Luying pecked Xiao Yao's lips "with ease".

The girl's movements are so skillful that she seems to have done it thousands of times, and she is as natural as an old married couple who have already been married.

Xiao Yao's brain went blank, and his heart stopped instantly.

He smelled a big pancake smell, a strong pancake smell.

What's in her own mouth, what's in Yu Luying's mouth, and the symbiotic ones copy each other.

All of the above happened within 0.4s.

After Yu Luying finished pecking him, she let go of the little hand that was around the boy's waist, smiled and bent towards the four stunned spectators, stepped on the holed space slippers, and walked lightly towards the biscuit shop.

Some people at the next table also turned their gazes together, some looked at the people at Xiao Yao's table, and some followed Yu Luying's back.

Xu Ruiyi and Zhang Lei's expressions were mainly surprised, while Wang Hao and Tang Xuewei's surprised... had a trace of loss and injury.

"What are you looking at?" Xu Ruiyi glanced around and patted the small wooden table: "Eat your cakes!"

The onlookers turned their faces away.

Xu Ruiyi smiled and said: "The women from this international metropolis are different from our small place..." As he spoke, he pecked Zhang Lei in his arms.

Zhang Lei blushed, and reached out to push Xu Ruiyi's chest, but she didn't really organize a decent resistance.

As a result, Wang Hao, Tang Xuewei and the crowd eating cakes next to them were hit by the second round of dog food.

Five people sat around the small wooden table, one by one, sharing the sesame seed cakes that Yu Luying had just delivered.

Xiao Yao tried his best to keep himself calm and composed, so as not to let Yu Luying's painstaking efforts go to waste.

The boys and girls chatted chatteringly, and Xiao Yao mentioned the disappointing experience of being shut down in the experimental junior high school today.

"Hey, that's all." Xu Ruiyi patted his thigh: "You should have called me then."

"It's okay," Xiao Yao said, "It's not like you have to go in for a stroll."

Xu Ruiyi took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, stood up, and started babbling loudly in Dongru dialect.

In less than a minute, Xu Ruiyi came back: "You two go, I'll say hello, the guard won't stop you anymore."

"Then, thank you." Xiao Yao accepted Xu Ruiyi's kindness.

"You two come to my house for dinner directly after shopping, don't eat the sesame seed cakes to your full." Xu Ruiyi finished eating the sesame seed cakes in his hand, and scanned the surroundings: "Hao'er, let's go?"

"Let's go." Wang Hao didn't seem to want to stay here for a minute.

When Zhang Lei left, she just nodded casually to Xiao Yao, but Tang Xuewei asked Xiao Yao for his new mobile phone number and QQ in Shanghai.

"Old classmate, keep in touch when you have time," Tang Xuewei said.


"Oh, let's go, you two don't be reluctant to leave there," Xu Ruiyi urged impatiently: "Tang Xuewei, Xiao Yao will come tonight too."

"Oh, good," Tang Xuewei said with a smile, "See you tonight, Xiao Yao."

As the sky darkened, the neon chassis of Xu Ruiyi's car also lit up. Looking at the rear of the car, Xiao Yao sighed with emotion.

On the way to the county junior high school in a rickshaw with Yu Luying, Xiao Yao asked Yu Luying, "Where are your 100 sesame seed cakes?"

"He said it was too late to bake," Yu Luying looked down at her slippers, "I can't ask everyone to wait for me alone,"

"That is." Xiao Yao said.

"So, the boss said he would work overtime and told me to pick it up tomorrow morning or afternoon." Yu Luying said.

"What do you think? Buy 100? It's true that it doesn't cost much—it's heavy." Xiao Yao said.

"I want mom and uncle to try it all," Yu Luying said in a low voice, "And Zhou Yao, Shen Jie and the others—and your grandma, they should be back next month, right?"

The wheels of the rickshaw made thumping sounds on the uneven road, and the irregular vibration spread throughout the cockpit. The pedals of the tricycle groaned under the driver's feet, and the friction between the bottom of the canvas bag and the frame There was also a rustling sound.

"What do you think?" Xiao Yao said.

"Ah?" Yu Luying raised her head innocently and said, "I asked the boss, this biscuit is not easy to spoil, it only takes 5 hours to return to the magic city, and then it can be kept in the freezer."

Who asked you about the biscuits?Xiao Yao thought.Are you playing dumb, or...

"Then, cold biscuits frozen into iron bumps," Xiao Yao said, "Is it delicious?"

"Wouldn't it be enough to heat it up in a microwave?" Yu Luying said with a little confidence.

"I express cautious doubts about this taste." Xiao Yao pointed out.

"There is another way, which is to bake the pan on the gas stove again when you want to eat. I am confident in this," Yu Luying told Xiao Yao: "I am still confident in this, at least 7% to 8% recovery The taste is minimal."

"Okay, as long as you have the numbers." Xiao Yao said, "Let's not talk about the pancakes—what do you think?"

"..." Yu Luying was silent for a while: "Steam, aren't you happy?"

"Happy," Xiao Yao said quickly, "I'm so happy that I'm dying."

"Then what did you say?" Yu Luying glanced at him, then continued to look down at her hole shoes.

"Didn't you say that the first time should be on... a special commemorative occasion, and the time... is better?" Xiao Yao said hesitantly.

"Then shall I compensate you?" Yu Luying's voice was a little annoyed.

"Don't mind, you know I don't mean that."

"..." The girl remained silent.

"You used Symbiosis to hear me talking to them, right?" Xiao Yao said, "I think you put your hands behind your ears when you were buying sesame seed cakes there."

"..." Yu Luying acquiesced.

"I just want to tell you," Xiao Yao said, "Why do you care about this kind of person? Why do you have to be so sour because of this kind of person, let's just... just... disturb my Dao heart? ——I, I'm not blaming you, you know? I just feel..."

"Xiao Yao," Yu Luying said softly, "I didn't show it to Wang Hao personally, but to that soup... soup... soup..."

"Tang Xuewei?"

"You chased after Tang Xuewei, right?"

"How do you know?" Xiao Yao gasped.

"Either it's a woman's intuition," Yu Luying said, "or it's the information sharing of Symbiosis showing signs of recovery."


"Xiao Yao, that's what I think," Yu Luying explained to him: "Didn't you confess to me in the first half of the first semester of high school? Then until almost the end of the year, I ignored you and didn't talk to you, you know Is it why?"

"Because... I made you hate me?" Xiao Yao said.

"It's not because you make me look bad." Yu Luying said.


"You confessed to me, the letter was intercepted by Wang Ming, and the whole class threw it around and read it over there, which made me feel very ashamed." Yu Luying told Xiao Yao: "Besides, you are in the class, the wind comment, It's never been great."

"It means that being pursued by someone like me, who is isolated and excluded by the whole class, and confessing, you will be ashamed, right?" Xiao Yao was unhappy.

"If I don't have a bad attitude towards you, definitely," Yu Luying explained: "People in the class may acquiesce that I and you are a couple, keep making jokes about the two of us, or call me Mrs. Xiao, and so on."

"Hmm...it's possible..."

"So do you understand? For my own face, I will not hesitate to hurt you—"

Xiao Yao grabbed Yu Luying's right hand: "It's all over, why do you keep mentioning it back and forth? Zhou Qi, I forgive him too, Brother Dai Yulong, Chen Lu and the others, you see we have such a good relationship now, didn't they also do it in the past?" Do you follow others and ignore me? The past is the past..."

"Since I have already decided to bid farewell to this kind of me," Yu Luying said softly, "Then, then, for me like this, I... If I can make you face in front of your classmates, If you can make those who look down on you shut up and feel regretful, then this is the most special occasion and time for me to commemorate, let me say this, you can understand—uh, huh!"

In the vast night, the rickshaw stopped at the gate of Dongru County Experimental Middle School, and the driver turned around: "Here we are, you—"

Then, he turned his head back again, and muttered to himself, "Go on, I'm not in a hurry..."

(End of this chapter)

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