Chapter 239 Natural medicine for the human body (today's update)
Yan Zixiu saw that everyone's curiosity had reached a certain level, and then he solved the mystery: "Our subconscious mind has an automatic orientation to the external interpersonal relationship. When we were young, we looked up to our parents and grew up, so the subconscious mind usually regards parents as It is positioned on the head. Leaders, elders, and teachers are generally positioned on the head. Children, juniors, students, and subordinates are all positioned on the legs. Couples are generally positioned on the waist. Brothers and sisters, classmates, colleagues, comrades, etc., Usually positioned on the arm."

Everyone suddenly said: "There is such a relationship between the human body and psychology? It's really amazing."

The old horse asked: "Does the usual saying that men are left and women are right?"

"As long as it is a consensus in a society that men are left and women are right, it will work. But there are exceptions, such as someone who has pain in his right eye and is actually watching a man get angry. How can a man have a pain in his right eye? One situation is that this Men are often on the right side of someone; one situation is that the man is more feminine and feels like a woman in someone's heart. This is not because the consensus that men are left and women are right does not work, but that the person concerned has a stronger positioning cover Live it."

"Oh...there's another way to talk."

There was another swishing sound of writing below.

Xiao Wu asked a question: "Does the leg pain have to do with the junior?"

Yan Zixiu praised: "That's a good question. Sometimes, having an injustice about going out or not going out can also cause leg pain. For example, if you want to go to a certain place, but you don't dare to go, this kind of entanglement may cause Causes leg cramps. Because when you get cramps, there's a good reason not to go."

Dean Wu asked: "Doctor Yan means that this cramp is caused by the client's subconscious mind? But the client doesn't want the pain of the cramp?"

Yan Zixiu smiled: "This is buy one get one free. I wanted a reason not to go out, but I was given an extra pain."

"As for the pathological effects, if we feel that there is danger, the body will produce fighting hormones such as adrenaline, thereby mobilizing various resources of the body to deal with the danger. But it has side effects, which may cause palpitations, headaches, and increased blood pressure , tremor, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, cold extremities, etc. Heart poison produces poison in the body, anger, resentment and annoyance will also produce various hormones or neurotransmitters with side effects correspondingly. These are pathological effects. Some people in the society People are keen on detoxification, but in fact, how can detoxification not produce toxins?"

"Everyone, our body is actually a huge biochemical factory. We take in various foods every day, breathe oxygen, and then decompose and synthesize various nutrients in the body. These are all automatic operations. However, the human body is not only It's just a machine that runs on its own, but there's active conscious activity. For example, if we're sad, we produce tears. If we're stressed, the body feels heavy. These are physiological effects."

Dr. Mei from the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine asked a question: "Mr. Yan, can we do the opposite? For example, if we always maintain a positive attitude, will it produce various natural medicines?"

"Yes. For example, numbness in the body corresponds to the mentality of being troubled. Numbness corresponds to the mentality of being unreasonable. Itching corresponds to the mentality of trouble. Dizziness corresponds to the mentality of not knowing what to do. Pain corresponds to the mentality of anger, urgency, hatred, Fear and worry. Sour, corresponding to difficulty and sadness; swelling, corresponding to excess and excess; blocked, corresponding to something blocked in operation; cold, sad and hopeless because of the deterioration of personnel and affairs; hot, hope for good; dry, less than expected;..."


Duan Qing raised his hand and asked, "Section Chief Yan, how can we make our body produce these natural medicines?"

The old horse said with a smile: "I think of a lazy man's song. The saying is: don't let the sun shine when it's cloudy, don't stop the rain, and if you get sick, it's best not to die."

The audience burst out laughing.

Lao Ma said: "The ancients said that a good person is far from a small person. I didn't expect that there is a biological principle in it."

"The third, oxytocin, is produced when people who love each other work together. Therefore, we need to make more kind and like-minded friends, and turn the surrounding interpersonal relationships into friendly as much as possible. Consumable interpersonal relationships, we must Minimize as much as possible, and maximize nurturing relationships.”

After everyone digested the content just now, Yan Zixiu wrote the second theory of Chinese medicine psychology on the blackboard:
Human mind activities and cognitive positioning have directional physiological and pathological effects on the body, including changes in both physical and sensory aspects.

"This is all treasure." Dean Wu sighed while remembering.

"Mr. Yan, can you give a few more examples of physical and mental correspondence?" Wang Jingjing asked.

Dr. Mei said: "Thank you, Teacher Yan. It seems that a good attitude is better than a hundred medicines."

Dr. Yan was talking on the top, and almost everyone below was immersed in shorthand.

Director Zhao of the TV station thought to himself, fortunately I have video recording equipment, so I don't have to work so hard.

"Dr. Mei's question is very good. The human body has natural medicines, such as endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin. Endorphins are natural painkillers, which can make people feel relaxed and happy. Serotonin is a mood stabilizer , is an important factor in mental health and brain function. Oxytocin can give us a lasting sense of calm and security."

"The second serotonin can be produced during meditation and moderate sun exposure. Doesn't this encourage us to meditate often and get in touch with nature more?"

After a break between classes, Dr. Yan explained the third theory of TCM psychology: persistence.

"Let's talk about it one by one. People will produce endorphins when they exercise moderately or create dedication. What does this mean? It means that the body's mechanism naturally encourages us to exercise properly, to create well-being for everyone, and to contribute to good. The benevolent Shou, this is not for nothing."

Dean Wu said: "Haha, yes. What a lazy man wants is a reason not to work, and he doesn't want the pain. But there is no such thing in the world that makes you happy. Misfortune and fortune go hand in hand, and everything has a price."

"What is persistence? Psychological positioning has persistence, and changes in qi and blood also have persistence. The persistence of changes in qi and blood is easy to understand. For example, after you get angry, your qi and blood rise. After the anger subsides, your qi and blood may not completely return to their original state. , will remain in the neck or head. After a long time, it may cause cervical spine problems."

"What is the persistence of psychological positioning? For example, you resent someone and you have been holding it in your heart. Then this resentment is like a transmitter, which often sends signals to your body, keeping your spleen and stomach from rest, and consuming part of your digestive capacity. , resulting in indigestion of normal food. And some persistent seeds are dormant seeds, which erupt when they encounter external stimuli. For example, when working in paddy fields, some people suffer from rheumatism, while others are fine. People who suffer from rheumatism are the psychological seeds of difficulties before."

Xiao Wu asked: "Chief Yan, how do difficulties and wetness correspond?"

"This brings up the concept of comparing objects to objects."

(End of this chapter)

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