Chapter 344 Daewoo Bond
one year later.

Wuyou City, a third-level cave.

Lu Changan's age reached 320 years old and he spent his first year in Dayuan.

On this day, under the guidance of Master Wei, Lu Changan completed the last step, inlaying the carefully polished black scale armor on the chest of the blue-armored puppet to serve as a heart mirror to protect the core and puppet crystals inside.

"The fourth-level quality puppet! Although I didn't build it myself, it is the second masterpiece I contributed to."

The ghostly flames in the blue-armored puppet's eyes were less violent, and the old voice was rarer and gentler.

Master Wei Puppet was a puppet genius of the Thousand Machines Sect during his lifetime. He was able to create a fourth-level quality puppet with his peak alchemy cultivation. However, the result of a lifetime of hard work was plucked by a fellow disciple, and his wife and daughter were also raped and killed.

Now, with the help of Lu Changan, he has returned to his former glory.

Lu Changan couldn't hide his joy. The fourth-level puppet had just become a puppet, and his own strength was even higher than when he was in Daqing.

Of course, the quality of the puppet is only the fourth level, and it is not the kind of true fourth level puppet that can challenge the Nascent Soul Master alone.

The puppet spirit has not been cultivated to the Nascent Soul level, and its spiritual intelligence, on-the-spot reactions, and variety of methods in fighting skills are lacking.

Fourth-level puppets in this sense are considered the mainstream in Qianjijiao, and are roughly equivalent to the complete fourth-level beast king, and are more flexible.

Thanks to the guidance of Master Wei, who created a fourth-level puppet, Lu Changan's puppetry skills improved by leaps and bounds, reaching a quasi-fourth level.

This kind of benefit is even more rare and can even last into the next life.

Since Master Wei sincerely helps, Lu Changan will naturally abide by the promise he made back then.

When the true fourth-level puppet is successfully cultivated, he will almost reach the stage of breaking through the Nascent Soul.

Even if this didn't happen, he would have to return to Daqing sooner or later.

The threat from Lord Aoki is also a great opportunity for Lu Changan.

The assassination plot planned by Zhenjun Wanhe of the Beast King Valley.

The agreement with the Heavenly Master, the deal with Lihuo Palace, Xia Wenyue's fate... there are too many causes and effects in Daqing that need to be resolved.


After becoming a fourth-level puppet.

Lu Changan no longer lives in the cave, but becomes active in Wuyou City and the Wanfeng Sect's sphere of influence.

In addition to inquiring about information, he also sold some loot and purchased the necessary supplies.

What surprised Lu Changan was that the high-quality talisman materials that were scarce in Daqing were much easier to obtain on Dayuan's side.

Not only is Dayuan's civilization of cultivators developed, but the territory is vast and the materials are richer.

The main reason is that the Great Abyss is close to the sea, and there are commercial contacts with overseas immortal cultivation islands, so it is easy to obtain materials for monsters and beasts in the sea.

The skin and blood essence of those sea monsters and fish monsters can be used as raw materials for talismans.

Through the memory of True Lord Chahai, Lu Changan also had a preliminary understanding of the forces in the sea.

Maritime forces are divided into coastal areas, outer seas, and deep seas.

Linhai are the islands near the coast of the mainland. The Sixteenth Zhenhai Sect is one of the many forces in Linhai and controls some offshore islands.

The outer sea, also known as the overseas, is dominated by human civilization, and there are also some demon forces. Among them, the overlord-level force is the Xingyue Palace, which deters overseas.

The successive Star Kings and Moon Queens of the Star and Moon Palace, at least starting out as Yuanying great monks, can compete with the God-Transforming Heavenly Lord with their combined skills.

The deep sea is even further away from Tianheng Continent and completely belongs to the sphere of influence of the Monster Sea Clan.

The sea area where it is located is more than ten times larger than the Linhai and outer sea combined!
The strongest force in the deep sea is called Jiulong Palace.

However, the deep sea is too far away from Tianheng Continent, and even the monks who live in the Great Abyss and Linhai don’t know much about it.

According to rumors, the first cultivator of the dragon clan in the Nine Dragons Palace has true spirit bloodline, surpassing the heavenly level, and is the strongest person in the sea!

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Some local monks in Wuyou City gradually adapted to the face of "Zhenren Xiang", the new Danjie Zhenren.

In three years, Lu Changan not only obtained enough intelligence, but also bid for a bottle of blood essence of a fourth-order sea beast at a large auction within the Wanfeng Sect's sphere of influence.

At that time, he pretended to be an alchemy major cultivator.

This is precious material that has never been obtained in previous lives.

From this, Lu Changan saw a glimmer of hope to become a fourth-level Talisman Master in this life.

But it's just a glimmer of hope.

A bottle of fourth-level blood essence is far from enough. A large amount of fourth-level talisman raw materials are needed to create a fourth-level talisman master.

This is also the reason why no fourth-level Talisman Grandmaster has been born in the Wei Dao Alliance in the past few hundred years.

Over the past three years, Lu Changan inquired and learned in many ways, and gradually selected a few fourth-level spiritual forces that he could consider joining.

Lu Changan has two requirements that are not too high.

[-]. Keep stable forces and try to avoid evil forces.

Second, there is a need to recruit guest monks, the conditions are relatively loose and free, and it is agreed to use the fourth-level spiritual veins to form babies in the future.

However, these two seemingly simple requirements are not so easy to satisfy in the Central Abyss where Nascent Soul has many forces.

Just the "pace" Nascent Soul forces would have to eliminate more than half.

There are no well-known and decent people here in Dayuan, the competition is cruel, and there are more evil forces.

The reason why he asked for "peace and tranquility" was because Lu Changan did not want to join a Nascent Soul force that was in chaos and liked to cause trouble, which would not be conducive to a stable cultivation to the peak of the core formation.

Not many can fully meet the second requirement.

Many Nascent Soul forces recruit guest monks and strictly review their identity and background.

If you want to use the fourth-level spiritual veins to conceive a baby, many have to sign a contract of betrayal, or have to serve the sect for hundreds of years before you are qualified.

"There are almost no forces that fit within the Wanfeng Sect's sphere of influence."

On this day, Lu Changan sighed softly, retreated from the third-level cave in Wuyou City, and set off again.

He plans to give priority to joining the Nascent Soul forces that are close to the forbidden areas in the Central Territory.

In this way, it will be easier to repair and maintain the space formation in the future.

If something big happens on the Great Abyss side, we can evacuate through the space nodes as quickly as possible.

The Wanfeng Sect's sphere of influence is close to that of the Wei Dao Alliance, and is mainly composed of the three Nascent Soul forces.

In addition to Wanfeng Sect, the other two are affiliated forces.

In fact, Wanfeng Sect is a relatively stable sect, and there is not much threat from the surrounding area.

However, the sect had a middle-stage Nascent Soul in charge, which made Lu Changan wary.Moreover, the Wanfeng Sect is very strict in verifying the identities of those who join, and it is an attitude that would rather be limited than indiscriminate.


A month later, Lu Changan arrived at the "Dayu Kingdom" on the southeast side of Wanfeng Sect.

This is a very large Immortal Cultivation Kingdom, equivalent to two-thirds of the area of ​​the Guardian Alliance, but the number of spiritual veins that can be exploited is [-] to [-]% more, which is also more than the Ten Thousand Peaks Sect's force camp.

Because Wanfeng Sect is close to the forbidden land in the Central Territory, it is considered a barren area, and the proportion of spiritual vein land is relatively low.

The strongest cultivating force camp in Dayu Kingdom is not the sect, but the four major cultivating families, including the Yu family.

The strongest royal family of the Yu family has a middle-stage Yuan-Ying in charge and many early-stage Yuan-Yings.

Rumor has it that the Yu family is a princely family that migrated from the Great Jin Immortal Dynasty of Fenghua Continent ten thousand years ago. At that time, there were also great monks of Yuanying who opened up the huge Dayu Kingdom.

The other three immortal cultivating families in Dayu were all in charge of the Nascent Soul stage, and they were intermarrying with each other.

In addition to the royal family and the Nascent Soul forces of the Dayu Kingdom, there are also two Nascent Soul sects and a large foreign chamber of commerce.

There are many other Dan-level forces, and they all follow the explicit rules of the Great Universe.

The power that Lu Changan was considering was not Daewoo's Immortal Cultivation Family.They focus on blood marriage, and it is difficult for foreign guests to integrate into the core.

If Lu Changan wants to use the fourth-level spiritual veins and get the resources to have a baby, he may have to get married.

"Red Moon Chamber of Commerce, Yunxia Sect, and Dashan Mountain. These three forces are all targets that can be considered."

Lu Changan slowly descended from Jiugang Heaven and entered the vast and beautiful mountains and rivers of Dayu Kingdom.

Among them, the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce is an external force with quite a background.

Through this chamber of commerce, Daewoo's domestic specialty products can be traded smoothly with the Eastern Region and even the coastal areas, and a lot of profits can be obtained.

The Red Moon Chamber of Commerce is very inclusive and recruits local guest monks, and the treatment is also good.

The main helm of the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce in Daewoo has a medium-sized fourth-level low-grade spiritual vein.

As for Yunxia Sect and Dashan Mountain, they were originally neutral immortal cultivation forces outside Dayu, and they were at odds between the two camps of Dayu and Wanfeng Sect.

Later, he was promised huge profits by the Daewoo royal family and was included in Daewoo's territory.

At its peak, the country's land area was more than double its current size.This move by the Daewoo royal family can be regarded as taking back part of the territory in disguise.

Yunxia Sect and Dashan Mountain have relatively independent spheres of influence in Dayu, and the Dayu royal family will not interfere in their sect affairs.

Lu Changan’s first stop was to Dashan Mountain.

This is a beast-controlling sect, and the resources and environment it possesses will help Earth Rock Rat advance to the fourth level in the future.


As we go deeper into the country of Dayu.

The Nine-Seal Monument deep in Lu Changan's consciousness conveyed a slight sense of bondage.

"The mark of reincarnation left behind..."

Lu Changan's head moved, he closed his eyes and merged into the Nine Seal Monument. After a moment, he opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction of the Great Universe.

In this life, Lu Changan had only placed the mark of reincarnation on two old friends.

They are Li Erqing and Zhao Siyao respectively.

Lu Changan combined with the induction of the Jiuyin Monument to confirm that the trace of bond came from Li Erqing.

Lu Changan was naturally surprised and comforted to meet the afterlife of his old friend in a strange world.

However, the human world is vast, and the Tianheng Continent is so big.

To be able to meet two people from the past life in a row within a hundred years is inevitably a bit of a coincidence.

Lu Changan thought about it for a moment and quickly understood.

The Nine-Seal Monument is the most precious treasure of the rules of reincarnation.

Since ancient times, there has been a theory of cause and effect and reincarnation.

The marks of reincarnation left behind in those years, under the invisible influence of the Nine Seal Monument, are bound to each other, and the fate is not broken.The probability of meeting each other in the next life is greatly increased.

Lu Changan calmed down and quickly regained his composure.

No matter how good the relationship was in the previous life, the main subject is this life, whether we know each other or not.

At most, they just like each other and have a sense of familiarity.

However, starting from the fourth life when it was lit, the Nine Seal Monument began to contain a shallow power of reincarnation.That symbol of reincarnation is a very simple application of the power of reincarnation.

In the fifth life, the power of reincarnation contained in it was further refined.

Now that Lu Changan has a fourth-level puppet, he does not need to preserve the fourth incarnation of the Nine Seal Monument too much.

If we meet this time and have relatively abundant reincarnation power, we may be able to make some bold attempts.

The emergence of Li Erqing's bonding induction did not affect Lu Changan's plan.

He still flew to the Big Snake Mountain.

Because, the direction of Li Erqing's bond and his plan were generally on the right track.


a few days later.

Lu Changan arrived at Dashan Mountain, one of the two Nascent Soul sects in Dayu.

The mountain gate of Dashan Mountain is a ring-shaped mountain with a radius of thousands of miles. The outer terrain is high, and the center area is actually a deep valley.

This fourth-level spiritual mountain gate is shrouded in gray mist all year round.

Dashan Mountain is actually a sect force that is biased towards evil ways.

However, the sect's strategy in recent hundreds of years has been to recuperate, recuperate, and not cause much trouble.

Because when Dashan joined Dayu Kingdom hundreds of years ago, he added insult to injury and stabbed the Wanfeng Sect in the back.

At that time, the Wanfeng Sect camp pursued and retaliated at all costs, causing Orochi Mountain to suffer heavy losses when he first surrendered to the Dayu Kingdom.

Until now, Dashan Mountain has not recovered its vitality, and the restrictions on recruiting Jiedan Keqing are lower than most Nascent Soul forces.

In addition, the sect had precious resources for cultivating spiritual beasts, which would help the Earth Rock Rat advance to the fourth level. Only then did Lu Changan take it into consideration.

In front of the Dashan Sect.

Lu Changan showed off his late-stage cultivation of alchemy and explained his intention. The disciples guarding the mountain at Dashan Mountain quickly sent a message and did not dare to neglect.

Even the Nascent Soul forces in Dayuan are highly valued, and they are rare generals who are responsible for their own abilities.

Reception Hall.

The owner of the Big Snake Mountain, "Zhenren Wuxin", personally entertained Lu Changan.

This man was about sixty years old, wearing a Taoist robe, as skinny as firewood, with large whites in his eye sockets and only brown pupils as big as rice grains.

When we met for the first time, we felt a bit sad.

However, Wu Xin's words were kind and warm, especially after learning that Lu Changan was a third-level puppet master.

"There is no big problem with Zhenren Xiang's conditions. As long as he has served the 'Big Snake Mountain' for 30 years, he will have the qualifications to use the fourth-level spiritual veins and hit the Nascent Soul stage. If you make a contribution, the mountain gate can even provide you with the assistance of the infant." , including the experience of forming a baby..."

"Our Dashan Mountain is now mainly for rest and recuperation, and there is no need for Xiang Zhenren to fight hard..."

"Someone will think about it first."

Lu Changan felt uneasy because Dashan agreed too readily and didn't care much about his identity.

A normal sect should check the identity of the Danjie guest ministers who join.

Moreover, after entering the Big Snake Mountain, the rock rat in the spiritual pet bag was trembling uneasily, as if it smelled the scent of a natural enemy.

"Other sects and aristocratic families in Dayu Kingdom do not have the relaxed conditions and treatment that I have in Dashan Mountain."

Master Wuxin squinted his eyes, felt quite confident, and stood up to see him off.

He obviously had a nice smile, but paired with that face, it made people panic.

Just sent Lu Changan out of the mountain gate.

Master Wuxin suddenly took out a token engraved with snake patterns from his storage bracelet.

"The Red Nether Snake King is restless?"

Master Wuxin looked puzzled and hurried to the bottom of the abyss in the center of the Great Snake Mountain Valley.

The Red Nether Snake King is the strongest Zongzong royal beast in Dashan Mountain. He is stronger than the Supreme Elder in the early stage of Nascent Soul. You must serve him well.


Fly thousands of miles out of the Big Snake Mountain.

Lu Changan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but shake his head.

Just based on the fact that the rock rat felt uneasy, Lu Changan denied it.

"This kind of force that favors evil will make people uncomfortable even if there is no problem."

Lu Changan originally had some intention of trying.

After all, there aren’t many decent families in Dayuan.

The reputation of Dashan Mountain can only be described as mixed, and its reputation is not as good as that of an evil force.

If we were to use the words we used before time travel to describe it, it should be chaotic neutral.

Fortunately, the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce and Yunxia Sect that we went to next were considered neutral and lawful forces.

Seven days later.

Lu Changan approached the hinterland of Dayu Kingdom and arrived at the Red Moon Fairy City controlled by the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Red Moon Immortal City possesses fourth-level spiritual veins and is controlled by a chamber of commerce, which is extremely rare in the Daqing East Region.

The Red Moon Chamber of Commerce sent a vice president to negotiate with Lu Changan.

This time the conversation was more normal.

The Red Moon Chamber of Commerce is willing to recruit skilled guests like Lu Changan, but they must sign a strict fourth-level spiritual contract.

If you want to use the fourth-level spiritual veins to advance to Nascent Soul, you need to pay enough, or you need to be effective for 100 years.

In addition, Lu Changan, as a core cultivator, is of great importance and must pass the final review by the Yuanying True Monarch of the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce.

"There is still room for discussion on the conditions of the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce."

Lu Changan left Hongyue Immortal City as an alternative.

His only concern is that behind the Red Moon Chamber of Commerce, there seems to be the shadow of the Zhenhai Sixteenth Sect.

Lu Changan inherited many items and a vast amount of knowledge from True Lord Chahai. When joining the Chamber of Commerce, he had to be extremely careful not to expose any flaws.

The descendant of Tinghai Pavilion is wanted by the [-] Zhenhai sects, and it is difficult to survive in the Great Abyss.

Lu Changan avoids being associated with others.

In fact, Lu Changan, who owns the Xuantian Gourd Vine, has a weak blessing and cohesion of luck for the forces that have settled there.

It can be called the lucky star of the sect.

As Xuanteng grows, this effect will gradually increase.

However, this secret is not enough for outsiders to know.


half a month later.

Lu Changan arrived in the southeastern region of Dayu Kingdom.

The bonding feeling on the reincarnation mark becomes increasingly clear.

"Could it be that in this life, Er Qing is within the Yunxia Sect's sphere of influence? Or even a monk of the Yunxia Sect?"

As he approached the Yunxia Sect's mountain gate, Lu Changan's suspicions were basically settled.

The mountains of Lingdi, shrouded in an array of colorful clouds, came into Lu Changan's field of vision.

Lu Changan couldn't help but recall the situation of Yunxia Sect.

Yunxia Sect has two Nascent Soul Lords, who can be called a pair of talented and beautiful Taoist couples.

These two Nascent Soul cultivators are True Lord Yunlan and True Lord Zixia respectively.

The former has earth spirit roots, is slightly older, and is the Yunxia Sect's most senior Nascent Soul.

The latter is Tianlinggen, also known as Zixia Fairy, the new generation Nascent Soul, with unparalleled beauty.

In the past 200 years, Yunxia Sect has taken the initiative to recruit new blood and alchemy guests.

Because 200 years ago, the Yunxia Sect discovered an ancient cave in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Central Region. During the exploration process, the backbone of the sect, Master Jiedan, suffered heavy losses.

Lu Changan appeared as a major cultivator of alchemy, and as soon as he got close, he actually triggered the induction of the fourth-order formation.

This is rare in non-war times.

Lu Changan secretly wondered, could it be that Yunxia Sect has suffered losses in this regard in the past?
After expressing his intention to come, the elderly sect leader of Yunxia Sect came out to greet him.

"The old man's surname is Hu, the leader of the Yunxia Sect. Mr. Xiang looks unfamiliar. He should not be a monk from Dayu Kingdom."

The old sect master looked at Lu Changan with stern eyes.

The great cultivators of Da Yu Kingdom's alchemy are all big shots, and Sect Leader Hu knows them all.

"Haha, Sect Master Hu has a keen eye. A certain family is indeed not a monk from the Great Universe, or even a monk from the Central Realm."

Lu Changan smiled brightly and said calmly.

His eyes were even more sinister, and he saw that the life of Hu Sect Master was only a few decades, and he had hidden wounds on his body that had not healed.

The two people came into contact with each other invisibly, and Sect Master Hu discovered that the man who came had deep magic power and was in the prime of his life.

"Master Xiang has profound magic power, and his origins are not in the Central Region. When recruiting guests, our sect always asks questions about his origins. Even if I agree to this matter, I'm afraid I can't make the decision."

Sect Leader Hu welcomed Lu Changan to the Shanmen Hall. After a preliminary understanding, he spoke bluntly.

Lu Changan expressed his understanding. At the level of Pill Formation Overhaul, joining any sect would be enough to attract the attention of True Lord Yuanying.

Right now.

Lu Changan noticed a Nascent Soul-level consciousness sweeping across the side hall where the two of them were.

Sect Leader Hu looked solemn, listened for a moment, and looked at Lu Changan with a smile:

"Zhenren Xiang is very lucky. There happens to be an elder from our sect who comes out of seclusion and is ready to interview Taoist fellow disciples in person."

"May I ask, which True Lord is it?"

Lu Changan said respectfully.

Those who want to join the big forces of the fourth level spiritual lineage must pass the test of Nascent Soul Lord.

It would be easier if we could face Nascent Soul directly.

"Zhenjun Zixia, you will be here later."

Sect Leader Hu smiled and cupped his hands, gesturing toward the main peak of the mountain gate, Yun Dian.

(End of this chapter)

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