Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 199 The Gathering of the High Elves

Chapter 199 The Gathering of the High Elves

Li Ke easily sensed the taste of a sweet wine in Darinis's mouth, because this wine also added a lot of sugar, and it also had a lot of magic power.

With such a large amount of magic power, Li Ke even suspected that this woman took a mouthful of the mana crystal.

With such a huge amount of magic power pouring into Li Ke's body, even Li Ke felt a strong sense of comfort and joy, which is the wonderful feeling brought by the filling of magic power.

Not only that, Li Ke also discovered that these magical powers are relatively harmless to the body, and they can be easily volatilized and take away part of the alcohol.

There is no doubt that this is the role of magic.

This sweet, floral drink has not only a lot of sugar, but also a lot of magic, and the taste of the wine is just right.

Undoubtedly a work of art, the perfect dessert wine to enjoy.

But for the price...

It will also be very artistic when you think about it.

"How much did you drink?"

Darenice's drinking capacity is not bad. Li Ke had learned it yesterday. He was drunk and others were not. Moreover, this woman, who was taller than the average high elf, had a rather strong body.

"Hmm... I don't know. Anyway, it's been drinking since morning... Come on, Li Ke, let me introduce you to my grandma. She taught me how to work in bed."

Darinis hiccupped, looked at Li Ke with blurred eyes, and stretched out her hand to untie Li Ke's belt.

"No, Darinis, you should be more sober."

Although Li Ke knew that the adulthood of high elves was at the age of sixteen or seventeen, which was no different from that of humans. It was also because of this that elves were regarded as upgraded versions of humans in literary works.

Because they can enjoy their youth for thousands of years, and will not show the image of aging until they are about to die.

Then live for less than a few hundred years according to your own wishes.

Because of this, they can waste their youth wantonly looking for things they like.

And if some elves like that kind of thing, there will be a kind of thing that makes other conservative elves very envious.

The family is thriving.

Like Darinis, the age difference between her and her grandmother is only more than 100 years old. In many elf families, this can even be called the intimate age of the elder sister, but in their family, she is already a grandmother.

So he, a human being, doesn't care about the age of Darenice's grandmother, after all, Darinis is old enough to be his grandma's grandma.

But he doesn't want to do this kind of thing now!

Seeing Li Ke's refusal, Darinis, who had already seen what kind of person Li Ke was, smiled idiotically, obviously still immersed in magic power, a lot of honey, and the fuzzy state of alcohol infusion, which made Li Ke really doubted how she opened the portal.

But Darinis felt that Li Ke was afraid that her grandmother was an old woman.

"Hmm... Are you afraid of his grandmother? Don't worry, his grandmother looks only twelve or thirteen years old, she is very cute, and she also likes to be with me... Well, if you can bring your female companion If you participate together, my daughter might be able to give you a half-elf..."

Touching Li Ke's face, Darenys had a dull smile on her face, and then she saw the night elf sitting on the ground.

In an instant, the air was quiet for a moment, and then Darinis tilted her head and asked.

"This, this is... um, is your new girlfriend? She looks so cute. Well, let's forget about it, let's go to our party first! Patty! It's up to you! Send us there."

Li Ke felt something was wrong, but the next moment, he felt a powerful energy spreading under his feet. In an instant, his feet were empty, and he and the night elf girl passed through a huge portal.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed from a lush forest to a magnificent hall, and there were countless handsome men and women who were naked or dressed up, either standing or lying on the ground chatting and laughing.

Some were playing dice games, and their bets were not only money but also clothes, while others were standing on a high platform decorated with flowers, dancing their bodies, and throwing various things along with cheers.

From time to time, passers-by joined in, and Li Ke even saw a huge swimming pool at a doorway filled with honey and wine, and beside the pool, there were mountains of barbecue and sausages.

Some men and women who couldn't see the skin of their bodies were frolicking in the pool of wine and honey, or hugging each other and rolling, stirring up the huge mountain of meat and the pool of honey.

Here, the smell of wine and spices is everywhere, unmanned musical instruments are playing moving music, and men and women are hugging each other secretly or blatantly, doing all kinds of interesting things.

But it's not just elves here.

Li Ke even saw murlocs, octopuses, some handsome human men and women, and some races that Li Ke couldn't recognize.

Just when he and the elf girl were in a daze, a young man with a bare upper body and a shaky walk passed by him, and spoke to a group of elves who were lying on the bed and wandering away.

"Sorry! Gentlemen! The blood thistle needs to be marinated for another 10 minutes!"

His voice caused a wave of weak curses, and when he passed by Li Ke and the night elves, he randomly took out two badges.

"Take these two, the 'summons' of the banquet, or you will be arrested for espionage."

After he gave out two badges made of pure gold, he lay down on the body of a silver-haired female elf wandering in the sky, and then...

Then Li Ke turned his head.

At this moment, the drunken Darenius walked over unsteadily, and came to the side of the night elf girl who was really frightened and shy, and then hugged her carelessly, even wanting to pass through the ray of space. decorations, touched the plump skin of the night elf girl.

"Oh, so cute, it looks like a night elf...it really looks like..."

Darenice's fingers streaked through the air, and the night elf girl opened her eyes wide, she was already speechless from shock, she just stared blankly at Darinis slapping her, and let out something like a frightened cat from her mouth. Same croon.

Obviously, this Miss Druid has never experienced such a thing!
However, just when she looked at Li Ke for help, the familiar patterns and pendants made the dazed Darinis wake up more and more.

Until the moment she saw the Luna Pendant, her bewildered eyes instantly widened.

(End of this chapter)

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