Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 173 The Power of Lordaeron

"So, this guy is now the supreme officer of Andorhal?"

Li Ke covered his face, speechless for a while.

Because the guy who was killed with an ax by the ambushed orc just now is the officer here.

How could a garrison officer die so casually?

Li Ke was really speechless, he didn't know what to say, he could only say that he really didn't understand what Tenaris was thinking.

But, unbeknownst to him, Tenaris was talking here, too, about Andorhal.

The news was passed by his spy, a mage living in Andorhal and the owner of a pharmacy.

But Tenaris didn't know this, he only knew that his information was efficient and convenient.

"It seems that these maggots were indeed drawn out."

A smile spread across Tenaris' face.

"In collusion with the orcs, they are looking for their own death. His Majesty Tenaris, please leave this matter to me. I will definitely not let the people of Andorhal suffer any harm! "

Sir Prestor, who came back from Alsace in an emergency, also showed the same smile. As soon as he came back, he met the Syndicate who came out to plunder.

Those syndicate thieves never imagined that Andorhal's defense would be so lax.

It's a pity that they have been fooled at this time. Some of the defenders of Durnholde Castle should have ambushed, and the garrison of South Sea Town should also be ready at this time, and they can clean up the entire Alterac at any time.

"Of course, Prestor, this is exactly what I want to entrust to you. Prepare, I will send two legions to Andorhal through the portal, and Antonidas of Dalaran will also send a The team went to Andorhal to help. If all goes well, you will be able to meet this afternoon... Ha, Antonidas is finally active this time, it seems that he is also having a headache for the young people."

Tenaris paused.

"In addition, you know that the residents of Andorhal need to be appeased. I will help you some, but not too much."

"Of course, Your Majesty, thank you for your generosity."

Prestor understands what this means, it just means that the people of Andorhal will be his people in the future, so he will not give too many favors.

It's just that he suddenly thought of one thing and was a little curious.

"However, Your Majesty, what about His Highness Alsace? That guy named Kel'Thuzad is eloquent and malicious, but he is deeply trusted by Alsace. And, Your Highness Tenaris, don't you think Is Arthas a little reckless?"

He felt that Alsace could hardly be said to be reckless, he was simply naive and reckless.



But Tenaris just smiled.

"It doesn't matter. For young people, preaching and persuasion are useless. Only the bloody facts can be remembered in his heart. Moreover, Uther will prevent him from doing really wrong things."

It's an understatement to say Tenaris, and it's also a conversation that definitely won't be in the ears of others.

Because this is different from Tenaris' image of a good guy as always.

But Tenaris really didn't care about Arthas' series of eager and reckless actions, because he Tenaris did not govern this country with holy light and absolute benevolence.

The reason why he became the co-lord of the alliance almost recreated the Kingdom of Arathor substantially.

It's because of power.

Trade with the elves, trade with Stormwind City, trade with other kingdoms, farm, increase the population, and form several legions that are completely their own.

When he was young, he encountered many mistakes and experienced many setbacks. It can even be said that Alsace was almost carved out of the same mold as him. It is precisely because of this that he has not moved at all. The idea of ​​having one's own daughter rule the kingdom.

He knew Alsace's thoughts very well, how could a father not know his son?

Arthas had mastered all the makings of a competent king who surpassed himself, and what he lacked now was a failure, a vision of how the world worked, and a dream to shatter and rebuild.

And this way only one hard failure can bring him.

A person can only be considered mature if the world he knows is broken once.

Therefore, he knew very well that Alsace had to realize his own mistakes before he would repent, and before that, he would not listen to anyone.

But when he hits the wall and clearly realizes his mistake, he will really change.So he didn't give his son any counselor, he didn't give anyone who could stop him, he only let him bring someone who could guarantee his life.

As for whether making mistakes will affect Lordaeron's national power and prosperity?

It would be ridiculous to say that the only heir to the most powerful empire of mankind cannot make mistakes.

Tenaris is confident that no matter what kind of trouble Alsace makes, as long as Alsace himself has nothing to do, he can handle it!
This is the self-confidence of the first kingdom of mankind, and also the self-confidence of the master of the alliance!
Even if Alsace slaughters the city, destroys half of Lordaeron's army, and kills all the nobles who follow him now, he can afford it!
Maybe many people don't have a clear understanding of the wealth and power of Lordaeron, let's put it this way.

The cost of sending a person is [-] gold coins, most of which are the mage's labor fee, and the intermediary's favor fee and other messy things, and the rest is the material money.

But he doesn't need to spend these messy money to use the mage, he just needs to tell Antonidas casually, and Antonidas will summon the mage.

He only needs to pay the material cost of the legion-level teleportation spell, as well as a little labor cost.

How much money is this?
Legion-level teleportation spells are extremely costly, requiring countless precious materials, even more wasted than teleporters one by one, so the consumption is about the same——

Twenty thousand gold coins.

This is the cost of teleporting 1000 people.

And [-] gold coins is exactly the price of a castle and manor in Jennifer's family.

And now Tenaris can teleport tens of thousands of people to Andorhal at will, and even when doing this, he doesn't even need to blink!
So Tenaris can easily think about what kind of stupid things his son will do, and what kind of posture he will take to face him when the time comes.

Is tolerance, anger, or calm?
Tenaris felt that he should show his tolerance and love for his son, after all, his son would be hit by then.

But just as he was thinking, his attendant came over and whispered something to him.

"Syndicate found something was wrong."

Yes, Syndicate Garry had his spies too.

"That is the time, Prestor, my son-in-law."

Tenaris looked at His Majesty the King of Alterac who he had urgently recalled.

"You should go."

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