Riding and Slashing

Chapter 417 Sometimes You Don’t Need To Fight

Chapter 417 Sometimes You Don’t Need To Fight
"...Your Majesty Kaspers, I hope your troops can successfully capture that nasty bastard..."

In the study of the Governor's Mansion, 'Alina' was telling Kaspers how Leon threatened her pitifully.

"Don't worry, dear, I have sent 3000 people to pursue separately, and that guy Li Ang won't be able to escape!"

Kaspers comforted the beauty in front of him with a confident smile.

And 'Eileen' was whispering to Li Ang outside: "How did this kind of brain become the 'Deputy Emperor'?"

"Probably because of this kind of brain, he was able to become the deputy emperor... Otherwise, how could the emperor of Maritim allow him to grow..."

Li Ang also whispered in a low voice.

In fact, the 'Elena' next to Li Ang is Alina, and it was also Alina who fooled Kaspers at the pier before.

The lovely and pitiful girl in front of Kaspers is actually Elena...

The two of them do look alike, and they are both beautiful, but as long as they change their makeup, people who are not familiar with them really can't tell who is who, and Kaspers has never seen them.

The reason for the exchange of identities was actually requested by Elena.

As Alina's best friend and best friend, Elena knew that no matter what, Alina couldn't act like a 'weak woman who needs protection'.

When it comes to scheming and strategy, Arina is naturally the best among women.

But when it comes to attracting men... this is not Arina's strong point.

Although she was beautiful, although there were already several people who tried to propose to her, but in fact, she had never acted like a baby with any man in her life.

——Including Malbert, all the people who proposed marriage were looking for Justus, because since she was 15 years old, no man has ever shamed her in front of her...

So Alina really doesn't know how to hang men... She really has no experience.

In addition, Alina has a resolute and strong personality, and she speaks too sharply, which sometimes makes people feel a little sharp—to put it simply, she looks too independent and smart, which makes people wary .

But Elena is a gentle lady, and her behavior habits are quite gentle. If you look at it by the standards of ordinary noble girls, Elena is more like a lady of a big family—and the kind that easily arouses people's desire to protect .

Of course, the most important thing is that Alina can't stay in the Governor's Mansion forever.

She was going to gather the surrounding troops, and also dispatched people to secretly re-control the port, these things Eileen really couldn't do.

Therefore, leaving Elena hanging Kaspers in the governor's mansion, Alina could sneak out to do business.

Elena is indeed acting like a lady who was almost bullied by a villain - she didn't cry, but she showed grievance and unwillingness from time to time; she didn't deliberately seduce Kaspers, but her soft voice The lines and curvaceous figure always inadvertently made Kaspers' eyes straighten.

This is a skill that Alina will never try to learn in her lifetime...

In fact, the main reason lies in the word experience.

In recent years, Elena has been an attendant of Emperor Marius—she is not a maid, but an attendant left by Alina to Emperor Marius. It has a formal establishment and belongs to the guard formed by Arina. Her brother Brutus is the captain of the guard.

Although she usually works next to Emperor Marius, most people don't know her existence, but the members of the guards come into contact with her every day——as the only girl in the guards, and a beautiful and gentle noble girl, Elena naturally There will be many suitors.

The guards who like Elena can account for at least half of the entire guard...

Eileen did not object to her brother's more reliable guards' pursuit of her, but due to the previous experience of being persecuted by the nobles, Eileen was more cautious towards men, so until now she has not accepted anyone.

But she doesn't want to hurt the feelings of the guards, and her temper is relatively mild, so she won't reject anyone easily...

As a result, Elena became a sea king who had many suitors, but kept a distance from each suitor.

Yes, from Li Ang's point of view, Elena is a sea king.

But in this day and age, for beautiful aristocratic girls, this is actually a very normal thing.

Most noble ladies will do this when facing multiple suitors, that is, do not agree, do not refuse, do not flatter, do not offend, do not get close, do not alienate... the six no principles.

Unless the engagement is confirmed, they will remain close to any suitor-this is not just for the sake of being Neptune, but for the dignity and safety of the family.

Of course, if you meet someone you really like, it will be different.

Elena now only sees Kaspers as a suitor, and she has fully demonstrated the "six nos" principle.

As the favored son of Maritine, Kaspers, who has been going smoothly since then, has certainly seen many girls, but he has never really gotten along with women.

After all, in the past, women have always taken the initiative to throw themselves into their arms.

Kaspers' arrogant and arrogant temper, the way of pursuing girls is usually implemented by threats or force-just like the surrender letter he wrote to Justes last year.

And now, unexpectedly, he meets a gentle and beautiful Neptune...

Elena is so beautiful, has such a good attitude, speaks softly, and looks so pitiful. Of course Kaspers wants to 'protect her'.

So, under the joint flickering of Li Ang and Elena, Kaspers sent 3000 people to chase "Leon" from all directions, including [-] cavalry brought from Malitin.

Of course, he himself did not leave Dilingang—he is now reluctant to leave his 'beautiful fiancée Alina'...

At present, Kaspers only left 500 troops in Emperor Lingang, 1000 to maintain the city defense, and 500 to guard the Governor's Mansion.

Two-thirds of Malitin's troops had been temporarily withdrawn.

Elena's current identity is Alina, and she is also Alina who is 'to-be-queen'. Kaspers will neither force her nor kill her. Safety is actually guaranteed.

Alina left Dilingang in the name of Elena—she was going to organize the people around Dilingang to "welcome the new king" and "buy some supplies for the banquet" along the way.

Li Ang also successfully left Emperor Lingang as Alles - he wanted to 'return to Boshi City to persuade Justus and heal his injuries along the way'.

Kaspers even sent twenty soldiers and a carriage to protect 'Brother Uncle' back to Boshi City...

In the evening, the emperor was more than twenty miles away from Lingang.

"Your Majesty, all of them have been killed, and none of them have escaped. What should we do now?"

Carrying a bloody sword, Klose checked the corpses of the twenty or so Malitians on the ground one by one, and ran to Li Ang to report back.

That was the twenty Malitin soldiers who were in charge of escorting Li Ang 'back to Boshi City'.

"Klose, do you remember Serendil?"

Li Ang looked at the corpses of Maliti soldiers on the ground.

"Of course, that's where the Silver Hand was founded!"

Klose nodded: "But... that's not a good place..."

"Find a few smarter brothers, put on the armor of the Maritines, and go to Emperor Lingang to report, and say that the large army has found Leon, in Serendil, and they are probably trying to escape by boat... The others are now rushing to Bullin, go find Alina and listen to her orders..."

Li Ang began to tell the brothers one by one about the plan.


On the other side, Alina has appeared in Buyulin Village.

"Miss Alina, Sigismund has lured away the Malitians coming here according to His Majesty Leon and your instructions. The number of enemies is about [-]. They were led by Sigismund two hours ago Went to the north."

Sir Loris of the Knights of the Glorious Cross said about the current situation: "The scouts they sent to Emperor Lingang to deliver the message have been intercepted by us, and we should not have missed them."

The thousand Malitians were one of the troops sent by Kaspers to "pursue Leon". He sent a total of 3000 people to pursue in three directions.

In the previous Battle of Bullin, there were too many wounded soldiers in the Free Corps, and Sigismund had been staying in the village of Bullin to prepare the wounded.

Before Kaspers met Li Ang, Sammer had already sent a message to Sigismund in Bullin Village, asking him and the Knights of the Radiant Cross to pay attention at all times. Use the banner of Li Ang to lure people away.

If the Malitians would send someone back to Emperor Lingang to send a message, let the Knights of the Glorious Cross who are familiar with the terrain intercept and kill them.

It now appears that the job has been done.

"There should be [-] Maliti cavalry coming. How many people did Sigismund take away? He won't be chased by those Maliti cavalry, right?"

Alina was a little worried, after all the troops here were basically wounded.

"Sigismund only brought more than 100 scouts, but I don't think Maritin's cavalry can catch up with him. The scouts under that guy can run faster than the cavalry..."

Loris said with admiration.

Indeed, Sigismund is now a professional in luring enemies, and his subordinates, especially those scouts who lured the Fallen back then, are all trained to be fast.

"Then leave him alone, and let those thousand Malitians go slowly to look for Li Ang in the Noldor Forest..."

Alina nodded: "Organize the wounded soldiers and gather those who can act...I have to return to Dilingang quickly."

At present, there are about 800 lightly injured and more than 200 seriously injured in Buyulin Village. Basically, they are all Li Ang's subordinates, and most of them are members of the Freedom Legion.

Seriously wounded are not suitable for moving, of course they can only stay in the village.

The slightly wounded brother has already finished hemostasis and bandaging. Ordinary marching can still be done, but it is definitely not enough for combat.

"Most wounded soldiers are still unable to fight..."

Loris probably thought that Arina was going to fight with the wounded.

"No, instead of letting them fight, just let these wounded soldiers be transferred to Emperor Lingang. I just need them to bring the equipment here to Emperor Lingang."

Alina shook her head: "We have to set off immediately, and we will arrive at Emperor Lingang in the middle of the night... Li Ang can probably only buy us a day, from midnight today to tomorrow night."

Thousands of Snake Worshipers were killed in the Battle of Bullin, plus the members of the Shadow Legion who died with Agathon, left behind a lot of horses, weapons and armor and other equipment.

But Loris still didn't understand: "Now we only have more than 100 knights capable of fighting, and the exorcists are all in Siyuan City... Do you want to use more than 100 knights to take back Emperor Lingang?"

"Of course not... We still have the Silver Hand, and nearly ten thousand residents in Emperor Lingang..."

Arina shook her head: "You are the Knights of Radiance, your appeal is much higher than mine, probably second only to His Majesty Mario... As long as you appear in the residential area of ​​Emperor Lingang, let the residents follow you That's it."

Loris frowned and remained silent for a while: "Alina, do you want the civilians to fight by bringing the equipment back? Untrained civilians..."

"No, don't get me wrong, Loris, I won't plan any more civilian uprisings... I just need to let the residents put on equipment and stand with you, and it's fine to stand on the city wall of Emperor's Port."

Alina shook her head and smiled: "Sometimes you don't need to fight to win."


After dark.

Emperor Lingang, Governor's Mansion.

Kaspers, who was wandering around Elena, began to receive all kinds of good news one after another.

"Your Majesty, the troops chasing to the west found the traces of Leon. He is now in a deserted village called Serendil, two hundred miles to the west, with more than 300 people around him. But his guards are powerful, and we only have 1000 people there. It might not be possible to surround him... The teams in other directions don't know where they are right now, just to be on the safe side, please send reinforcements to your majesty."

A leading lieutenant came to report.

"Sure enough? Hahaha... Where is Serendil, Alina, do you know?"

Kaspers was in a good mood, because Elena's attitude towards him had always been gentle, even a little ambiguous.

"It's a deserted fishing port... Li Ang probably wants to escape by boat! Your Majesty, don't let him escape!"

Elena's expression was a bit resentful, as if she wanted to put Li Ang to death...

"Hahaha... Fishing port? If he wants to run away by boat, my fleet will let him feed the fish!"

Kaspers took out the map and looked at it: "Go and send the order to let the fleet sail to Serendil... Wait a minute, Alina, do you want to see that bastard captured by me?"

"What? Your Majesty, I don't know how to fight..."

Elena is a little flustered now.

"No, what's the fight, I just want you to accompany me to the boat—we sail to Serendil."

Kaspers had a smile on his face: "Don't you want to see my flagship?"

"But it's night now...I can imagine how the men on the entire warship will stare at me at night...Your Majesty, fighting is your business. I'm here waiting for you to catch Li Ang back."

Elena frowned slightly, shook her head and refused.

"This is also..."

Kaspers sighed with some regret. Elena's reasons are very good for a man—the army is full of men, and they are all men who have just gone on a long voyage and haven't seen a woman for a long time...

"Don't worry, I will catch him back, and I will make him repent at your feet... I will be back tomorrow night."

Kaspers picked up his mask and helmet and went out: "Call the fleet and get ready to go!"

Elena let out a long breath.

Soon after, the Malitin fleet headed west, and Caspers only left 500 people stationed at Emperor Lingang.

And 'Eileen', that is, Alina, brought more than 100 'farmers' and dozens of carts of 'supplies' back to the north gate of Emperor Lingang.

(End of this chapter)

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