Riding and Slashing

Chapter 362 Who Seduces Who

"My lord, when we arrived in Baranley, we happened to meet Lehman coming out of Baranley with many lion knights. I saw with my own eyes that he was holding the code in his hand... He seemed to be planning to enter Sarleon City. Lisa Captain Dylan is currently blocking him at the bridgehead, but we're short on manpower..."

The Noldor elves sent by Lisadiran to ask for help quickly described the situation they encountered.

Li Ang did not go to help rashly, but glanced at the ring on his hand, and brought the ring to his mouth.

"Your Majesty Kavala, I really didn't expect you to use the Lion Knight to deal with me? But do you think Lehman can deal with me?"

Li Ang's voice was very small, still like a whisper.

This time, Kavala did not respond.

But Li Ang can be sure that the appearance of Lehman is definitely not a coincidence.

Lehman had been in Ebion since Ulrik's death.

At that time, some lion knights followed him and guarded Ibien very tightly.

After that, no matter what happened in Sarleon City or Cliff Bay, Lehman and these lion knights never left Ibion again——Lehman neither pledged his allegiance to Amy nor defected to Brennus.

He is Ulrik's hardcore, only accepting orders from King Ulrik.

At that time, many lords of the Sarleon Kingdom remained neutral. Lehman stayed in the family territory and did not go out. Of course, Amy would not attack him. At that time, no one would make enemies for himself by finding trouble.

As Lehman was the deputy head of the Knights of the Lions, the Cliff Bay troops would naturally not trouble him.

As a result, Lehman, who had been staying with Ibien, escaped several battles in this way, and even kept Ibien intact, and also sheltered many lion knights.

But now, Lehman suddenly left Ibien with all the lion knights who followed him, went to Baranley Town, and fished out the gate of the abyss?

This guy didn't come early or late, but he just happened to come out when he sent someone to salvage the gate of the abyss - Li Ang could tell that this was a trap just by feeling.

It's normal for Kavala to design such a trap. Li Ang has been wearing the ring all the time, so Kavala can definitely know his general movements.

However, Li Ang doesn't care if Kavala knows his position...

How could Kavala leave the city without using himself as a bait?

Li Ang felt that Kavala must have been paying attention to the gate of the abyss.

Li Ang has seen with his own eyes how Midea uses the gate of the abyss - if the code is nearby, they can directly leave their bodies and parasitize on the gate of the abyss, and they can also rely on the code to drive other people's souls into the abyss.

For the Three Prophets, the codes are not only their shelter, but also their soul power booster - after all, these codes were originally the 'certificate' and 'passport' given to other gods by the Creator God.

Switching to Kavala, the logic should be similar.

If there is no accident, Kavala should have used the code to assist when occupying Ulrik's body - Anna was probably forcibly expelled to the gate of the abyss by him with the help of the code.

At that time, he used Aigrem's body that was burned like bacon. Without the existence of the code, it should be difficult to deal with Anna.

Kavala will definitely not use Ulrik's body all the time, but, as far as the body he can get at present, Ulrik is the most suitable for him.

This is not because Ulrik is a king, but because Ulrik has drunk the potion made of dragon's tears.

Just like Kavala was trying to trick Li Ang into giving him control of his body, Li Ang's body also has the magic power brought by Dragon Tears, which may be more suitable for Kavala than other people's bodies.

Because Kavala himself is a hybrid of elves and humans.

However, there are some rules that Kavala must also follow—like the three prophets, the spirit body must first die before the spirit body can leave the physical body and occupy another body again.

At the same time, judging from what happened to Ilano, if this person's soul power is strong or his will is strong, Kavala may not be able to control it.

For example, the real Sindarin elf of Maltis.

Li Ang has never met Maltis, but judging from the situation in Siyuan City of the Bacchus Empire two years ago, Maltis should still retain a certain degree of self-awareness.

This should be a characteristic of the undead. After becoming an undead, a part of the soul may remain.

Maybe this is also a basic rule - if you lose your soul completely, you will die completely, if you lose your spirit body completely, you will lose all consciousness and become a fallen person, neither of which can create undead.

Li Ang felt that the undead was probably in the state when the soul was about to leave the body all the time - the body functions were indeed dead, but neither the spirit nor the soul left the body, but were revived by some kind of magic Forcibly locked in the body.

Just like what Li Ang himself experienced, in the temple of the God of Creation, when Kavala was blinded, the state of half-out-of-body soul - at that time, his consciousness could no longer control the body, it was his instinct Forced the body to barely struggle to move.

In other words, it was his subconscious mind that played a role.

The undead are probably the same.

The python knights in the Dread Legion that I met at the seaside before, their combat methods can also prove this point-they maintain the appearance of an army, but they never dodge when confronting.

This is probably because their bodies have been broken, and their souls are also broken, but the subconsciousness brought about by the rigorous training as an elite army still remains.

Therefore, even if no one is commanding, they can still form an formation on their own.

The D'Shar fighters that Ramon saw who were transformed into undead actually returned to Singal spontaneously. This is probably the reason—Ramon expelled all of Tahir's men from Singal last year, and these people died I have to come back to attack the city, probably because of the deep resentment, even after death, I still have the desire to go home...

The undead should have a certain consciousness, unlike the fallen, the fallen are specially used to occupy, and they are pure empty shells.

What Kavala wants is Vartis' body, so Kavala still needs to keep the Abyss Gate for the time being. Without the help of the code, he may not be able to completely control Maltis.

At the same time, keeping the gate of the abyss can draw Li Ang out—since Kavala believes that Li Ang is an evil spirit from another world, in his eyes, Li Ang is probably no different from Egrem.

Since it is an evil spirit, then Li Ang will definitely come to fetch this code.

But Kavala must also be worried—he must be worried that Li Ang, the "evil spirit from another world", will use the gate of the abyss to summon more "evil spirits from another world"...

So instead of taking the Gate of the Abyss to Sarleon City, he stayed at the bottom of Luxin Lake to avoid any accidents.

Anyway, Luxin Lake is not far away, so he can react immediately if there is any movement.

Just like now, Leon sent the Noldo elves to take the gate of the abyss, and someone immediately took the gate of the abyss away.

However, Lehman...

He is Ulrik's hard-core confidant, and he is only loyal to Ulrik. He is indeed loyal to Ulrik, but this kind of loyalty... It's a pity.

Is it for the pursuit of the "one-to-one" knight philosophy?
Knowing that there is something wrong with Ulrik in Sarleon City, but still want to be loyal to the previous oath?

Maybe, but this kind of stupid loyalty is a disease, which is difficult to cure.

Li Ang thought for a while, took off the ring on his hand, and pulled Dalion to give orders for a while.

As a result, the Griffin Knights with all cavalry received a fateful mission.


The current Griffin Knights has been expanded to more than 1000 people——As Amy announced her abdication, all her "Griffin Claws" joined the Griffin Knights, and more than 60 of them passed the assessment Became a Gryphon Rider.

These female knights were originally recruited in a similar way to the Griffin Knights, and it seems very suitable to integrate them at this time.

Amy herself also became the deputy head of the Griffon Knights—she really passed the knight assessment with real skills, but the weapon she used when assessing martial arts was a musket...Dalion, who was in charge of the battle assessment at the time, was very nervous. Wisely chose to admit defeat...

Being able to 'defeat' Dalion, coupled with her reputation as a queen and the unanimous support of the female knights, Amy is of course enough to be the deputy head.

This can be regarded as taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, but after all, it was not said before that the use of new weapons is not allowed...

In order not to allow others to take advantage of such loopholes, Sir Azrael resigned from the position of Knight Commander and became the Chief Bachelor of the Knights, that is, the person in charge of recording history, inheriting and optimizing the culture of the Knights.

It's just that Amy didn't participate in this battle - she knew how much she weighed, and she didn't intend to cause trouble for Li Ang.

Amy is helping Bodice form another unit of female soldiers.

When Dalion led all the members of the Griffin Knights to the bridge west of Sarleon City, Lisa Dilan was leading the guards and confronting Lehman across the river.

The members of the guard were all on standby with bows and arrows, and several rangers were injured.

And in the middle of the bridge stood the corpses of several lion servants, with gleaming Noldor arrows pierced into their bodies.

Apparently, Lehman tried to force a charge, but failed.

But this situation is not quite in line with the current situation - if Lehman was really in a hurry to send the Gate of the Abyss into Sarleon City, there would be no confrontation until now.

It's more like waiting for something...

Dalion and Lisa Diran nodded, said something in a low voice, and then rode directly onto the bridge and walked to the other side of the river—that is, Lehman's side.

"Sir Lehman? I am Dalion the Griffin Rider."

Dalion didn't raise the white flag, didn't untie the sword, and walked directly to the other side of the bridge: "Knight of the Wild Lion, who are you loyal to now?"

Li Ang has not yet called himself king, and Dalion did not call him His Majesty at this time.

"Griffin Knight...that's interesting...Of course I am loyal to King Ulrik! I was and I am now!"

A bitter smile appeared on Lehman's face.

"Ulrik is dead... It's not like you don't know!"

Darion shook his head.

"He's still alive! He's in Sarleon City! Dalyon, I still regard Leon as the Grand Duke of Changhe Town in the Sarleon Kingdom... Since you are Leon's subordinate, you shouldn't be blocking me here! Where's Leon? Where is he?"

Lehman's attitude is very firm, and he can be sure that he is conscious, neither controlled nor undead.

"Well, since that's the case, Master Li Ang asked me to ask you a word..."

Dalion nodded, and looked at the code book in Lehman's hand: "Do you still remember what Lord Godric taught you, the first clause of the oath of the Lion Knight?"

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to go back to the other side of the bridge.

"Dalyon! I'm a knight! I'm just doing what a knight should do! Loyalty is also the highest oath of your Griffon Knights!"

Lehman shouted behind him.

"Loyalty... yes, Lord Li Ang's judgment is correct... As a knight, maybe you have done nothing wrong-you have always protected your colleagues, never fought for power, don't favor anyone, don't lie or cheat, and now Just follow the orders of the king you swear allegiance to . . . loyalty, justice, honesty, loyalty, you have it all!"

Dalion turned his head and said calmly: "But there is only one, the most important one, and the first one of the Lion Knight oath, but you forgot..."

"The Lion Knight swore to maintain the peace of the country... But now, do you think that inhuman guy in Sarleon City can still keep the country peaceful?"

"Leiman, look at the code of heresy in your hand, you should know what it is! You have to be loyal to the oath of allegiance, why didn't you keep the oath of the Lion Knight? In order to be loyal to the king, you would rather be with heretics... Is this Is it the knightly honor you are after?"

"And... do you know why Lord Li Ang didn't come here?"

"Because he knows what you're going to do..."

"Heretics! Your ambush is in the river, right? Come out! I've seen you!"

Darion returned to the other side of the bridge, drew his sword, and habitually turned the ring on his hand around, turning the face of the griffin ring to the inside of his finger.

It was the Ring of the High King, but now it was on Darion's hand again.

There was indeed an ambush in the river.

In the Sava River, a large group of undead emerged in response, and walked ashore silently step by step.

"Why is my ring in your hand? Where is Li Ang?"

'Ulrik' himself also emerged from the water, looking at Darion in amazement.

"Master Li Ang said that he was timid and did not dare to fight against the undead..."

Dalion smiled: "Besides, I'm also timid, brothers, retreat!"

Where is Leon?
Of course in Sarleon...

Sending Sadilan to fish for the gate of the abyss, he really wanted to use the gate of the abyss to lure Kavala.

In fact, Li Ang didn't need the Abyss Gate, and he couldn't use it. As for whether to save Anna or not, it was purely for the cooperation of the three prophets. Li Ang didn't have much sympathy for Anna.

It would be better to fulfill Ulrik's wish, but it doesn't matter if it can't be fulfilled—the three prophets can't die anyway, so they can go to Ulrik at any time...

But since Kavala used the gate of the abyss to design a trap, Li Ang naturally changed his route temporarily.

Anyway, no matter what trap Kavala wants to set up, Li Ang will not accept it directly.

Isn't it just for this kind of time to deliberately wear the ring all the time?

Who seduces whom?Who ambushed whom?
Even if Kavala knows the location of the ring, who can tell the truth?

Since Kavala is going to set up an ambush, let Darion wear the ring and walk around, there is a high probability that Kavala can be led out of Sarleon City...

Both the Griffin Knights and the Noldor Guard are pure cavalry troops with top riding skills. Although they are not strong and may not be able to defeat Kavala, they must be able to run away, and they can even lure the enemy into Li Ang's ambush circle.

But Li Ang didn't plan to counter-ambush Kavala by the river, because that was the battlefield chosen by the enemy, and there was too little time.

He's going to make a time difference and choose the battleground himself—just outside Sarleon.

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