Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 382 Illumination

Chapter 382 Illumination

Wanda stared blankly at Steve, who was heartbroken but still determined and unrepentant, and then looked behind him, who had lost his smile and burst into tears, but forced herself to cover her mouth to prevent Peggy Carter, who cried silently, took a deep breath and stammered:
"Won't you stop looking back at your wife?"

Steve raised his head slightly, looked at the distant sky behind Wanda, shook his head slowly, didn't say a word, but seemed to say everything clearly.

Wanda understood, sighed and nodded, "No wonder Pietro regards you as an idol, he didn't believe in the wrong person."

"Okay, you won. My attitude towards the Avengers has changed." She turned her head to look at the projection of Tony in the other world.

Tony from another world nodded towards Steve, and continued to introduce his plan.

"We will rebuild a superhero organization, end the chaos in Europe, let Europe return to the past state of peace and security, so that Sokovia can still live in a peaceful environment even without the reality gem inside."

"At that time, I hope you can see our sincerity and give us the Reality Gem."


"I refuse!" Although Wanda now believed in the character of the Avengers, Wanda didn't even hesitate to hand over the Reality Gem, and immediately pushed back Tony's proposal.

"Even if you can wipe out all the dark creatures in Europe, so what?"

"Is there no other danger in this world?"

"Next time I encounter other dangers, should I be caught without a fight?"

Tony from the Other World patiently explained:

"In the future, a new superhero organization will be responsible for the safety of the earth. If any super criminals appear, you can ask the superhero organization for help!"

"Eat a fall and learn a lesson, after this painful lesson, we will not allow any super criminals to act recklessly on Earth in the future."

"Hehe..." Wanda sneered twice, disapproving of Tony's promise from the other world.

"If you have never encountered despair, you will not know the importance of force!"

"With the Reality Gem in my hand, no matter what kind of enemy, I can guarantee the peace and tranquility of Sokovia, so why bother to ask for help from some superhero organization?"

"And why should you hand over the gems?"

Tony from the other world was silent for a while, and frightened her:
"Since you have talked with Steve and the others, you must also know that the enemy of this universe is not just this small point on the earth, but also a more powerful enemy from the depths of the universe!"

"For example, Thanos, the overlord of the universe, is a terrifying existence that even all of us Avengers are no match for."

"He has been working on collecting six infinity gems. If you hold the reality gem, you will never be able to avoid him."

"When he came to Earth and wanted to steal the Reality Gem, would you still be able to protect the peace and tranquility of Sokovia?"

"What will you do then?"

"Are you fighting him alone?"

Tony in the other world is deliberately bullying Wanda. He has been holding back in Sokovia and has never seen the world. He doesn't know Thanos' actual combat power level, so he will misjudge this and deliberately scare her.

Wanda has seen the power of the Avengers, and from the conversation with Steve and others, she understands the Avengers' fear and fear of Thanos.So of course, in Wanda's mind, Thanos, the universe overlord who has never met before, should be a very terrifying villain boss.

Pure reality gems are not worth being afraid of, because most people can't use reality gems correctly. For details, refer to the former dark elf Malekith and the unlucky Loki.

Simple chaos magic is not a big deal. Wanda, who has never studied magic systematically, even if she awakens chaos magic, she will never be able to use it better than the Supreme Mage.

But when the Reality Gem and Chaos Magic meet, the situation becomes serious. It is a qualitative leap and an exponential improvement. No one can judge to what extent it can be achieved.

Only Wanda's fragile body and mind can limit the power of chaos magic.

The only thing that can limit the combined power of the two is Wanda's imagination.

Tony's intimidation from the other world was very effective, and Wanda's expression hesitated, which meant that she was seriously considering the feasibility of this matter.

Among the space battleships, Tony from the other world has been carefully observing Wanda. Seeing that the situation has turned around, he hastened to strike while the iron is hot, and continued to persuade: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to give up the reality gem, just lend it to us once. When we're done saving our universe, we'll give you the Reality Stone back!"

After rejecting the alien Tony twice in a row, Wanda finally did not continue to refuse this time. She nodded slowly and said, "Well, since that's the case, I will trust you once, and I hope you will not let me down. Your trust!"

"Don't worry about this. After what happened to Thanos last time, we dare not keep the Infinity Stones in our universe. We will definitely return them after we are done using them."

Now that a consensus has been reached, there is no need for Wanda to continue to control the Avengers, and she returned everyone's memories.And the avengers who have regained their memories, facing the deceased relatives who reappeared in front of them, can't help but feel a little more grateful and rejoicing despite the lingering fear.

After hugging and crying with their loved ones, all the Avengers calmed down, regrouped and gathered together again, and began to prepare for the establishment of a new superhero organization.

"Use the signboard of Avengers, or do you plan to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"There are not many Avengers in this world, and because of the Hydra, the name of SHIELD is already stink in the street, so let's choose another name."

"Then what's the right name?"

"What about the light?"

"Let the light of justice shine on the earth again, and drive away all the darkness in the world. That's a good name."

"Well, the new superhero organization is called the Illuminati!"

The Premier League was formed, but real problems arose.

For a superhero organization to exist, it needs at least two things, money and superheroes.

Money is easy to talk about, not to mention relying on the technology of Professor Tony and Hulk to come up with some black technology and establish a large multinational group. No embarrassment.

As for the short-term money, the high-tech products on the super battleship can be traded with countries on the earth in exchange for initial funds, even without the need for material restructuring.

But superheroes are hard to find.

As for the major event of saving Europe, the number of people is small, and everything cannot be done by the Avengers.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, a large number of miscellaneous fish have to be dealt with.

There is no survival soil for vigilantes in this universe, and the mainstream is magnetic field fighters. In recent years, magnetic field fighters have been incorporated by Peter into the New World Empire as local governors, and some superheroes have sporadically emerged from various places.

But these vigilantes are nothing more than three or two kittens, and their strength is not strong. It is okay to let them deal with some miscellaneous fish, but it is obviously unqualified to become the backbone of the Illuminati.

Therefore, the current primary task of the Illuminati is to recruit a group of middle-level backbones to the organization.

After discussing with Tony, Steve and Tony began to assign tasks.

"Natasha, try to contact those former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to see if you can recruit a group of them back."

"As for the superhero side, I will go to recruit myself."

"As for the backbone of Chaoying, I'll leave it to you, Tony."

Tony nodded, got up and flew away.

"Actually, the easiest way is to recruit those magnetic field fighters." Scott pouted at Peter who was muttering something beside him.

Peter was originally shaken because of Gwen's "resurrection of the dead" last time, and has been in a state of confusion. This time, he decided to have both because he saw Thor from another world.

But now Wanda uses the Reality Gem to directly strip off his disguise, point out the depths of his heart, and make him reconsider carefully. After all, is he really deceiving himself when he is determined to build a new world?

Do you go further and further down the wrong path, and then make mistakes again and again?
In his brain, all kinds of conflicting thoughts came and went, which made him have a splitting headache, and fell into autism again, completely ignoring the outside world.

Steve glanced at Peter and shook his head.

"Looking at Peter's current appearance, and thinking about our kind and innocent Peter, you will know that what Tony said may be right, the power of the magnetic field rotation may really corrode the human brain, making it easy for people to fall into a state of madness. "

"Those magnetic field fighters, although powerful, lack the spirit of a superhero. They cannot become superheroes, but can only become hidden dangers."

Everyone shivered when they recalled the high-level magnetic field fighters they saw in the information.

"It seems that we should not practice this thing anymore. Let's avoid this kind of irrational power."

"However, Xingyun seems to be in the [-]th heaven now, will she be affected?"

Everyone was worried about Xing Yun, but Xing Yun himself didn't care about it.

"Don't worry about me, I don't feel any impact on my mind now. But thank you for your concern, I will try to use this power as little as possible in the future."

Xing Yun said it was safe, but he didn't think so in his heart.

As the adopted daughter of Thanos, she was raised as a warrior since she was a child, and the pursuit of strength has completely penetrated into her soul.

Nebula would only feel excited about gaining such powerful power, but she didn't care about the risks involved.

Even the physical transformation has been done, do you still care about other powers?

What's more, the current power has completely liberated her from the metal body and returned to her original body. It's too late for her to rejoice, how could she give up?

But now she really cares more about the opinions of her companions, and it is not easy to reject the kindness of her friends, so after a few prevarications, she hastily changed the subject.

"Where did Tony go?"

"Will he be able to find enough superheroes?"

Steve smiled and said, "He went to find mutants. I haven't seen mutants yet. Our universe doesn't seem to have such people."

"Mutants?" Everyone suddenly realized that they had also seen information about mutants in the intelligence, "If you say this, you should be able to find enough superhero backbones."

"But will they join the Illuminati?"

"It should be." Steve said optimistically, "After all, before the rise of the magnetic field fighters, the mutants also had a superhero team, which seems to be called the X-Men."

"Since they have superhero spirit, then we want to save the world now, presumably they will be willing to join us."

Tony originally thought so too, but Ruiwen flatly refused his request.

"The X-Men will only be responsible for mutant-related crimes, and don't care about other super criminals."

Tony froze, "Why?"

"What the Illuminati want to do is to save the world and protect world peace. If mutants join it now, they will belong to the founding elders, and they will have a certain right to speak in the affairs of the Illuminati in the future."

"Moreover, such deeds as saving the world will be seen by people all over the world. It can add a lot of points to the mutants' international image, and can greatly improve the status of mutants in the international community."

"Hehe..." Ruiwen covered her mouth and laughed, "Tony, how long has it been since you paid attention to international affairs?"

Tony froze, "What do you mean?"

"Tony, mutants are no longer the bereaved dogs they used to be."

"All along, the most evil country that persecutes mutants is the United States."

"However, thanks to the fight between Peter and Steve, America collapsed, and the United States naturally disappeared."

"Without the United States taking the lead in persecuting mutants, other countries will naturally restrain themselves a lot, and the living environment of mutants has been greatly improved today."

"Moreover, because of the existence of magnetic field fighters, the conflict between humans and mutants has been shifted, and the relationship has become much better."

"Later, after the establishment of the New World Empire, all countries regarded it as a scourge, but Peter's powerful force deterred all countries, and no one dared to take any action against it."

"And as one of the few who participated in the ultimate battle and came back alive, I have undoubtedly become an important bargaining chip to check and balance Peter. Therefore, countries have greatly wooed me, a strong man, and the specific method is to be more friendly to mutants. "

"Nowadays, all countries have introduced mutant rights bills, and no one dares to persecute mutants."

"Although Paradise Island is still a holy place for mutants, a large number of mutants still live in various countries and live together with their families."

"Although saying this may make you unhappy, Tony, we mutants are actually very grateful to Master Zhan Liu and Peter."

"Europe is now ruled by dark creatures. It is indeed tragic, but when humans were strong back then, the life of dark creatures may not be much better than that of mutants back then."

"Mutants feel the same way, so we're not interested in being superheroes, and we're not interested in saving the human world."

Ruiwen's smile remained the same, but her eyes became colder.

"The mutants are very satisfied with the current world structure."

"Don't want to change it!"

(End of this chapter)

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