Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 371 Abnormal situation

Chapter 371 Abnormal situation
In the evening, the sun was setting, the sky was gradually dyed orange, and it was another day of nothing.

Searching for many days in a row, still failed to get any results.

The Avengers are already mentally prepared to fight a protracted war. They have even survived the previous two or three years, and there will be no problem in another two or three years!

The hustle and bustle inside and outside the city gradually subsided, and the street lights on the street were turned on one by one, illuminating the street as brightly as day, and isolating the night from the outside of the city.The street is no longer noisy and crowded during the day, only the occasional lone night walker shuttles through the darkness.

Scott leaned back, rubbed his eyes tiredly, picked up the espresso that Natasha handed over, took a sip to refresh himself, and prepared to call it a day and rest.On the wall opposite him, dozens of virtual screens were hung, monitoring the energy fluctuations in various parts of the city. If there was any suspicious movement, the corresponding location would be sent to him on Friday, and he would manually review and eliminate it.

Although it is not realistic to monitor the fluctuation of the Reality Gem in this way, but when there is no other way, it can only be done in this way.

"Thank you, Natasha, I'll take care of you tonight."

"Everyone rested at night, there are fewer traces of human activities, and the fluctuations have basically subsided. In fact, it is relatively more relaxed."

"Actually, many times, I wonder if it's really useful if we just suffer like this?" Scott sighed.

"Most jobs, in fact, don't know if it's useful until the results come out." Natasha is much more patient than Scott, and she doesn't look anxious at all.

"It's like we used to lurk in gangs before, and the final result is that the gang boss is purely a tool man and knows nothing about intelligence."

"Like Professor Hulk, he must often encounter experiments where the final result proves that the direction of the research is wrong."

"It's so common!"

"But as long as you patiently eliminate all the wrong options one by one, the correct result will naturally emerge."

"Patience! You must be patient!"

While the two were talking, suddenly a virtual screen popped up from among the many screens, and at the same time, a dim red light flickered on the frame.

Scott hurriedly put down the coffee, tapped the screen, enlarged it, and looked carefully at the screen.

The location corresponding to the screen is at the entrance of the city, and the Avengers entered the city through this entrance that day.

A dilapidated SUV slammed into the road slantingly along the road, knocking down a few small trees beside the intersection.And even after entering the urban area, the vehicle still didn't slow down, and was still racing forward crazily.

In the vehicle, a woman was driving in the front seat, and two men leaned out half of their bodies from the rear windows on both sides. They didn't care about the bumps and dangers of the vehicle at all, and fired alternately behind them with the rifles in their hands.As the flames of their muzzles sprayed, the energy detection red light on the virtual screen also flickered.

Scott was discouraged and leaned back on the chair, "It's always like this! Most of the things detected every day are energy fluctuations caused by gunshots. Maybe Professor Hulk should lower the sensitivity of energy detection a little. What is there to pay attention to!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a black figure rushing in from the darkness on the screen. The speed was so fast that he couldn't even see his figure clearly on the screen, only a black figure could be seen.Wherever the shadow went, the street lights were extinguished, allowing the night to invade the city again.

I saw the black figure facing the shooting of the two men, catching up with the car driving at full speed, leaping upwards, dragging the shooting man out of the car, retreating, and submerged into the darkness again.The vehicle was driven by this force, lost control of its direction, and slammed into a house on the side of the road.

At the same time, the detection screen on the screen burst into red light, bright red like blood.

"This is an abnormal event!" Scott stood up with a "swish", "We will save people right away!"

Natasha shouted loudly: "Captain, there is a situation!"

Before the words were finished, the door of the room opened with a bang, and Xing Yun first appeared in the room.She glanced at the screen, and immediately disappeared into the room again. The wind pressure brought about by entering and exiting, rolled up the paper on the table in the room.

When Steve and others arrived in the room, they saw Xingyun standing on the street, holding a man in black in one hand, gesturing towards the camera as a sign of completion.

"Well, it really is efficient!" Steve sighed, "It seems that we don't need to do anything, everything is solved. Just hand over the criminal to the local police, we have no law enforcement power here. "

"Captain, this matter is not that simple." Natasha reminded, "The one Xingyun is carrying may be a super criminal, and the local police station should not be able to lock him up."

"Then what should we do? S.H.I.E.L.D. has already disintegrated, and now even the United States is gone, who should we hand him over to?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

"Let's interrogate him first. If the crime is not serious, just criticize and educate him and let him go, or consider whether to recruit him. We need manpower right now."

"Okay, let's take a look at the victims who were hunted down first, and hope they are all right."

Things are not always satisfactory. When Steve and others arrived, they found that the man who was arrested first was dead, and the man and woman who crashed into other people's houses were also seriously injured. Light, but was rescued by Nebula.

The only problem is that one of the residents in the house was unlucky enough to be hit and killed. He died on the spot, and Nebula's cell reorganization couldn't save him.

As soon as Steve arrived, before he could speak, the woman among the two rescued people cried out in surprise:
"Steve Rogers!"

"Captain America!"

"Are you here to save us?"

"I'm a fan of yours. It's so exciting that I'm actually able to see you here!"

"My God! You are my hero!"

She rushed over excitedly, put her arms around Steve, and kissed him on the face.

"Hey, ma'am, calm down!" Steve raised his shield in embarrassment to block her kiss, but he didn't dare to push her away, for fear of hurting her with too much force.

"I need to know, who is the bad guy who chased you down? This will determine how we will treat him. Please cooperate with my companion's questioning, okay?"

Speaking of the chaser, the excited woman immediately calmed down. She pointed angrily at the man in black who was being carried by Xing Yun, and cursed: "That's human scum, beast, beast..." She kept cursing for several minutes, and didn't stop until Steve tried to dissuade her several times.

"That guy is not human, he is a vampire!"

"Vampire?" Steve and the others were taken aback for a moment, then carefully looked at the guy in Xingyun's hand, and they saw that his face was pale and bloodless.

Nebula also reached out and pulled his lips away, revealing the obvious vampire teeth inside.

Although there are dark creatures such as werewolves and vampires in another universe, Steve and others have never seen them before, but they did not expect to see them in this universe instead.

Steve asked the woman some questions carefully, and his female fan answered all his questions without any concealment. Soon, everyone figured out the cause and effect.

The woman's name was Nina, and her companion was Hanks. In addition to the companion who died just now, eight people in two cars died on the road.

They come from the neighboring Czech Republic, which is a den of vampires.

Originally, superheroes and super criminals check and balance each other, and neither side can do anything to the other.But since Magneto ravaged Europe and wiped out most of the powerful superhero teams, Europe has fallen into chaos.

When a large number of powerful superheroes died and the strength of both sides ebbed and flowed, all kinds of dark creatures and super criminals ushered in their spring.

Later, a large number of magnetic field fighters appeared, which to some extent made up for the position of superheroes, allowing the forces of both sides to form a new balance again.

But the good times didn't last long. With the proliferation of strong magnetic armor, even if the magnetic field fighters only had a magnetic field rotating one layer, they could crush a large number of dark creatures with the strong magnetic armor.

The power was out of balance again.

In order to survive, the dark creatures threw themselves into the hands of the dignitaries and capitalists in European countries at that time as dogs.

Of course the greats are happy to control the Magnetic Field Warriors with one hand and the Dark World with the other, bringing the whole of Europe under their control day and night.

But extreme joy begets sorrow. After the magnetic field warriors were forcibly taken away by the New World Empire, the rich and powerful as ordinary people had no way to restrain the dark creatures at all. The power of mastering the weak and the strong was obvious. There was no doubt that the dark creatures began to devour the master.

The European dignitaries with power and wealth are simply fat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

Except for some clever ones who saw the opportunity and escaped to other countries ahead of time and survived, the rest of the dignitaries were quickly swallowed up by the dark creatures.

Now the whole of Europe has become the base camp of dark creatures.All kinds of dark creatures have divided their territories according to their power, and began to rule human beings openly and aboveboard.

The Czech Republic is the territory of the vampire Dracula.

In the Czech Republic, Dracula has a large number of descendants to rule the entire country, controlling the army, economy, food, energy, media... and other industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

Although the number of ordinary humans in the entire country is still far greater than that of vampires, humans with many differences are like a mess, completely unable to fight against vampires.Anyone who tries to take the lead in mobilizing others to fight against the vampires will be purged by the vampires with targeted decapitation.Without superheroes, ordinary humans are still no match for vampires even with hot weapons.

Vampires will also divide humans. Some of the humans who obeyed vampires were given their first embrace by them, and they also became vampires, and then in turn oppressed humans even more.

In the eyes of vampires, human beings are no different from livestock.They raise ordinary humans like pigs and sheep, and when they want to drink blood, they catch them and drink fresh.If anyone dares to resist, they will be caught by them, and all blood will be drained and killed.There are even many vampires who buy and sell human beings like livestock.

But vampires are very picky about their diet. In the past, when they had no choice, they could even drink expired blood from the hospital, but now, the whole country is theirs, so of course they want to drink the fresh blood with the best taste.

Most people are not qualified to be blood slaves on the vampire diet. Only those young, healthy, beautiful, and even virgin girls are the favorites of vampires.Because of this, those old, ugly, and sub-healthy wage earners are relatively safer.As a result, many people resigned themselves to the rule of the vampires and lived indifferently in the Czech Republic.Even if they know that danger may befall them one day, they still hide their ears and steal the bell, turning a blind eye to the guillotine hanging above their heads.

However, not everyone is willing to live in such a muddle. Some human beings are unwilling to be breeding objects and resist this rule in different ways.They form resistance groups, escape from breeding bases or assassinate vampires.But these resistance actions did not achieve any significant results, and the vampires still controlled the entire Czech Republic.

Nina and the others just couldn't bear it, and they didn't want to live in fear. They were afraid all day long that they would accidentally provoke a vampire and be killed like an ant.

After a long time of careful preparation, she and a group of friends around her escaped by car together this morning.

Vampires cannot move during the day, so as long as they escape the Czech Republic before dark, they can be free.

However, they encountered a traveling werewolf on the road, and after paying a huge price, they reluctantly killed the werewolf, which also delayed their journey.As soon as it got dark, the vampire's pursuers chased after them and attacked them many times by flying kites, killing many of their companions.

Fortunately, Nina and the others finally made it here, and were rescued by Xing Yun in time.As long as Xingyun arrives later, Nina and the others will definitely be wiped out here.

After listening to Nina's story, the Avengers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I just said that I always feel that there is something wrong with Sokovia, but I can't remember what the problem is. So that's what happened!" Clint suddenly realized.

"That's right, it's so peaceful here!" Natasha also nodded and said, "Sokovia doesn't have any dark creatures at all, it's a normal small city at all!"

"This is so abnormal! All of Europe is in chaos, only here is quiet and peaceful, and everything is as it was before. This is unreasonable!"

As for the situation in Europe, everyone has actually seen the information on the Internet, but seeing the information and experiencing it in person are two completely different concepts, and there is a big difference.So, when everyone arrived in Sokovia and saw an impression that fully met everyone's expectations for this small country, they didn't realize that there would be problems here.

But when someone from the outside rushed in and brought in the disharmonious factors, everyone was immediately reminded of the unreasonable things in this small city.

"This must be the role of the reality gem, that is to say, the reality gem has rewritten this place?"

"Any Infinity Gemstone needs energy to activate it, and the most commonly used energy for Infinity Gemstones is magic power!"

"Speaking of which, who do you think of?"

Everyone said in unison: "Wanda!"

(End of this chapter)

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