Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 339 Rocket Panic

Chapter 339 Rocket Panic

"Did Nick Fury do this?"

Natasha looked at the TV, which was playing the video of Captain America shouting "Long live Hydra" repeatedly, and asked Steve suspiciously.

"Isn't that President Rogers and Hydra in the same group? How did this kind of video break out?"

Steve frowned tightly, and couldn't figure it out, "Maybe he did it, but it can't be ruled out that it's actually an internal fight between Hydra."

"Hydra has basically occupied half of the United States now. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be so many media broadcasting this kind of video. If Nick Fury did it, normally, the media from both sides should attack each other. It’s impossible to have such a one-sided situation.”

"On the contrary, if we assume that this is not Nick Fury's work, but that it is a force within Hydra, then everything can be explained clearly. Maybe this Hydra branch to which President Rogers belongs is in the midst of the struggle. We failed in the battle, and the hydra of the winning side is hunting down. We lack their internal intelligence and cannot judge the truth at all, but we cannot rule out this possibility.”

"Then what should we do now?" Natasha asked.

Steve showed hesitation. According to his original intention, he must try to investigate the truth, and then fight Hydra to the end.But now the task on his shoulders is too heavy, making him completely unable to act recklessly.

"Just let Friday follow up on his situation. We still focus on the overall situation and don't get involved in these things that have nothing to do with us."

Rhodes flipped through the messages on the Internet for a long time, and threw the tablet aside in frustration.

"Why do I always feel that the world is bad? Is it my illusion?"

"No, it's not your illusion. I feel the same way." Tony took two bottles of beer from the refrigerator, handed him one, touched him, sat next to him, and drank leisurely.

"You just came here, so I don't feel deeply. I have been here for more than a year, and I have seen this world getting worse and worse. It seems that it is gradually entering the abyss of degeneration. Believe me, this world will end sooner or later!"

"So..." Rhodes raised the wine bottle in his hand and gestured to Tony, "Are you going to save this place?"

Tony spread his hands and leaned back. After a few seconds of hesitation, he said, "No, no! There are Iron Man in this world, so it's not my turn to meddle in my own business. We put the overall situation first!"

"Wow, even Tony Stark has learned to take care of the overall situation, you are mature, Tony!" Rhodes lifted the bottle again in relief, touched Tony, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Hearing this from your mouth, I always feel full of sarcasm." Tony squinted at his old friend.

"Haha..." Rhodes laughed strangely, "It can't be helped, the willful and reckless Tony Stark in the past was too impressive. It must be hard for me to believe that one day you will take care of the overall situation. This is a little Not Tony Stark!"

"All growth has a price." Tony whispered silently, losing interest in talking and laughing.

Rhodes also fell silent, and repeated in a low mood: "Yes, all growth has a price."

The two sat opposite each other, each tasting the bitter wine in their hearts, and neither of them spoke anymore.

Friday's voice broke the silence in the room, "Sir, do you want to release something about President Rogers?"

"Put it on the big screen immediately."

Everyone cheered up and looked up, only to see a video projected on the screen on Friday.In the video, President Rogers is fighting Grant Ward.

"This is the live video of the 'presidential treason' incident that day, and a bystander at the scene recorded this scene with a mobile phone." Friday introduced.

The video is very short, and soon a violent shock wave is seen rushing towards the camera from the place where the two fought.After a violent shake, the screen went black.Apparently, this daring shooter was already cold because of the aftermath of the battle.

"This person is probably dead, but the video he took was automatically backed up on the cloud server. Presumably, this video will be discovered by Hydra soon and deleted."

"Just these? It doesn't seem to help us judge."

"There is also a second video, from a vehicle's dash cam, which has now been included in the S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence database."

Another video was played on Friday. In the video, Nick Fury came out with the devouring beast, then swallowed Grand Ward, and was finally slapped to death by President Rogers.In the video, everything is clearly recorded.In the end, the video ended with President Rogers flying away with the cage containing the Yuan Devourer.

After reading this paragraph, everyone gasped.

"Wow, is that orange cat in Nick Fury's office so scary?"

Thinking of the dangerous behavior they had teased Cuckoo, Natasha and Clint both stood on end.

"If I had known how terrifying this orange cat was, I should have brought it with me when I went to the battlefield against Thanos!"

"You think too much, this tentacle cat should be a unique creature in this universe, there is no way such a terrifying thing exists in our place!"

The only people who know the secret of the Yuan Devouring Beast are Nick Fury, who experienced the Skrull incident, and a few others, but these people consciously concealed the secret and did not tell anyone.

Nick Fury has always regarded the Yuan Devourer as his trump card, and has never recorded the information in the SHIELD files at all, so among the people present, no one knows the secret of the Yuan Devourer, except Rocket.

When he saw Yuan Devouring Beast, Rocket's hair was about to stand on end. He jumped up from the sofa and even took out the modified gun.

"You idiots!"

"That's not an orange cat!"

"That's the Yuan Devouring Beast!"

"It can swallow the entire universe!"

"We must kill it!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Rocket in surprise, "Essence Devourer? What is that?"

"The Primordial Beast is one of the most terrifying creatures in the universe. It looks like an ordinary orange cat with countless tentacles extending from its mouth to devour all objects. Because its stomach is connected to another parallel universe, no matter how many objects it devours It will not affect the main body. The damage it causes to others cannot be cured."

Rocket yelled angrily, and gestured at the cute orange cat on the screen.

"We have to get rid of it, otherwise it will definitely destroy this universe!"

"By the way, Yuan Devourers also exist in our universe, but I always thought that this kind of creature was extinct. Now on the black market, Yuan Devourers can be sold at astronomical prices. If you take Yuan Devourer to the void You can exchange it for anything you want at the collector."

"Damn it! When we return to Earth, we must find this Yuan Devourer!"

When Nebula and Thor heard what Rocket said, they suddenly realized, and found the content about Yuan Devouring Beast from the depths of their memory.

"Calm down, rabbit." Thor reached out and snatched the rocket's big gun, and threw it aside, "I heard from my father that there were many Yuan Devourers in the past, but they all became extinct later. This means that Yuan Devourers have not It's so terrifying, at least the universe has existed for so many years, and we haven't seen Yuan Devouring Beast swallowing the universe. Things that they couldn't do when they were prosperous, are even more impossible now."

Rocket bared his teeth at Thor and screamed: "I said, I'm not a rabbit, if you dare to bark again, I'll give you a shot!"

Steve hurried over to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, there is no need to discuss the matter of the devouring beast. The survival of the universe is too far away, and it is not our turn to care about it. Shouldn't we pay attention now, because we were beaten to death by President Rogers Nick Fury? We are going to an alien planet in the future, and we need to contact the Skrulls through him. Only they have alien spaceships, as well as star maps and coordinates of nearby galaxies."

The driving recorder only recorded how Nick Fury was killed, but the changes in the body after he fell to the ground were not recorded.Moreover, the driving recorder did not record the sound, and everyone did not know why President Rogers wanted to kill "Nick Fury".

"I don't know what to say, but based on what I know about Nick Fury, I always feel that he won't die so easily." Natasha curled her lips and said disapprovingly.

"That's right." Clint also agreed deeply, "Although it is not very good to say this, I think there is a Chinese saying that is very correct, 'A good man does not live long, but a scourge lives a thousand years', and Nick Fury is that kind of Scourge."

In the recent period, because of learning Ultimate Wuliang Qigong, everyone has been diligently studying Chinese, showing a few sentences to practice from time to time.

As an ace agent, people with poor IQ can't do it. Natasha and Clint are both very fast at learning Chinese.And Xingyun, as a reformer, cheated directly, input the information into the brain of the machine part, and learned it all on the same day.Thor knew this thing more than 1000 years ago, and now he only needs to change minor problems such as grammar and accent.Although the rocket is an alien, but as a life-changing, top-level rocket engineer, its IQ is also super high. It can learn a language even faster than Natasha and the others.

There are only two people who stretch their hips, one is Rhodes and the other is Scott. The progress of Chinese learning has been far behind.Now the two of them couldn't help but roll their eyes when they saw Clint showing his Chinese again.

"No matter what you think, he died before our eyes. His head was blown off. Could it be possible that he can be resurrected?"

"In addition, what happened to President Rogers? Didn't you suspect that he was supported by Nick Fury before? Why did he kill Nick Fury instead? Could it be that he is really a hydra, and everything before Is it internal strife?"

Tony scratched his head, also confused.He lacks a lot of critical information now, and cannot make an accurate judgment at all.

"In this situation, it is difficult to say what happened to President Rogers. On the one hand, he was attacked by Hydra's public opinion offensive, and on the other hand, he killed Nick Fury. Both good and evil seem to be his enemies. , It is difficult for us to judge which side he belongs to."

"Is it possible that there are still third-party forces hiding in the dark on the earth?"

Everyone was suspicious and couldn't figure out President Rogers' position.

In the end, Steve concluded: "Don't worry about him, anyway, we have already decided not to get involved in the affairs of this universe. Intelligence can continue to be collected, but things like finding the truth are unnecessary."

"Natasha, do you have the contact information of the Scruis over there?"

Natasha shook her head solemnly, "On the Skrull side, Nick Fury contacts alone. You all know that Nick is very suspicious. I know the things about the Skrull people, which is very special to him. Trust is the only treatment."

"Then do you think Agent Maria Hill knows anything?"

"Hmm...I'm not sure. But do we have any other options?"

"Of course." Tony interrupted her suddenly, and jumped out triumphantly, "In fact, when I realized that this universe is different from ours, I started collecting technological knowledge about this universe."

He stretched out his hand and projected a phantom of a spaceship into the center of the living room, waving for everyone to come and see.

"Did you see it? Does this spaceship look familiar?"

"That's right, this is the mother ship that the Chitauri invaded on. This time, the Chitauri invasion was easily wiped out by the earth because of the huge difference in strength. It's still the kind where the entire army was wiped out. The motherships are captured."

"After the war, the mothership was left in S.H.I.E.L.D. for research by some scientists there. But, as you know, in the United States, everything has a price, as long as the price is paid enough, everything is fine. Bought it. So..."

Tony frowned, and proudly said: "This mothership is named Stark!"

"Of course, the price is not cheap. The research results of this mothership need to be shared with S.H.I.E.L.D. Those guys also know that with their scientific research strength, they can't research much useful things at all. Yes. At critical moments, you still have to rely on me, uh, me in this world."

"Woo!" Everyone booed, and they were very upset about Tony coming to show his superiority when he had nothing to do.But in any case, what Tony did did solve the most difficult part of the problem.

"Very well, with this mothership, we don't have to worry about going to aliens."

Steve began to arrange the gem acquisition plan:
"There are now two Infinity Stones on Earth, one Space Stone, in S.H.I.E.L.D. and the other Reality Stone, in the Ultimate Infinity Hall."

"If the plan goes well, we will steal these two gems first."

"If the plan fails, we will first go to Asgard to find Loki to get the Mind Gem, and then cross the star sea to Vormir and Morag to get the Power Gem and Soul Gem."

"After collecting all the alien infinite gems, return to the earth and use the power of the infinite gems to seize the remaining gems on the earth."

"I hope that the Supreme Master will keep his word in the end, otherwise, let's all prepare to work hard!"

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(End of this chapter)

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